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Chapter 8: Writing Graphical User Interfaces

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1 Chapter 8: Writing Graphical User Interfaces
Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

2 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Objectives Learn about the GUI classes in VB .NET Understand the code generated by the Windows Form Designer Explore GUI design principles Review forms, buttons, and labels Handle events Work with additional GUI controls Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

3 Introducing the GUI Classes in VB .NET
Form class Member of System.Windows.Forms namespace Used to implement a window GUI classes take advantage of inheritance Most are subclasses of Control class Inheritance Class of objects takes on characteristics of another class and extends them Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

4 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

5 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

6 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

7 Understanding the Code Generated by the Windows Form Designer
Use drag-and-drop features of Windows Form Designer to create GUIs Visual programming consists of: Creating a form Setting its properties Adding components Setting component properties Adding event handling code Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

8 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Understanding the Code Generated by the Windows Form Designer (continued) VB .NET generates code that handles details of form design Called class definition Specifies attributes and methods that make form work Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

9 Exploring the FormDemo Program
Class definition Begins with class header Ends with End Class statement Class keyword Identifies first line of code as class header Followed by class name Public keyword Class can be used by anyone Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

10 Exploring the FormDemo Program (continued)
Inherits keyword Indicates name of superclass When working in IDE: Most generated code collapsed under heading “Windows Form Designer generated code” Begins with #Region directive Ends with #End Region directive View by clicking expand node Generated code is complex Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

11 Exploring the FormDemo Program (continued)
Constructor Special method Automatically invoked when instance of class is created Windows Form Designer provides default constructor for each form Method is named New Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

12 Exploring the FormDemo Program (continued)
MyBase keyword Refers to superclass of current object MyBase.New( ) calls superclass constructor Dispose method Destructor Releases system resources Container Object that holds other components Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

13 Exploring the FormDemo Program (continued)
Friend keyword Specifies that object is accessible only within files that compose application WithEvents keyword Control instance may be source of events Events will be handled by methods that include Handles controlName.eventName clause Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

14 Exploring the FormDemo Program (continued)
Private keyword Indicates that method is accessible only within own class Me keyword Refers to current object Parameter list Identifies variables that receive values when method invoked Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

15 Exploring GUI Design Principles
Many standards that guide creative process of user interface design Basic principles include: Creating consistent look and feel Ensuring ease of use Minimizing data entry errors Providing feedback to users Adhering to standard naming conventions Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

16 Creating a Consistent Look and Feel
Style and appearance of form Includes choice of colors and fonts for various controls Key design goal Provide consistent look and feel as user moves among various forms Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

17 Ensuring Ease of Use and Minimizing Data-Entry Errors
Purpose of each control and layout of form should be intuitive Placement and grouping of controls should be logical Form should appear uncluttered Good practice: Design input forms to minimize required keystrokes Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

18 Providing Feedback to the User
Provide feedback to user When certain actions have been completed To inform user when data entry errors have occurred Present feedback in consistent manner Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

19 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Naming Conventions Adhering to set of naming conventions Improves program readability Facilitates program maintenance Assign meaningful variable names Change Name property for each control Variable name should reflect both Type of control Purpose of control Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

20 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

21 Reviewing Forms, Buttons, and Labels
All GUI components with visual representation are subclasses of Control class Control class is a subclass of Component class Set many properties in Properties window Can also manipulate properties through code in event handlers Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

22 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

23 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

24 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Handling Events To create event handling procedure: Double-click control in Forms Designer window VB .NET places method header in Code window Add statements that handle event Code is added to most commonly used event handler for control Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

25 Handling Events (continued)
Alternate method for adding event-handling code: Press F7 to open Code window Select class name from Class Name list box Select event from Method Name list box Add statements that handle event Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

26 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

27 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

28 Working with Additional GUI Controls
Other commonly used controls: Text boxes Combo boxes Check boxes Radio buttons List boxes Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

29 Using Text Boxes and Combo Boxes
Used to display textual information Enable inputting of text from keyboard Combo box Extends functionality of text box Provides ability to select item from predetermined list of values Can also type value Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

30 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

31 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

32 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

33 Using Check Boxes and Radio Buttons
Check boxes and radio buttons provide ability to select from options States: Checked/Selected Unchecked/Not selected Check box Appears as small white box Usually includes label that identifies purpose Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

34 Using Check Boxes and Radio Buttons (continued)
Appear as small white circles Have captions that identify purpose Group of radio buttons Represents set of related options Options are mutually exclusive Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

35 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

36 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

37 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

38 Using List Boxes and Checked List Boxes
Provide ability to select one or more items from predetermined list of values List box Select one or more items from list Checked list boxes Include check box to left of each item in list Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

39 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

40 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

41 Example 8-5: The Fast Food Menu Program
For Each statement Similar to For Next Loops through a collection of items Specifies: Variable Collection Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

42 Programming Example: ABC Computers
Input Type of processor Operating system Peripherals desired State of residence Output Order summary Total cost Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

43 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

44 Programming Example: ABC Computers (continued)
Main Algorithm Define cost variables at the class level Create an event handler for each control that captures data from the user When the user selects an option from one of the GUI controls, let the event handler for that control: Determine the price of that option Calculate total cost and display the order summary Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

45 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Summary VB .NET generates a class definition Specifies attributes and methods that make forms work Generated code collapsed under heading “Windows Form Designer generated code” Generated code is complex Constructor Special method automatically invoked when instance of class is created Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

46 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Summary (continued) Container Object that holds other components Look and feel Style and appearance of form Use standards to ensure consistent look and feel Follow naming conventions for controls Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

47 Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design
Summary (continued) Form components include: Text box Combo box Check box Radio button List box Checked list box Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

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