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C# Introduction ISYS 350. Visual Studio 2012 Demo Start page: New project/ Open project/Recent projects Starting project: File/New Project/ –C# –Windows.

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Presentation on theme: "C# Introduction ISYS 350. Visual Studio 2012 Demo Start page: New project/ Open project/Recent projects Starting project: File/New Project/ –C# –Windows."— Presentation transcript:

1 C# Introduction ISYS 350

2 Visual Studio 2012 Demo Start page: New project/ Open project/Recent projects Starting project: File/New Project/ –C# –Windows »Windows form application –Project name/Project folder Project windows: –Form design view/Form code view –Solution Explorer View/Solution Explorer –ToolBox –Property Window Properties and Events –Server Explorer –Project/Add New Item –Property window example

3 Introduction to C# Event-driven programming –The interface for a C# program consists of one or more forms, containing one or more controls (screen objects). –Form and controls have events that can respond to. Typical events include clicking a mouse button, type a character on the keyboard, changing a value, etc. –Event procedure

4 Form Properties: –Name, FormBorderStyle, Text, BackColor, BackImage, Opacity Events: –Load, FormClosing, FormClosed –GotFocus, LostFocus –MouseHover, Click, DoubleCLick

5 Common Controls TextBox Label Button CheckBox RadioButton ListBox ComboBox PictureBox

6 Text Box Properties: –BorderStyle, CauseValidation, Enabled, Locked, Multiline, PasswordChar, ReadOnly, ScrollBar, TabIndex, Text, Visible, WordWrap, etc. Properties can be set at the design time or at the run time using code. To refer to a property: –ControlName.PropertyName –Ex. TextBox1.Text –Note: The Text property is a string data type and automatically inherits the properties and methods of the string data type.

7 Typical C# Programming Tasks Creating the GUI elements that make up the application’s user interface. –Visualize the application. –Make a list of the controls needed. Setting the properties of the GUI elements Writing procedures that respond to events and perform other operations.

8 To Add an Event-Procedure 1. Select the Properties window 2. Click Events button 3. Select the event and double-click it. Note: Every control has a default event. Form: Load event Button control: Click event Textbox: Text Changed event –To add the default event procedure, simply double-click the control.

9 Demo FirstName LastName.Control properties.Event: Click, MouseMove, Form Load, etc..Event procedures FullName: textBox3.Text textBox3.Text = textBox1.Text + " " + textBox2.Text; Demo: Text alignment (TextBox3.TextAlign=HorizontalAlign.Right) TextBox3.BackColor=Color.Aqua; Show Full Name

10 Demo Num1 Num2 Compute Sum.Control properties.Event: Click, MouseMove, Form Load, etc..Event procedures Sum: textBox3.Text = (double.Parse(textBox1.Text) + double.Parse(textBox2.Text)).ToString(); In-Class lab: Show the product of Num1 and Num2.

11 C# Project The execution starts from the Main method which is found in the Program.cs file. – Solution/Program.cs – Contain the startup code Example: Application.Run(new Form1());

12 Variable Names A variable name identifies a variable Always choose a meaningful name for variables Basic naming conventions are: – the first character must be a letter (upper or lowercase) or an underscore (_) – the name cannot contain spaces – do not use C# keywords or reserved words Variable name is case sensitive

13 Declare a Variable C# is a strongly typed language. This means that when a variable is defined we have to specify what type of data the variable will hold. DataType VaraibleName; A C# statement ends with “;”

14 string DataType string Variables: Examples: string empName; string firstName, lastAddress, fullName; String concatenation: + Examples: fullName = firstName + lastName; MessageBox.Show(“Total is “ + 25.75);

