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The Passive Engineer Author: Professional Training Company Presenter: Harrison Chang June 18, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The Passive Engineer Author: Professional Training Company Presenter: Harrison Chang June 18, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Passive Engineer Author: Professional Training Company Presenter: Harrison Chang June 18, 2007

2 What is Passive Voice? Active Voice: When the subject is the actor of the verb. Passive Voice: When the subject is the target of the verb Example: –Active: The cat ate the mouse. –Passive: The mouse was eaten by the cat.

3 Why Use Passive Voice? 3 Reasons –The Passive Sounds Objective Objectivity is based on our thinking and our choice of actions. Good and honest work on analyzing and collecting data is objective. Work that is done in a sloppy manner and/or ‘cooked’ up is not objective. Writers cannot rectify slanted or inadequate work by using the passive construction. –Using ‘I’ or ‘We’ sounds Unprofessional The passive construction is a convenient way to avoid taking responsibility. –The Passive Emphasizes Results Professional reports emphasize results and the objects of actions, therefore scientific and technical report writing often requires using the passive voice.

4 When it is Acceptable to Use Passive Voice Emphasis on Results –Active: Our clients followed to our recommendation. –Passive: Our recommendation was followed by our clients. –Note: Emphasis shifted from ‘our clients’ to ‘our recommendations’. When the Sentence Does Not Need an Actor –When the actor is not important –When the actor is unknown –When you do not wish to name the actor

5 When Not to Use Passive Voice When You Write Instructions –Instructions must focus on the action and indicate the actor –Passive: Static-sensitive components are stored in protective enclosures. –Active/ Imperative: Store static-sensitive components in protective enclosures. When ‘it’ is the Subject of the Passive Verb –Using ‘it’ as the subject rarely clarifies anything –Passive: It is recommended that this new policy be instituted at once. –Active: We recommend instituting this new policy at once. –Imperative: Institute this new policy at once.

6 Summary What? –Passive voice is when the subject is the target of the verb Why? –The Passive Sounds Objective –Using ‘I’ or ‘We’ sounds Unprofessional –The Passive Emphasizes Results When? –Acceptable Emphasis on Results When the Sentence Does Not Need an Actor –Unacceptable When Writing Instructions When ‘it’ is the Subject of the Passive Verb

7 Questions and Comments?

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