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1. Buying on Credit.   SWBAT describe the uses of credit in the economy and assess the impact it had on the purchasing patterns of Americans with relation.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Buying on Credit.   SWBAT describe the uses of credit in the economy and assess the impact it had on the purchasing patterns of Americans with relation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Buying on Credit

2   SWBAT describe the uses of credit in the economy and assess the impact it had on the purchasing patterns of Americans with relation to the Stock Market. Lesson Objective

3   Speculation  Investments in stocks in the hope of making financial gain, typically based upon little real information.  Consumerism  The preoccupation of society with purchasing consumer products (i.e. appliances, clothing, automobiles) often with borrowed money (credit).  The Stock Market  Define these terms:  Stock  Stock Market  Debt  Credit  Chart & Share Out  Discussion  How does one make money from investing in the stock market? Word of the Day/Initial Activity

4   Focus Question: How does easy credit lead to mass consumption?  Activity Fill in the lists on your graphic organizer  List 1  Make a list of everything you could possibly want  Put a check next to everything you could afford right now with money you have.  Share Out  List 2  Use the same list of everything you could possibly want  Circle every item you could afford if you have a credit card with a spending limit of $5,000  Extension Questions  How can credit cards change your life?  How can credit cards change America’s economy?  Share Out Activity 1: Causes of Mass Consumerism

5   2 minute to write down a response to this question:  How might buying goods on credit have a down side?  Turn & Talk: 30 seconds per partner  Share Out Mass Consumerism QuickWrite/ Turn & Talk

6   Focus Question: How did Americans use easy access to credit to purchase stocks on the stock market?  Read The 1920s Stock Market  What is a “stock market boom”?  How did the way Americans invested in the stock market change during the Roarin’ 20s?  Write a claim, provide 1 piece of evidence and analyze  Extension Activity  How could Americans purchasing stocks on credit have a down side?  Share Out Activity 2: The 1920s Stock Market

7   1. “Return to Normalcy”  a. After WWI President Harding says its time for America to return to normal way of life.  a. President Coolidge returns America to Laissez-Faire economics.  2. Credit  a. Banks lend money to people to buy goods. Consumers pay back loan over time. Great for economy, everyone makes money.  3. The Stock Market  a. People buy “shares” of a company. When others buy shares the entire stock market value goes up and everyone makes money.  a. 1920s experienced a “bull market”- prices go through the roof.  4. Margin Loans  a. People make so much money on stocks that they borrow money from banks to buy more and more stocks.  b. Problem: if the price of stocks goes down people have to pay back loans with money they don’t have.  a. Causes stock market to crash erasing everyone’s money. Mini-Lesson

8   Exit Ticket Which major trend characterized the 1920's and continues today? a.retail buying on installment credit discrimination against eastern European immigrants c.the steadily increasing power of established churches d.the mass migration of northern blacks to southern rural areas 2) Share with me one thing that you find interesting from class today. Why do you find it interesting? 3) Share with me one-way in which the information from class today affects your life today. Summary

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