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Potential of Lithuanian Transportation and Logistic System

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1 Potential of Lithuanian Transportation and Logistic System

2 Lithuania: facts and figures

3 Advantages of Lithuania‘s transport system
Favourable geographical position for transit: Transport hub between the Western and Eastern markets; Crossroads of international transport corridors Baltic Sea Region as one of the fastest growing logistic areas Defined long-term priorities of transport policy: North-South transport axes development: Rail Baltica, Via Baltica; East-West transport axes modernization: Combined transportation, Baltic Sea motorways, Public Logistic Centres. Competitive regional hub of transportation and logistic services with well developed transport system: Best road system in the Baltics; Northernmost ice-free port; 3 State-owned international airports and International military airport; Advanced international rail and intermodal transport solutions integrated into Euro-Asian continental system: Container train “SAULĖ” (the Sun): Kazakhstan- Lithuania / China-Belgium; Container train “VIKINGAS” (VIKING): Lithuania- Ukraine; Container train “MERKURIJUS” (Mercury): Lithuania-Russia ; Container train “ŠEŠTOKAI EXPRESS”: Poland- Russia New Container train “BALTIJOS VĖJAS” (Baltic wind): Lithuania-Kazakhstan; Well-positioned logistics centres; Competitive costs for qualified transport and logistics facilities; Attractive tax environment. 1 day 3 days more than 5 days 2 days 4 days

4 Klaipėda Sea Port Convenient geographical location: northernmost ice-free port on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea Competitive and flexible cargo handling rates and port dues Attractive Free Economic Zone for investors Next to the railway system, which is the same standard as in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries Well developed IT and ITS Up to this day Klaipeda Port accommodated vessels of this size: - dry cargo vessels ,000 DWT - tanker vessels ,000 DWT - containerships TEU.

5 Cargo in ports of the Baltic states
Structure of handled cargo in the Baltic States Ports Handling of main commodities in Klaipeda Port Annual cargo turnover in the ports of the Baltic states

6 Cargo in port of Klaipėda
Klaipeda Port Hinterland market (mln. tonnes) Shipments via port of Klaipeda in 2012 (thous. tonnes)

7 Airports in Lithuania Vilnius Kaunas Šiauliai* Palanga 3 state-owned international airports in Vilnius, Kaunas and Palanga; International military airport in Siauliai* (also available for civil aviation operations) Lithuanian airports in Kaunas and Siauliai offer the integrated system of supply chain including airport infrastructure, cargo terminal, value added logistics services, costs efficient feeder within the North East Europe, that leads from traditional CENTRALIZED DISTRIBUTION to alternative REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION approach. Helsinki Tallinn Sankt-Petersburg Moscow Minsk Kiev Krakow Vilnius Riga Stockholm Copenhagen Hamburg Amsterdam Berlin Prague Vienna Budapest Frankfurt Warsaw Helsinki Tallinn Sankt-Petersburg Moscow Minsk Kiev Krakow Vilnius Riga Stockholm Copenhagen Hamburg Amsterdam Berlin Prague Vienna Budapest LITHUANIA Frankfurt Warsaw

8 Lithuanian Cargo Airports
Benefits of transit via Lithuania Airports: Air charter cost savings – 1-1,5 hour shorter flight from South East Asia compared to other EU air cargo hubs (AMS, FRA) Up to 50% cost savings in cargo handling and customs brokerage using Lithuania Airports to enter the EU before entering highly taxed Russia Freight handling and clearance within 6-8 hours for Boeing 747 – 800 Road feeder service in range of 1000 km within hours in Western, Eastern and Northern Europe EU cargo airport closest to the biggest cities of emerging Russian and CIS markets - Minsk (Belarus), Moscow and St. Petersburg (Russia) Lithuania – over 1000 transport companies with over 20,000 trucks

9 Integration into Euro-Asian continental system
9 9

10 Container train SAULĖ (the Sun) Route 1: Lithuania – Belarus – Russia – Kazakhstan Route 2: China – Kazakhstan – Russia – Belarus – Lithuania – Poland – Germany – Netherlands – Belgium Distance: 5800 km / km Travel time: Route Days (4 countries), Route days (9 countries) Regular runs (Lithuania – Belarus – Russia – Kazakhstan) twice per month Capacity: 82 TEU‘s per voyage EU/CIS border crossing time for train: 30 min First launched: in 2011 Operator: VPA Logistics

11 Route: Vilnius–Karaganda–Kustanaj
Container Train “Baltijos vėjas” (Baltic wind) Route: Vilnius–Karaganda–Kustanaj Distance: 4080 km On 26 September 2013 first train with automobile components departed from the Paneriai station of the Lithuanian railways to the Kustanay station of the Kazakhstan railways Travel time: 5 days Main purpose of the “BALTIC WIND“ train is to provide regular shipment service in containers to various clients from Lithuania to Central Asia and broaden the possibilities of Russian Freight passing from one country to another through a third country Going further the frequency of the train departure is planned at 2-3 times per month Planned volume of each train - a contingent TEU Operator - company JSC Hoptrans Projects

