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Published byAustin Walters Modified over 9 years ago
Welcome to FACT #2 About Teacher Inquiry Article Quick SCAN Read
Highlight items of interest Discuss at tables Opening activity: Participants receive a copy of the article as they enter with directions to quickly scan and highlight something interesting from the article. We’ll share out for 2-3 minutes when we get to quote slide (#2).
Value of Inquiry Engaging in inquiry is at the heart of improving professional practice. Inquiry invites the learner to design a question and to develop a study or investigation to explore and make discoveries in the search for new understandings.” -New Teacher Center 2008 1. Have on display as group shares out insights from article. 2. Allow 2-3 minutes for sharing.
CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guides INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE Teacher Preparation Information CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Informal Classroom Observation Selection of Focus for Induction Standards Program Level Decision Assessment Toolbox / Reflective Conversation INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Inquiry Focus and Number /Year Program Level Decision Return to Context for Teaching and Initial Assessment Review the big picture, what we’ve accomplished and what we’re about to do. Address the Objective poster (Session outcomes) Define Inquiry – Remind about college experience with research; in this case their inquiry is an investigation into something about their teaching practice that they really want to know about. “The Inquiry cycle begins with the IIP.” Assessment Toolbox / Reflective Conversation SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study Use of Summary of Teaching Practice In Year 1 Program Level Decision 3 3 Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Summary of Teaching Practice -Module D
Individual Induction Plan
IIP Action Plan (Steps/Results) PD/Research 1. For Yr 1 – Introduce the idea of an IIP, more explanation comes later. 2. For Yr 2 – Explain that the IIP is now more important; it’s not a “fill it out and file it” document any more. 3. “Let’s look at how the IIP fits into the Inquiry cycle.”
1. “The Inquiry cycle reflects the Plan, Teach, Reflect and Apply model that is one of the foundations of the BTSA Induction program. This diagram links the documents in the Inquiry process with the Inquiry Cycle.” 2. Describe the cycle and link to PTRA and the Inquiry module. Make the connection with how the IIP becomes the central document that drives teacher development and captures the process along the way.
Handout Pg. 4 Step One: I Inquiry Focus P Review Evidence Frame a
Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Review Evidence Frame a question Expected Results Connect with CSTP Plan and implement Ask participants to find this page in their handouts. Arrows will drop down 1 by 1. Clarify the language of cells and boxes to eliminate confusion. “This is what goes in the boxes/cells, more detail later.” 1 - Review evidence of practice (Cell 1) 2 - Frame an Inquiry Question (Cell 2) 3 - Connect with CSTPs (Cell 3) 4 - Identify anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning. (Cell 4) 5 - Design a plan and determine professional development activities (Cells 5, 6) 6 - Implement learning in your classroom (Cells 7, 8) 7 - Reflect for future practice (Cells 9, 10) Record and Reflect on Results Reflect for future
Year Two = Special Populations ECO = 1-Equity, 2-EL & Spec Pops
Pedagogy and . . . Year One = Equity Year Two = Special Populations ECO = 1-Equity, 2-EL & Spec Pops New Year 2 = (Individualized) 1. “Let’s begin filling in your IIP.” 2. Review the focus areas and ask PTs to write in their own on IIP at end of Handout packet. 3. “If you are a new Yr 2 and don’t remember your focus areas, leave it blank and you’ll get that info when you get your Inquiry folder later in the presentation.”
Cell 1 Together with your SP review and discuss:
MYC Inquiry Ques. HO Cell 1 Together with your SP review and discuss: Self-Assessment Results (from Initial Assessment Module) E-3 Class Profile (from Context for Teaching) A-1 Notes from Mid Year Check Inquiry Question handout In cell 1 write your area of interest. 1. Bullets will drop in one at a time. PTs will be addressing Cell 1 on their IIP. 2. “While you discuss E-3 and A-1, we will distribute your Mid Year Check Inquiry Question handout.”
Cell 2 Framing Handout MYC Inquiry Ques. HO CSTP Booklets Sample IIPs
1. “Put the IIP aside for the moment, while we address the Inquiry question.” 2. Introduce the sentence frame for developing an inquiry question. Discuss the parts and characteristics of a well written focus question. 3. Remind SPs that they learned how to use CSTP booklets as a resource for writing an Inquiry question. 4. Distribute the Framing Handout and the sample IIPs. Ask participants to use their handout to either revise or craft a draft of an inquiry question. 5. Remind them that they will need to ultimately make a link between their inquiry question and the Induction Standard focus area of their Inquiry. 6. Ask for volunteers to share out inquiry questions as a help for those still struggling. 7. “Write your inquiry question on the Framing Handout (not IIP), make sure your name is on it, then give to Betty/Theresa. They will make sure that you are heading in the right direction from the get-go. Now remember, the Inquiry cycle is meant to be flexible, so making changes down the road is ok.”
