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Web Application Development Muhammad Ali.  The Problem  Changing the Content of Page Dynamically  Efficient Utilization of Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Application Development Muhammad Ali.  The Problem  Changing the Content of Page Dynamically  Efficient Utilization of Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Application Development Muhammad Ali

2  The Problem  Changing the Content of Page Dynamically  Efficient Utilization of Resources

3  The Solution  How?  Scripting Languages

4  Interpreted Languages  Purpose  “Automate tasks within a particular software environment”  JavaScript  VBScript  JScript

5  Case Sensitive  X != x  Few Snapshots from History  Developed by Brendan Eich (Netscape 2.0)  How the Name was Coined? ▪ LiveScript ▪ Renamed to JavaScript (Dec 1995 ) ▪ Marketing Tactics ▪ Similarity with Java (& C++)  Standardization Efforts ▪ ECMAScript

6 Communication XHTMLCSS JavaScript Flash Java Silverlight

7 Communication HTMLCSS JavaScript Flash Silverlight Java

8 Communication HTMLCSS JavaScript Flash Silverlight Java

9 Communication HTMLCSS JavaScript Flash Silverlight Java

10 Communication HTMLCSS JavaScript Flash Silverlight Java

11  How to add JavaScript?  &  Inclusion Methods ▪ Same File (HTML File) ▪ External File (JS File) ~ Preferred Approach

12 alert("Hello World!");

13 alert("Hello World!"); Please enable JavaScript!

14 <!-- alert("Hello World!"); // --> Please enable JavaScript!

15  alert  prompt  confirm

16  Number  1  2.3  String  “a string”  Boolean  true  false

17  Name it and Have it!  Use ‘var’ to declare variables!  Examples var num1 = 1; var num2 = 2.3; var str = “A String”; var anyVar; // undefined

18  String Type  To append to strings var str1 = “abc”; var str2 = “def”; var strResult = str1 + str2;  What about var result = “1” + 2; And var result = “1” - 2; And var someVar ; // No initialization alert(someVar);

19  Boolean Type  false ▪ false, undefined, null, 0, NaN, “” (empty string)  true ▪ Any other value is considered as true ▪ true, “abc”, 1, …

20  alert(typeof (1));  number  alert(typeof(“abc”));  alert(typeof(“1”));  alert(typeof(true));

21  parseInt  Converts a string to an integer number var integerNumber = parseInt(“12”);  parseFloat  Converts a string to a float number var floatNumber = parseFloat(“12.12”);  Converting a Number to a String?

22  Loops  For Loop for (start; stop; step) { action } Example for (var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i) { alert(i); }

23  While Loop boolean someCondition = true; while (someCondition) { // Do something }

24  Do-While Loop boolean someCondition = true; do { // Do something } while (someCondition);

25 Different forms  if (expr) { // Do something }

26  if (expr) { // Do something } else { // Do something }

27 if (expr) { // Do something } else if (expr) { // Do something } else { // Do something }

28 switch (expr) { case value1: break; case value2: break; case valueN: break; default: break; } switch (grade) { case “A”: break; case “B”: break; case “C”: break; default: break; }

29  Objects ▪ “An object in JavaScript is a set of properties, each of which consists of a unique name and a value belonging to one of JavaScript’s six data types” ▪ NO Classes in JavaScript! ▪ Class-Like features. var obj = new Object(); obj.Test = “Some Value”; alert(obj.Test); // Some Value delete obj.Test; alert(obj.Test); // undefined

30  Enumerating Properties for (var aProperty in obj) { alert(aProperty + “ is a property of obj”); }  Displays Test is a property of obj

31  Accessing Properties  obj[“Test”] = “someValue”; for (var aProperty in obj) { alert(aProperty + “ has value:” + obj[aProperty]); }

32 var str = new String(“This is a string”); var str = new String("abcdef"); var ch = str.charAt( 0 ); var index = str.indexOf("b", 0 ); if (index > 0 ) alert("Found at index: " + index); else alert("Not Found!");

33  split(separater, limit)  toLowerCase()  toUpperCase()

34  What’s an Array?  var ar1 = new Array();  var ar1 = new Array(5);  var ar2 = new Array(4, true, “OK”);  var ar3 = [4, true, “OK”];  var twoDimAr = [ [ “X”, “O”, “O”], [ “O”, “X”, “O”], [ “O”, “X”, “O”] ];

35  Access an Element at Index ‘i’  ar[i] = 12;  alert(ar[3]);

36  toString  splice  reverse  length  push

37  Math  abs, ceil, floor, round, random, …  Trigonometric, logarithmic, etc  Date  Dates before January 1, 1970 are not supported

38  Action  Event  Handling (Also called as handler)  Function

39 function anyFunction() { alert(“Inside anyFunction”); } function sum(num1, num2) { return num1 + num2; }

40 function calculateGrade(marks) { if (marks >= 90 && marks <= 100) { return “A”; } else if (marks >= 80) { return “B”; } else if (marks >= 70) { return “Pass”; }

41  API (Application Programming Interface)  For how JavaScript Programs can access and manipulate the HTML Document  DOM Standardization

42 ▪ DOM – 1 (1998) ▪ Complete model for an entire HTML or XML document, including means to change any portion of the document. ▪ DOM-2 (late 2000) ▪ getElementById ▪ Event model ▪ CSS ▪ DOM-3 ▪ Xpath ▪ Keyboard Event Handling

43 source: wikipedia

44 source: wikipedia


46 source: wikipedia

47 source: wikipedia

48 History source: w3schools

49 Location source: w3schools

50 source: w3schools

51 source: w3schools

52  Detecting Browser Version  navigator.appName  navigator.appVersion  navigator.userAgent

53 My Title My link My header

54 Source:

55  getElementByTagId  getElementsByTagName  Traverse the DOM Tree

56  function addElement() { var newdiv = document.createElement(“div”); newdiv.setAttribute(“id”,”myDiv”); newdiv.innerHTML = “Element added!”; }

57 function removeElement(divToRemove) { var parentDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv'); parentDiv.removeChild(divToRemove); }

58 var button = window.getElementById(“msgButton”); button.addEventListener(“click”, sayHello, false); function sayHello() { window.alert(“Hello”); }

59  removeEventListener  The event listener will no longer exist!

60  Quirksmode - DOM Traversal [ ]  w3schools - DOM Tutorials [ ]  MREDKJ - DOM Tutorials [ ]

61  Sets the timeout for the function  var tid = setTimeout("timedCount()", 1000);  Clears the timout  clearTimeout(tid);

62  Breakpoints  Call Stack  Watch & Inspect  Step-into, Step-over, Step-out


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