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T-76.4115 Software Development Project I Customer Info 16.9.2008 Jari Vanhanen Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja –tuotannon laboratorio Software Business and.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.4115 Software Development Project I Customer Info 16.9.2008 Jari Vanhanen Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja –tuotannon laboratorio Software Business and."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.4115 Software Development Project I Customer Info 16.9.2008 Jari Vanhanen Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan ja –tuotannon laboratorio Software Business and Engineering Institute (SoberIT)

2 Agenda  16:15 – 16:55 Info for customers  general info  software development process  project’s evaluation  project topics  16:55 – 17:00 Break  17:00 – 19:00 Topic presentations  19:00 – 19:45 Free discussion between customers and students

3 Roles  Customer organization  provides the problem/system requirements  helps with technical issues  takes the responsibility of the system after the project  Project group  3 software engineering experts  project manager, QA manager, architect  4-6 developers  develops the software  Mentor  course personnel  ensures the fulfillment of the educational goals  helps with working methods

4 Educational goal To provide a context where students can try in practice several common SE methods and tools that they have previously studied in theory. Allow the students spend enough effort for this aspect of the project.

5 Support for the Projects from the Course  Process framework  Mentoring  Participation in iteration demos  Experience exchange sessions  Some sw&hw infrastructure  Grading and feedback

6 Software Process – Framework  Prepared by sw engineering teachers at SoberIT  Enforces certain good work practices and crucial documents  educational aspects included too  Allows lots of freedom (and responsibility) for customization

7 Software Process – Special Challenges  New team and organization -> process must be planned from scratch and communicated to everyone -> team spirit  Team members are not domain experts  understanding the true (and changing) user needs -> requirements engineering during the whole project  Physical and temporal distribution -> special care for communication and project visibility -> you can’t keep everything in your head-> documentation overhead  Software will be maintained by other people  after the delivery the group is not responsible for the system -> involving the customer’s technical people early -> high code quality

8 Software Process – Project Control Variables  Effort fixed  5-8 credits, 7-9 persons  27h/credit/person - ~15h spent before the project  -> 120-200h for project work + educational aspects  Calendar time fixed  project schedule with major control points such as iteration demos  Quality ”fixed”  high quality recommended  some alleviations to carefully selected quality aspects are allowed if that is what the customer really wants  Scope flexible  adjusted depending on the groups’ skills and knowledge of the problem domain

9 Software Process – Typical Effort Distribution

10 Software Process - Iterations

11 Software Process - Iteration Planning  Group and customer plan each iteration’s goals and deliverables  goals are higher level ideas of what is expected from the iteration  deliverables include software units and documents to be created/updated  Iteration planning meeting  customer selects and prioritizes iteration’s content based on  business importance  group’s effort allocation for the iteration  group’s rough effort estimates for implementing sw units  group’s estimates about architectural impact  Group concretizes goals and deliverables into required tasks  re-planning, if task effort estimates and allocated resources differ largely

12 Software Process – Iteration Demo  Arranged in the end of each iteration  21.-22.10., 9.-10.12., 3.-4.3.  exact times (8:00-19:00) published in early October  at SoberIT (Innopoli 2, 4th floor, Tekniikantie 14)  Participants  all project stakeholders + teacher, other personnel from SoberIT, Accenture  Group presents  project status (10-15 min)  iteration’s results including sw demo (20-25 min)  Customer evaluates the work performed  prepare in advance!  private discussion about the given points with the mentor after the demo  give comments about your evaluation to the group Tip! Arrange the next iteration planning meeting right after the iteration demo.

13 Software Process – Controlling the Projects  Arrange regular meetings  especially early in the project  Demand some regular, low overhead reporting  Give concrete feedback

14 Software Process – Project Management

15 Software Process – Requirements Engineering

16 Software Process – Design and Implementation

17 Software Process – Quality Assurance

18 Software Process – Required Documentation  Project plan  including QA plan and description of work practices  Requirements document  Technical specification*  User’s manual*  QA reports  Progress reports (a slide set for the iteration demos)  Final report  Course provides some document templates  their use is mandatory, but irrelevant topics can be omitted *the course sets no requirements on the content or format of these two documents

19 Infrastructure  Hardware  several computer classes at TKK  Maarintalo has some group work rooms (  Software  Microsoft MSDN AA  licenses for students’ own computers  Magic Draw Personal Edition UML tool  licenses for students’ own computers  TKK wiki, CVS, subversion, … Customer must provide other necessary hardware/software: e.g. servers, phones for testing, bug tracking tool, …

20 Evaluation – General  Customer evaluates  intermediate and final results, and slightly also working methods  mentor ensures the objectivity of the evaluations  realistic expectations  Mentor evaluates  working methods  Group members evaluate  personal contribution of the other group members

21 Evaluation – Iterations (Customer)

22 Evaluation – Project’s Results (customer)  Compare to the original/updated project goals

23 Customer Satisfaction 2004-05

24 Project Topics – Legal Issues  Intellectual property rights (IPR)  open source, or  customer gets IPRs  Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)  if required, must have been mentioned in the topic proposal  Contracts prepared by TKK lawyers  TKK companies  TKK students  Public documentation  except code and technical specs  if the customer requires NDA she must review documents before publication  Participation fee  external: 3000e + VAT  TKK: 1500e  TKK/T-dep: 0e  invoices sent in November

25 Project Topics – Selection Process  Students have formed 14 groups  3 SE experts + max. 3 developers  teacher adds more developers 19.9.  A group contacts 2-4 customers  Groups appreciate  customer’s commitment to the project  customer’s domain understanding  provided infrastructure  provided technical guidance  realistic description of the expected skills from the group  Customer can choose any of the interested groups  …if someone else didn’t already take them  If you get a group  inform the teacher and he will remove the topic from the list  If you don’t get a group by tomorrow  inform the teacher and he will highlight your topic on the list

26 Topic Presentations  Every 5 minutes  if the presentation lasts < 5 minutes you can take answer 1-2 short questions  longer discussions after 19:00  Next presenter to the stage while the previous one is answering questions

27 Topics

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