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WWW.VINNOVA.SE Innovation and Research within the BSR Strategy To strengthen the innovative capacity and competitiveness within the BSR Sven Gunnar Edlund.

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Presentation on theme: "WWW.VINNOVA.SE Innovation and Research within the BSR Strategy To strengthen the innovative capacity and competitiveness within the BSR Sven Gunnar Edlund."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWW.VINNOVA.SE Innovation and Research within the BSR Strategy To strengthen the innovative capacity and competitiveness within the BSR Sven Gunnar Edlund Senior Advisor VINNOVA (The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems) Coordinator Research and Innovation within EUSBSR

2 2 The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Macro Region FOUR OVERALL OBJECTIVES : To make the Baltic Sea region an environmentally CLEAN place To make the Baltic Sea region a PROSPEROUS place To make the Baltic Sea region an ACCESSIBLE and ATTRACTIVE place To make the Baltic Sea region a SAFE and SECURE place

3 3 Actionplan with 15 action areas 7. To exploit the full potential of the region in research and innovation Coordinated by Sweden and Poland

4 4 Flagship projects in Chap 7 Research & Innovation Lead Partner 1 Fast T Innovation, Clusters & SME Networks (BSR Stars) Sweden (Vinnova)/ Lithuania 2Baltic Sea Fund for Innovation & Research The Skåne Region 3Services innovationLithuania/Finland 4Innovation in Health & Life sciences Lithuania/Germany 5Science link for research infrastructure Sweden (Swedish Research Council)


6 Bild 6

7 7 WHY INCREASED TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION ON INNOVATION WITHIN BSR?  Countries grow with neighbors that grow  Larger Home Market for products, services and knowledge. Specially important for SMEs Most BSR-countries are small with limited resources in a global comparison. But together, BSR are 100 million people with a number of leading companies/universities/clusters  There are potential that BSR can be a global recognized strong environment for research and innovation in a number of areas  Recognized brand names to attract capital, people and companies Three logics: 1. A stronger value chain can be offered within the macro region 2. A larger critical mass in research and innovation 3. Complementary competences creates innovative capacity


9 9 Baltic Sea Region − A global competitive innovation HUB!

10 BSR Stars purpose is to create a number of world leading innovation hubs in the Baltic Sea region by linking strong Research & Innovation milieus, Clusters and SME networks BSR STARS VISION

11 11 Programme components structures F. Programme management and knowledge development Impact and results of programme Strengths and innovation power BSR Macro region C. Networks of SMEs B. World class Transnational Clusters A. World Class Research & Innovation milieus D. Capacity Building E. FDI & Branding

12 12 2010-06-22 OPPORTUNITY: Demand driven way of working with grand challenges & strong BSR capabilities Global market lead within areas of VISION: Global market lead within areas of grand challenges Integrated & accessible resource base in the macro region Strenghtening the resource Base in the BSR by linking strong competencies, actors and financing Strenghtening the resource Base in the BSR by linking strong competencies, actors and financing Strategic alliances & collaborations to address Grand Challenges − FDI and branding − Capacity building C. Networks of SMEs B. Transnational Clusters A. Innovation & research milieus

13 WWW.VINNOVA.SE Grand challanges Policies Sustainability Policies Cleantech and Future Energy Wellbeing and Health Future Transport Digital business and services, and ubiquitous solutions Safety and security Accessibility and Attractiveness Prosperity

14 Governance & Financing, knowledge management Organizational Structure in BSR STARS Project Management VINNOVA & Ministry of economics Lithuania & taskforce leaders Research and innovation Sweden, VINNOVA Cluster Finland SME- network Lithuania,/ Iceland FDI /Branding Latvia Capacity-building tbc High Level group All countries are represented, ministry & agencies, High Level group All countries are represented, ministry & agencies, International expert team, lead by VINNOVA, Strategic Alliances

15 Development of BSR Stars Programme design BSR Stars StarDust BSR InterReg application Full- scale BSR Stars EU schemes National and Regional financing Innovation activities and resources 2006-20092010-2011201220132014 New EU schemes Different financing schemes levered, depending on the type of transnational activity Innovation activities and resources (human and financial) increase over time The next critical milestone is the implementation of the StarDust project Natl and Nordic financing BSR InnoNet & BSR_CBP FP6 & ERDF *Funded by Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 *


