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Board of European Students of Technology by Tim Govaert President of XXI Board 2008/2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Board of European Students of Technology by Tim Govaert President of XXI Board 2008/2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Board of European Students of Technology by Tim Govaert President of XXI Board 2008/2009

2 Agenda BEST in general Services Structure Achievements of the year Partners Questions

3 BEST Board of European Students of Technology Non-profit Non-representative Non-political Volunteer student organisation founded in 1989 Our target group... Students of Technology

4 BEST 30 countries 81 universities 2 600 active members Reaching 1 000 000 students all over Europe 1 000 companies involved in all BEST events

5 BEST Students UniversitiesCompanies Events of Education BEST Courses BEST Career Support Internal events BEST Courses Internal events

6 Services for students Complementary Education Career Support Educational Involvement

7 Complementary education Technical courses – 100 each year Engineering competitions – 3000 students Intense cooperation with companies High quality label and credits given by universities Continuous experience since 1991

8 Career support Multinational companies announcing Jobs Internships Special projects Online CV database – over 13000 CVs Informal contact between companies and Students

9 Educational Involvement Giving input in the development of engineering education States European Commission Students BEST/EduCo Higher Education Conferences / thematic networks Events on Education Questionnaires Students views on their involvement in Engineering Education Development

10 President Secretary Treasurer Structure Local BEST Groups VP Internal Support VP External Services VP Local Group Sup. Board 6 Committees Training Group Corporate Relations Marketing IT Systems Coordination of external events Educational Involvement

11 Achievements of the year European BEST Engineering Competition Media relations Marketing Strategy Training and technical trainers

12 Partners Corporate Partners Career Support Partners Supporters

13 Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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