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Essay Day 3: Active and Passive Voice, Transition Words

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1 Essay Day 3: Active and Passive Voice, Transition Words

2 Warm Up Create a Pre-Write, Thesis, and Topic Sentences that answers the question below Assignment: Do changes that make our lives easier necessarily make them better?

3 Agenda Warm Up Passive Voice Instruction Practice Passive Voice

4 Passive Voice Sentences with passive voice contain a form of the verb be. This includes: be, become, became, is, are, was, were, would, will get, got, being, had been, has been

5 Two Types of Problems: Examples: All three are passive
1. The subject of the sentence is unknown and needs to be added 2.The subject of the sentence is known, but the writer still uses a passive verb Examples: All three are passive The Caveman was eaten. The Caveman was eaten by the dinosaur The Dinosaur will get the caveman. Why it should be avoided It does not specify the actor or subject of the sentence, uses vague language, or is wordy and unprofessional. Example A: Does not specify who ate the caveman. Example B: Is too wordy Example C: Too vague

6 How to Fix it Examples: All three are passive What to do:
The Caveman was eaten. The Caveman was eaten by the dinosaur The Dinosaur will get the caveman. What to do: Example A: Add a subject Example B: change structure of sentence Example C: use stronger verb

7 Partner Practice Justin Bieber was made famous.
Justin Bieber was trampled by a family of 7meer. Justin Bieber’s latest hit, “Where are U now,” was awesome.

8 Individual Practice The Itsy-bitsy spider got up the water spout.
7meer jousting is considered a great sport. The night sky was abruptly illuminated by fireworks, which scared Ibrahim. Sari’s favorite show, the “teletubbies” will be cancelled for the upcoming year. Although, English has been spoken in America for nearly 400 years, Ustaz Michael is still confused by it.

9 Transition Words Transition words, or Independent Marker Words, are connecting word used at the beginning of an independent clause. 1. Period + Independent Marker + Comma (more common) I love falafel. However, I try not to eat it everyday.  2. Semi-colon + Independent Marker + Comma (less common) Jim studied in the cafe for his quiz; however, it was hard to concentrate because of the noise.

10 Common Mistakes I love falafel however I try not to eat it everyday.

11 Categorize the Independent Marker words words by their meaning
3. _____________ furthermore, in addition, moreover, also, 4. ____________ in conclusion, finally, lastly, in sum, 5. ______________ first/second/third, afterwards, before, meanwhile, as soon as, 6. ______________ in this case for instance, as an illustration, for example, 1. ________________ however, on the other hand, in contrast, yet, on the contrary, nevertheless, 2. ________________ consequently, thus, therefore, as a result,

12 Practice Stories Write One Sentence about anything.

13 Homework None

14 Homework Using Active voice and Transitions
Finish the Essay you started for your warm up. Do not spend more than 25 min on it. “Do changes that make our lives easier necessarily make them better?”

15 Exit Slip 1. Fix the following Passive sentences. I was made angry.
It was important for the students to understand the issues of justice in their lives. 2. Connect the two sentences with a transition word.

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