17 LIONS - Developing SME- networking services in the Baltic Sea Region Sander van der Molen Lithuanian Innovation Centre

18 LIONS  SMEs need to become part of a larger ‘innovation eco- system’ in order to stay competitive and compete globally  Large firms can orchestrate such global ‘innovation eco- systems’ themselves (e.g. SIEMENS, IKEA, NOKIA)  SMEs face barriers in the creation of such innovation eco-systems and need support 18

19 BSR Stars - EU 2020; Innovation Union (IU) 19 BSR Stars - applies already now the principles of Innovation Union 2020 - address Grand Challenges - challenge-/demand driven innovation - smart specialization - broad view on innovation. Public actors should be involved - innovation procurement - transnational-/transregional cooperation - “alignment” of programs/instruments/funding

20 Other activities: Expressio n of Interest Title Project Coordinator Eco4Life BioCon Valley Baltic Sea Region Programme 3rd call (Kick-off held 27 Jan 2011) HealthPort ScanBalt South Baltic Programme (kick-off held Nov 2010) SBHR Consortia building Application Project financin g Baltic Sea Region Programme 4th call Biobaltica GdanskDigiPath 2.0 Ageing To be decided Various ScanBalt Health Region Project Pipeline Web -ScanBalt Health Region Position Paper published Feb 2011 „Healthy Ageing: From biological fundamentals to clinical solutions“ ScanBalt Forum 2011 21-24 Sept 2011 ”Towards balanced regional development and smart specialization between clusters”. Discussion, reporting and coordination in ScanBalt Health Region a major topic

21 21 Flagship 7.2 “Create a Baltic Sea Funding for Innovation and Research” Ms. Marie-Louise Eriksson, PhD Business Development Manager Department of Economic Development and Innovation Region Skåne

22 The Aim of 7.2 BSR Fund  To develop financial instruments that promote transnational and transregional innovation and research  support the coordination of a)existing (2007-2013) and new funding (2014- forward) for innovation and research at the EU, national and regional levels as well as private funding b)EU2020 strategy and the Innovation union strategy

23 Funding principles - currently no ear-marked funding to EUSBSR - funding of projects from existing programs - funding engineering Experiences so far from funding engineering; - often, project requires 10+ separat decisions to be funded - one No may cause big difficulties for the whole project - funding programs not used to fund a part of a project - different deadlines for submitting applications - The total administration volume tends to be huge, due to 10+ different applications and different guidelines and time schedules for reporting

24 Funding principles during 2014-2020 must make it easier to fund transnational projects in EUSBSR  There should be an international dimension/strategy in all programmes and projects. BSR platforms constitute important parts in such international strategies  The macro region concept should be integrated in programmes at EU, national and regional level  Support the idea of alignment of funding  This calls for dialogue and coordination between EUBSR strategy and those responsible for the OPs both within national and territorial structural funds.  Ambition: Part of program budgets allocated to transnational/transregional projects

25 Bild 25 Conclude by citing : A position paper developed by he BSR Stars flagship programme which stresses the importance of the macro-regional approach as part of the implementation of research and innovation policies (e.g. Innovation Union Flagship initiative) and the EU 2020 strategy. Key messages are: Firstly, the macro-regional policy approach has the potential to provide new innovative ways of bringing together resources and capabilities from different countries and building world-class innovation networks and strategic alliances. Secondly, transnational cooperation in innovation can help to build internationally acknowledged innovation hubs that induce brain gain instead of permanently losing expertise to other attractive innovation environments outside of Europe.

26 Bild 26 Thirdly, transnational cooperation will enable less developed regions to have better access to global value chains and to widen their innovation capacity and pool of R&D. These linkages strengthen also their capacity to utilise EU R&D and other international funding schemes. Fourthly, the macro-regional approach can accelerate the internationalisation of SMEs which seems to be a major obstacle for most EU countries. Our view is that the transnational cooperation can accelerate the internationalisation of SMEs by reducing administrative burdens to join international R&D and cluster projects and by enlarging the home market for SMEs.

27 27 Thank you!

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