CSTP Booklets Cell 3 Make a connection between your Inquiry question and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs). In Cell 3, write the standard number and element of the CSTP that supports your Inquiry question. 1. “While Betty/Theresa review the Inquiry question, let’s return to the IIP, specifically Cell 3.” 2. “The next step in the IIP is to make a connection between your inquiry question and the CSTPs.” 3. Their Initial Assessment module provided them with an entry level assessment. Their Inquiry Module will give them the opportunity to focus on specific standards and then to re-assess their growth at the end of the inquiry cycle.
Cell 4 Measurable Outcomes
Determine how completing your inquiry will result in improved student learning. What data will you collect? Will you need multiple types of data to answer your inquiry question? Student engagement data Student achievement data “Before you can determine your students’ learning outcomes, you need to first decide the unit of study you will cover during the Inquiry. Let’s take five minutes for you and your SP to talk about the possibilities.” 2. Points to consider: Part of the inquiry process includes data collection. As part of the inquiry, PTs select an academic content areas to focus on and will need to determine what data they will collect over the course of the inquiry. At minimum, data collection will include entry level assessment data, progress monitoring and summative assessment data. For Cell 4, PTs discuss what they anticipate the impact of improving their teaching will have on the academic performance of their students. 3. “What data do you already have? What site/district assessments am I required to do that may fit into this process?”
Examples of Measurable Outcomes
Time on task observation data Student surveys District assessments Unit assessments Rubric-based assessments 1. Review list and solicit suggestions
Step One: I Inquiry Focus P Step Two: Action Plan Step One Documents:
IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Action Plan 1. “Approved” inquiry questions should be returned to participants at this time for the next step. 2. “If everyone could have their “approved” Inquiry question and their Mid-Year Check Inquiry Question handout in front of them, then we’re ready to move ahead to the next step.” 3. “During this Step, participating teachers and support providers will begin developing their Action Plan. This plan will document new learning and classroom application.” 4. While completing IIP (C-1, cells 5-8), the participating teacher continually documents actions taken over the course of Inquiry. Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 13 13
MYC Inquiry Question HO
Cells 5 & 6 MYC Inquiry Question HO Action Plan What actions will you need to take to address your Inquiry question? (6-8 weeks) Review your PD ideas from MYC Inquiry Ques. HO Make a list in Cell 6 Identify which action on the list will fit for the required 2 hrs./Inquiry of PD Review criteria for PD and options/Rationale Fill in Cell 5 only when the actions are completed. 1. Draw attention to the cells on the IIP that address the Action Plan. Review the points on the slide about cell 5 – this is a change from last year for Year 2s. 2. “Before you list the actions you will take during your Inquiry, let’s take a look at new criteria for Professional Development.”
Professional Development
Handout Pg. 5-6 Review the criteria for PD and suggested options Review the PD Rationale PTs will need to complete a PD Rationale and submit it as part of their Inquiry folder in May “Turn to pg. 5-6 in handout.” 2. Review the criteria for PD (on handout) For Year 2s - Explain how different this is from the previous experiences with PD in the program. 3. “You can see from looking at the broad list of PD activities that we are honoring the types of collaborative work that teachers actually engage in.” 4. Highlight the last option that addresses attending a seminar and describe how that would look as an item on their Action Plan. Make note of the need for only 2 hours to be included that can be split over more than one action item. If the 2 hours is split, a rationale is needed for each item. 5. Make sure that PTs understand the expectations for the Rationale and that it is a document that goes into the Inquiry folder.
Back to Cell 6 Work with your SP to list the research activities you think you might need for this Inquiry. You may be adding or deleting from this list as you progress. 1. “Now let’s take a few minutes to fill in cell 6 of your IIP.” 2. Allow 5 minutes for PTs and SPs to work on this cell.
Cells 7 & 8 In Cell 6 you document an action that helps you gain new knowledge for your Inquiry. In Cell 7 you record how you applied this knowledge in your classroom. In Cell 8 you record the results of that application. 1. “This information can be recorded at any time during the Inquiry process.” Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 17 17
Step One: I Inquiry Focus P Step Two: Step Three: Preparing for
Step One Documents: IIP Cells 1-4 Step One: Inquiry Focus INQUIRY Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection I P Step Two Documents: IIP Cells 5-8 Step Two: Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template 1. “We’re now in step three, which focuses specifically on instruction. Hopefully you brought these documents with you, either printed or on your laptop.” 18
Review Essential Components for Instruction (C-2)
Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Review Essential Components for Instruction (C-2) Is related to the entire lesson series “Ok, now pull out or up C-2.” 2. “Take a moment to look this over, with the understanding that this information is relating to the entire lesson series, not just one lesson.” 3. “This document allows them to demonstrate that you use the lesson planning process to meet the needs of all your students.” Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 19 19
Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template For the purposes of your Inquiry you will need Entry Level, Progress Monitoring, and Summative Assessments for the content you select. With your table group, discuss several examples for each type of assessment. Be prepare to share out a couple of examples for each. 1. “The Inquiry requires 3 different types of assessment. Support Providers you are in the consulting role now and sharing your knowledge of assessment with the PTs.” 2. Allow 3 minutes for discussion and 2 minutes to share out. 3. This discussion should result in a smorgasbord of different entry-level assessment ideas. Encourage participants to take notes on the ideas shared, to help enhance the future dialogue with their participating teachers.