15 Numeric Data Types int, double Examples: double mydouble=12.7, rate=0.07; int Counter = 0;

16 Inputting and Outputting Numeric Values Input collected from the keyboard are considered combinations of characters (or string literals) even if they look like a number to you A TextBox control reads keyboard input, such as 25.65. However, the TextBox treats it as a string, not a number. In C#, use the following Parse methods to convert string to numeric data types – int.Parse – double.Parse – Examples: int hoursWorked = int.Parse(hoursWorkedTextBox1.Text); double temperature = double.Parse(temperatureTextBox.Text); Note: We can also use the.Net’s Convert class methods: ToDouble, ToInt, ToDecimal: Example: hoursWorked = Convert.ToDouble(textBox1.Text);

17 Explicit Conversion between Numeric Data Types with Cast Operators C# allows you to explicitly convert among types, which is known as type casting You can use the cast operator which is simply a pair of parentheses with the type keyword in it int iNum1; double dNum1 = 2.5; iNum1 = (int) dNum1; Note: We can also use the.Net’s Convert class methods

18 Implicit conversion and explicit conversion int iNum1 = 5, iNum2 = 10; double dNum1 = 2.5, dNum2 = 7.0; dNum1 = iNum1 + iNum2; /*C# implicitly convert integer to double*/ iNum1 = (int) dNum1 * 2; /*from doulbe to integer requires cast operator*/

19 Performing Calculations Basic calculations such as arithmetic calculation can be performed by math operators OperatorName of the operatorDescription +AdditionAdds two numbers -SubtractionSubtracts one number from another *MultiplicationMultiplies one number by another /DivisionDivides one number by another and gives the quotient %ModulusDivides one number by another and gives the remainder Other calculations: Use Math class’s methods.

20 Example int dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder; dividend = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); divisor = int.Parse(textBox2.Text); quotient = dividend / divisor; remainder = dividend % divisor; textBox3.Text = quotient.ToString(); textBox4.Text = remainder.ToString(); Note: The result of an integer divided by an integer is integer. For example, 7/2 is 3, not 3.5.

21 Lab Exercise Enter length measured in inches in a textbox; then show the equivalent length measured in feet and inches. For example, 27 inches is equivalent to 2 feet and 3 inches.

22 Change Machine to Return Smallest Number of Coins int changes, quarters, dimes, nickles, pennies; changes = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); quarters = changes / 25; dimes = (changes % 25) / 10; nickles = (changes - quarters * 25 - dimes * 10) / 5; pennies = changes - quarters * 25 - dimes * 10 - nickles * 5; textBox2.Text = quarters.ToString(); textBox3.Text = dimes.ToString(); textBox4.Text = nickles.ToString(); textBox5.Text = pennies.ToString();

23 FV = PV * (1 +Rate) Year double pv, rate, years, fv; pv = double.Parse(textBox1.Text); rate = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); years = double.Parse(textBox3.Text); fv = pv*Math.Pow(1 + rate, years); textBox4.Text = fv.ToString();

24 Formatting Numbers with the ToString Method The ToString method can optionally format a number to appear in a specific way The following table lists the “format strings” and how they work with sample outputs Format String DescriptionNumberToString()Result “N” or “n”Number format12.3ToString(“n3”)12.300 “F” or “f”Fixed-point scientific format123456.0ToString("f2")123456.00 “E” or “e”Exponential scientific format123456.0ToString("e3")1.235e+005 “C” or “c”Currency format-1234567.8ToString("C")($1,234,567.80) “P” or “p”Percentage format.234ToString("P")23.40%

25 Working with DateTime Data Declare DateTime variable: – Example: DateTime mydate; Convert date entered in a textbox to DateTime data: – Use Convert: mydate = Convert.ToDateTime(textBox1.Text); – Use DateTime class Parse method: mydate = DateTime.Parse(textBox1.Text); DateTime variable’s properties and methods

26 DateTime Example DateTime myDate; myDate = DateTime.Parse(textBox1.Text); MessageBox.Show(myDate.ToLongDateString());

27 Comments Line comment: // // my comment Block comment: /* …… */ /* comment 1 Comment 2 … Comment n */

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