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Malaysia - The Ultimate Tourist Destination Project Overview.

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1 Malaysia - The Ultimate Tourist Destination Project Overview

2 "Since time immemorial, Malaysia has welcomed visitors from foreign lands. In modern times, the tourism industry in Malaysia officially began when a department was opened in the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 1959.” - YBM Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor Minister of Tourism, Malaysia Source:

3 Goal of the Project Devise strategies to increase the number of tourists in Malaysia. Conduct research on interesting places taking into account the rich culture, heritage, crafts, cuisine etc. Propose tour plan in a contest where the best would showcase their ideas to the Ministry of Tourism.

4 Brainstorm … What makes a country unique?

5 Discuss... Why is Malaysia unique?

6 As Promotion Managers in the Department of Tourism, Malaysia. Your Role …

7 Your Task… Develop tour plan to promote Malaysia as an attractive tourist place in the region. Answer the question: –How can we promote Malaysia to the world?

8 Work in groups of five. Refer and use the planning template to plan out the strategies. Refer to the research journal to select the best tourism destinations. Take points from the guest lecture of a travel agent to propose an interesting and economic tour package. Promote the tour package. How do you do it?

9 Your final product… A multimedia presentation –To emphasise the beauty and uniqueness of Malaysia as well as its rich tradition and cultures. –Tour plan to promote Malaysia as an ultimate tourist destination and to convince the Ministry of Tourism to accept the travel package to promote tourism in Malaysia. A Brochure –To promote the travel package

10 Research Testimony Internet Cite resources Look into the authenticity of information Get the latest information Books Cite resources Look for the latest books

11 Refer to these support materials… Planning template Research Journal Multimedia rubric Brochure rubric Brochure guidelines Progress checklist

12 Rules of the Contest… You will deliver an oral presentation in the contest. Use the miniatures to showcase to the participants the key destinations identified by your group. Your presentation must be supported with multimedia slides that propose ways to promote Malaysia as a tourist place in the region. It should emphasise on the beauty and uniqueness of Malaysia as well as its rich tradition and cultures. A brochure that highlights a travel package in Malaysia should be distributed during the presentation. Remember, your presentation should be well rehearsed and professional.

13 Assessment… A presentation rubric will be used to assess your entire presentation. Your brochure will be assessed by brochure rubric. A progress checklist is given to help you gauge the progress of your project.

14 Come, Let’s make Malaysia - The Ultimate Tourist Destination

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