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Swedish IRRS mission 6-17 Feb 2012 IRRS lessons learned workshop – Brussels 22 nd and 23 rd January 2014 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund.

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Presentation on theme: "Swedish IRRS mission 6-17 Feb 2012 IRRS lessons learned workshop – Brussels 22 nd and 23 rd January 2014 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swedish IRRS mission 6-17 Feb 2012 IRRS lessons learned workshop – Brussels 22 nd and 23 rd January 2014 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

2 X Thematic areas included Transport Medical Exposure Occupational Radiation Protection Radioactiv Discharges and Materials for Clearance Environmental Monitoring Chronic Exposures Excluded in the mission Research Reactors Interfaces with nuclear security (IPPAS in 2011) X 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

3 Time schedule Request in January 2010 SAT training Oct 2010 (project team) Self assessment Jan-aug 2011 Prep meeting Oct 2011 Mission Feb 2012 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

4 Outcome of the mission 22 recommendations (8 Gov) 17 suggestions 13 ”Good Practice” (Modules 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10) 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

5 Resources Total resources 1,4 Meuro –8 man year –0.3 MEuro for the mission 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

6 Governmental Responsibilities and Global Nuclear Safety Regime Recommendation 3: The Government should make provisions to maintain competence for nuclear safety and radiation protection on a national level such that it is ensured that all parties have access to competent staff to ensure continued safety. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

7 Responsibilities and Functions of the Regulatory Body Recommendation 6: SSM should provide formal and specific internal guidance on appropriate regulatory topics, functions and activities associated with its regulatory review and inspection responsibilities. The guidance should address technical issues associated with regulatory review and inspection. It should be made available to the applicants, licensees and other interested parties. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

8 Responsibilities and Functions of the Regulatory Body Good Practice 2: SSM has developed a strong Man-Technology-Organisation (MTO) specialist regulatory competence and provided training in this area to a wide range of its inspectors. Inspection teams assess MTO matters in their routine compliance and supervision inspections. Good Practice 3: Some good practices and plans to further improve the area of communications function; training and briefing of specialists/experts to communicate complex regulatory and technical arguments on Television and Radio; use of social media to target specific groups in society and inform the public on some key health and safety information. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

9 Authorization and Review and Assessment Recommendation 10: SSM should thoroughly review and assess if the safety of facilities and activities, involving radiation sources comply with regulatory requirements, before granting a license. The review and assessment should be commensurate with radiation risks of the facilities and activities. Good Practice 6:The NPPs refurbishment program as required by SSM is a good practice. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

10 Inspection and Enforcement Recommendation 11 & 12: SSM should carry out more inspections (incl. unannounced) in the areas of transport, industrial, medical and research radiation facilities. Recommendation 13: The SSM’s regulatory inspection should incorporate monitoring, measuring and direct observation of the on- site operations. Recommendation 14:The inspection program in the areas of fuel cycle and waste facilities, transport, industrial, medical and research radiation facilities should be prepared in accordance with a systematic graded approach. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

11 Regulations and Guides Recommendation 15: SSM should develop a consistent and more comprehensive set of regulations and general advice. Medical exposure Recommendation 21:SSM and relevant parties should ensure that generic justification of procedures is carried out by the relevant health authorities in conjunction with appropriate professional bodies. Good Practice 15: All licensees is required to determine the diagnostic standard dose for all specified examinations. Using these data SSM demonstrates continuous decreasing trend in DSD. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

12 Emergency Preparedness and Response Good Practice 10: The regional cooperation initiative of the Nordic countries NEP is a good example of regional collaboration. 2014-01-22 Elisabeth Öhlén and Ingemar Lund

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