Review C-3 Entry Level Assessment
Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Review C-3 Entry Level Assessment What type of Entry Level Assessment might you use as part of your inquiry? 1. “The entry level assessment is the first step in determining how to address the needs of all your students. C-3 is where you will record the student assessment results and reflect on what they need in order to advance.” Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 21 21
Select 1 English Learner Select 1 Special Population student
Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template Select 1 English Learner Select 1 Special Population student (IEP, RSP, 504, GATE, ) Select 1 Focus Student of Choice (Should complete the range of abilities in the classroom not represented by EL or Special Populations) Remind participants that identifying and understanding the special needs in the classroom is the first step to effectively differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students. Allow time for clarifying questions. “Refer to A-1 for help in identifying your focus students.” Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 22 22
The Lesson Plan Template (C-5) includes these essential components:
Step Three: Preparing for Instruction Step Three Documents: C-2 Essential Components C-3 Entry Level Assessment C-4 Focus Students C-5 Lesson Plan Template The Lesson Plan Template (C-5) includes these essential components: Introduction Direct Instruction Modeled Instruction Guided Practice / Checking For Understanding Independent Practice 1. “You will submit 5 lesson plans (C-5s). Each one will cover one lesson taught during the Inquiry. The 5 lessons should not be consecutive (not Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday).” 2. “This is where the Essential Components you wrote about in C-2 come to life in the lesson plan.” Copyright © Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) – Pilot Documents / Inquiry Module C 23 23
Criteria for Lesson Series
PT Submits 5 lessons for review Criteria for Lesson Series Same content area for all lessons Cover 3-4 week timeframe (with beginning, middle, end of series) Allow for application of learning from professional development in Action Plan One lesson must include use of technology 1. “Submitting lessons from the beginning, middle, and end of your series allows time to assign and analyze student work, and after reflection modify your lesson to meet your student needs.” 2. “This follows the PTRA – plan, teach, reflect, apply cycle.”
I P Step Four: Step Five: Summative Assessment Step Six:
INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection Step Four Documents: Review: C2, C4, C5 C6: Observation Record Standard 5/6 Observation C7: Student Work Analysis IIP: Cells 5-8 Step Four: I P Step Six Documents: E-2.1 CSTP Self Assessment E-2.2 Std. 5/6 Self-Assessment E-3 Reflective Conversation IIP Cells 1-10 Step Six: Reflection and Application Step Five Documents: C8: Summative Assessment Step Five: Summative Assessment 1. “We’ve covered the first 3 steps of the Inquiry and we’ll cover the next three at FACT #3. As an overview, step 4 covers the observation, step 5 is the summative assessment, and step 6 has you reflect and revisit your self assessment from the toolbox.” 2. Remind them how to request subs for the observations, only through Barbara.
Inquiry Folders Review the Inquiry folders
Inside pages – the language of the Standard (s) and the method of demonstration In the C documents be sure to use the language of the Induction Standards Back page – Submission checklist Other: items will be addressed at Dist. #3 1. Provide time to pass out the Inquiry Folders. 2. Lead PTs through an explanation of the folders: Replaces the Portfolio Links formative assessment with completion requirements The way the program determines completion in order to file for a Clear credential Inside of folders contain Standards “chunked” for ease, along with alignment of FACT documents that will be the way the “meet” Standards. Point out that documents appear in multiple places and remind them to review the language of the standard as they complete their documents to match with the expectations of the Standards. Highlight the back page that organizes items to be turned in IN ORDER – some from work already completed. NOTE: Conversation Guides need to be revisited to be sure the Contextualizing and Extending areas are addressed for the Focus Area. Review “Other” items and mention that they will be addressed fully in Dist. #3 – information is available on
Sample Inquiry Schedule
Handout pg. 8 Review the sample schedule What questions do you have about the Inquiry module? 1. Review and Answer questions
Before you go . . . Documents on
Other resources from EBBIC IMTC workshops on March 5th and 10th ( Barbara if you’re interested) Session Evaluation Provide time for completing the session evaluation. 2. Go to next slide while the teachers complete evals.
It’s really very simple . . .
Plan your work and work your plan. ~Mary Kay Ash 1. Leave up while teachers complete evaluations.
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