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Brand identity refresh January 2015 Jenny Lynch – Head of Brand.

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Presentation on theme: "Brand identity refresh January 2015 Jenny Lynch – Head of Brand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brand identity refresh January 2015 Jenny Lynch – Head of Brand

2 Our new brand identity The world of work is changing, so are we Our visual brand should express our purpose “Championing better work and working lives” We spoke to branch chairs, members at ACE, centres delivering our qualifications and our staff – this informed the new designs we chose We went through LOTS (!) of design alternatives, and selected the one that best reflected our purpose and future strategic priorities

3 Chosen route: Dialogue At CIPD our purpose is to champion better work and working lives This means we have a voice, promote dialogue and lead the debate for HR, Learning and Development By doing this we make a lasting impact on the issues that matter in the world of work and working lives








11 Refreshing our brand voice

12 Recapping on the brand The brand doesn’t just encompass our visual expression but the written and spoken word too

13 We’re the CIPD — the professional body for HR and people development. We are the voice of a worldwide community of more than 135,000 members committed to championing better work and working lives.

14 Communications model 1 Outcome: What do I want to happen as a result? 2 Audience: Who is my reader, what do they want to know? 3 Content: What to say and not to say? 4 Tone: How to say it to create the conversation you want 5 Edit: Check your writing. Can you say it more concisely?

15 Finding our voice

16 Finding our voice.....through our values

17 We have clear goals, we don’t sit on the fence and we finish what we start. That takes conviction and determination, which comes through in language that’s assured, positive, forward-looking and focused on outcomes.

18 We’re responsive and we think on our feet. So we don’t waste our words: we say what we’re going to do and we do it. That’s why we use the active voice and talk in terms of actions rather than things.

19 We’re united and know we’re better together. We’re willing to step into our readers’ shoes; to see their perspective. Our empathy is evident in the inclusive, conversational way we speak, and the way our words create pictures that give everyone a shared view.

20 We know our stuff and we have a point of view. We believe an expert is one who can make specialist knowledge useful to others. So we’re always asking: can this be made simpler? It comes through in language that’s clear, precise and evidence-based. We get straight to the point and refuse to hide behind jargon.

21 Purposeful

22 How to sound purposeful Focus on outcomes Ask: What do I want to happen? What do I want my audience to do, think and feel? Once you’re clear about outcomes, use them to guide everything you say.

23 How to sound purposeful Talk about the future Use future-focused words and phrases to talk about what will be. When you’re talking about the past (e.g. for an annual review or past conference) make connections with the future.

24 How to sound purposeful Say it with conviction Show that you’re confident about what you say: don’t be too tentative don’t be too confident if you can’t show it be positive

25 Example: saying it with conviction Before We hope to demonstrate that… It’s advisable to bring a change of clothes We’re passionately committed to the principle of treating people fairly We cannot proceed until…

26 Agile

27 How to sound agile Choose active language Make it clear who’s doing what in a sentence, by using active language. It’s leaner, more transparent and encourages initiative by giving clear ownership of the task.

28 How to sound agile Use more verbs Inject energy by talking about actions rather than things. Be concise Less is more. Break text up into short paragraphs and sentences and if in doubt, cut it out.

29 Example: being agile Before It was noted that On arrival, you’ll be directed to the meeting room A solution was achieved Applicants will be informed The party was enjoyed by everyone

30 Collaborative

31 How to sound collaborative Step into your reader’s shoes What’s their agenda? What’s their interest? Do they need to know? Would they like to know? Will it help them to know? What’s the best way to tell them? Let these insights guide what you say.

32 How to sound collaborative Say you, I and we Create a sense of direct dialogue by talking in the first and second person: you, your, yours, we, our, ours, us, I, my and mine. Create a shared picture Engage the senses by telling stories.

33 How to sound collaborative Start conversations Look your reader in the eye and write as you’d speak, building rapport by asking questions and using phrases that encourage a response. Use contractions to imply speaking, while giving sentences more pace and urgency.

34 Expert

35 How to sound expert Get to the point Start with your conclusion, giving the benefit of your expertise upfront. Show, don’t tell Don’t just tell your reader what to think: show them with concrete facts and stories that give the proof.

36 How to sound expert Tell it straight Use everyday language. Avoid unnecessary jargon, spell out abbreviations and choose the shorter word. Beware of internal language.

37 Example: tell it straight commence utilise assist request require advise obtain retain endeavour terminate What’s the simpler way to say it?

38 Any questions?


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