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Accessibility in rural areas – benefits, threats and possibilities Carl Johan Sjöberg – Public transport authority, Jönköpings County, Sweden Ulrika Bokeberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Accessibility in rural areas – benefits, threats and possibilities Carl Johan Sjöberg – Public transport authority, Jönköpings County, Sweden Ulrika Bokeberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessibility in rural areas – benefits, threats and possibilities Carl Johan Sjöberg – Public transport authority, Jönköpings County, Sweden Ulrika Bokeberg – Region Västra Götaland, Sweden

2 Our message today… Public transport plays an important role for sustainable growth in rural/semi-rural areas Especially important for young adults But it’s a challange.... = Help us

3 Traffic safety Environment Employment Reduced congestion Accessibility Life quality Education Health Equality

4 Enlarged ”commuter regions”= source: Thomas Ekberg, 2005 Increased GrossRegionalProduct Increased salary levels Reduced costs for social benefits Better health index Etc…

5 Minutes Commuters/inhabitants in the municipality Willingness to commute in relation to time-distance

6 Bus project in Skaraborg, Sweden Source: Jönköping International Business School/Västtrafik Estimated benefits 0,3 million Euro in increased tax-incomes Estimated Costs Increased cost of new traffic: 0,25 Million Euro

7 Young adults (Sweden) AgeRural regions Big city regions 15-254/105/10 Trips made by public transport (2009)

8 Challenges- ”Lost in a pancake”

9 Low population density = Challange for cost-efficient public transport County of Jönköping 24 inh/m2 Region of Västra Götaland 65 inh/m2 Switzerland 188 inh/m2, Netherlands 400 inh/m2

10 Some trends that affect demand for public transport in rural areas Urbanisation – especially young adults Community involvement / Environmental issues high on the agenda = affects attitudes Communication technology… social media….

11 What happens when you turn 25? AgeRural regions Big city regions 15-254/105/10 > 25<1/102,5/10 Reduced public transport use -75 to -80 %-50 % Trips made by public transport (2009), Sweden

12 All in all…we believe: Developing public transport contributes to rural development, growth and other benefits …but in sparsely populated areas with low demand we have to develop smart, cost- efficient solutions - solutions that people want!

13 Workshop introduction From what you have heard from the two presentations today: –the Good example of Flevoland –The benefits of accessibility in rural / semi-rural areas, but also the challenges of reduced demand

14 Workshop What’s your desired scenario For public transport in rural/semi-rural areas of Europe in year 2020 We want to listen to YOU

15 Workshop method 1.Divide into 6 groups 2.List 3 desirable scenarios/ or recommended actions and rank them (15 min) 3.Decide who in the group will speak for your highest ranked scenario. 4.Join with the group next to you: The two spokes persons debate the two scenarios (7 min) 5.Vote for 1 scenario out of the two 6.Presentation 3 winning scenarios (3 min/scenario)

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