12 Container train VIKING Route: Klaipeda – Minsk – Ilyichevsk
Distance: 1766 km Average time of travel: 52 hr. Transportation of 20, 40 and 45-feet universal and special containers, trailers, trucks and semi trailers Regular runs every day: 6-7 times per day EU/CIS border crossing time for train: 30 min First launched: in 2003 Award: “Best intermodal project In 2012 Bulgaria became an official partner of “Viking” project In 2013 negotiations with Turkey and Romania have been started Operators: Lietuvos geležinkeliai, LG ekspedicija, Belintertrans, Liski, Plaske, TransContainer Ukraine

13 Container train MERKURIJUS (Mercury)
Route: Kaliningrad/Klaipeda – Moscow Distance: 1734 km; Average time of travel: 52 hr. Regular runs: 3 times per week EU/CIS border crossing time for train: 30 min Capacity: 114 TEU First launched: in 2011 Three terminals (Klaipėda Container Terminal (KCT), Klaipeda Smeltė and Ecodor) serves this container train. Operator: AAA Intermodal 13

14 Route: Bialystok – Warsaw – Sestokai – Kena – Minsk – Smolensk
Container train “ŠEŠTOKAI EXPRESS” Route: Bialystok – Warsaw – Sestokai – Kena – Minsk – Smolensk Distance: 1126 km Travel time: 3 days EU/CIS border crossing time for train: 30 min First launched: in 2012 “Šeštokai Express” connects partners from the Western and Eastern Europe, Lithuania, Russia and Kazakhstan Containers transhipment from 1430 to 1520 mm rail gauge in Sestokai station Containers are delivered to different directions in Russia, Kazakhstan and other Middle Eastern countries Operator: Hupac Intermodal SA, Intermodal Express

15 Public logistics centres - Special Territories
for Business Development Public logistics centres provide their services at strategic places of Lithuania next to: The main highway Vilnius-Klaipėda; The biggest railway junctions of Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai; International airports of Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai; The northernmost ice-free port Klaipeda State Seaport on the Eastern coast of the Baltic Sea; Free economic zones in Kaunas and Klaipėda and logistics parks in Vilnius and Šiauliai which are attractive for investors. Exclusivity and benefits: Development of public logistics centers is coordinated by the state; The railway intersection of 1435 mm and 1520 mm gauges in Kaunas logistics centre - a unique place for fast transportation of transit cargo between Europe and CIS countries; Cargo handling capacity: TEU per year; All logistics services in one place; Tax relief is provided in free economic zones; Close and historical experience based relations between EU and CIS countries. Viešieji logistikos centrai vystymas ha teritorijoje. Juose jau įpusėjo įvairiarūšių terminalų statyba, plėtojami logistikos parkai, sandėliavimo aikštelės ir patalpos, administraciniai pastatai, centre įsikūrusios reikalingos Valstybės institucijos paspartins logistikos procedūras ir veiklos kaštus. Logistikos parkuose bus visiškai sutvarkyta infrastruktūra, o patogi geografinė padėtis ir papildomos parkuose teikiamos paslaugos investuotojams sudarys puikias veiklos sąlygas. Investuotojai galės naudotis konteinerinio intermodalinio terminalo paslaugomis - krovinių perkėlimu iš traukinių į vilkikus ir atvirkščiai, konteinerių sandėliavimu, transporto priemonių saugojimo aikštelėmis, konteinerių nuoma ir kitomis reikalingomis paslaugomis. Vilniaus ir Kauno viešieji logistikos centras sparčiai vystomi – įpusėjo rangos darbai ir 2014 m. IV ketv. duris atvers intermodaliniai terminalai. Kauno intermodaliniame terminale susikirs europinė 1435 mm ir rusiška 1520 mm geležinkelio vėžės. Intermodalinis terminalas statomas šalia pagrindinės Lietuvos automagistralės ir netoli Kauno oro uosto. Viešųjų logistikos centrų nauda: užtikrins efektyvią skirtingų transporto rūšių sąveiką; gerins transporto paslaugų kokybę; sukurs naujas darbo vietas; leis panaudoti modernias informacines technologijas; skatins vietinės transporto paslaugų rinkos plėtrą; sudarys pagrindą plėtoti visų rūšių pridėtinės vertės paslaugas; užtikrins mažoms įmonėms prieigą prie viešos paskirties transporto ir logistikos infrastruktūros; mažins neigiamą transporto poveikį aplinkai ir eismo saugumui; pritrauks užsienio investicijas. Public logistics centres are developed in bigger than ha territories. All the necessary infrastructure and transport is created for investors.

16 Success stories

17 Success stories: USA presence in Lithuania

18 Success stories: Europe in Lithuania

19 Success stories: Lithuania as re-exporter

20 Foreign Direct Investment in Lithuania

21 Lithuania’s exports

22 Lithuania- competitive regional hub of transportation and logistic services !

23 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! More information on

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