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Problems in Roman Catholic Church New Ideas. From Ninja Turtles to a Mak Attack.

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Presentation on theme: "Problems in Roman Catholic Church New Ideas. From Ninja Turtles to a Mak Attack."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problems in Roman Catholic Church New Ideas. From Ninja Turtles to a Mak Attack

2 Was the only Christian church in most of Europe The people of Europe were very devout Everyone was concerned about going to heaven Catholics believe in Purgatory-a place between heaven and hell where a soul stays until the person has done penance for any sins Medieval Catholic Church

3 Was the only Christian church in most of Europe The people of Europe were very devout Everyone was concerned about going to heaven Medieval Catholic Church

4 Catholics believe in Purgatory- a place between heaven and hell where a soul stays until the person has done penance for any sins If you died with a dirty Soul you would go to either Purgatory or straight to hell. You had to go to Church and get the Priest to clean your Soul. If you died with a clean Soul you would go to heaven. Medieval Catholic Church

5 If you went on a Crusade or a Pilgrimage you could earn time out of Purgatory You could buy a special letter from the Pope called an Indulgence which was like a get out of jail for free card but for Purgatory. What did People believe at the Start of the 16 th Century?

6 Clergy was poorly trained and often illiterate Higher ranking clergy were more interested in materialism (lifestyle) Popes needed lots of money to pay for lifestyle, wars, and beautiful cathedrals Often clergy bought their positions-simony Indulgences were sold as penance for sins, but often paid for Church projects Abuses in the Church

7 People were calling for reform in part because of corruption in the Catholic Church Abuses in the Church Between 1450 and 1520 a series of popes failed to meet the Church’s spiritual needs. They were more concerned with the political interests of the Papal States. Julius II, the “warrior-pope,” even led armies against his enemies. Many people were disgusted with him and the Catholic Church.

8 Because of trade with Middle East, merchants needed to borrow money to pay for ships and trading goods The Catholic church banned usury Usury=lending money at interest Merchants resented they could only borrow money from non-Christian moneylenders They began to demand changes. Some set up banks to lend money-de Medicis Merchants and the Church

9 Italians filled many of the high positions in the Catholic Church-bishops, archbishops, popes All members of Catholic Church had to tithe 10% of their income Most money went to high clergy positions or to Rome (Italians) German princes and English royalty disliked Italian domination of the Church Wanted money to stay in their lands Italian Domination of Church

10 Catholic church owned HUGE amounts of land throughout Europe-- probably more than 30% They paid no taxes on this land Church’s Political Power

11 High ranking clergy held political/feudal positions in many lands increasing the Church’s power The pope ruled as a political leader-he ruled a large part of Italy-the Papal States. He often fought wars to control and expand his holdings. Church’s Political Power

12 Were sold by the Church as a penance for sins Much of the money went to the pope The pope needed money to build St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome He sent Johan Tetzel to Germany to sell indulgences He sent other priests throughout Europe Indulgences

13 To sell more indulgences, Tetzel claimed they could get a dead person’s soul out of Purgatory “The moment a coin in the coffer rings, a soul to heaven springs” Many were outraged by Tetzel’s selling technique, including Martin Luther This led to the Reformation Indulgences

14 People, not just priests, were learning to read People started reading the Bible on their own People stared to think on their own, and not listen to the priests People started reading the ancient non-Christian Greeks – Homer, Aristotle, and Plato – once again New ideas of science and mathematics from the Muslim intellectuals were being read New scientific ideas by Copernicus and others questioned the thinking of the Church Other Changes in the World

15 Erasmus and other thinkers were quietly pushing the church for reform The new printing press rapidly spread revolutionary ideas The rulers and priests in Germany were angry at seeing money earned in their states being sent to Rome to build rich palaces and churches. The Muslims now controlled the Byzantine Empire and cut of Italy from the spices and silks of India and China The Portuguese now sailed directly to India around Africa, bypassing the Italian middlemen and thereby offering cheaper prices for spices and silk Other Changes in the World

16 Reformer or Revolutionary? Into This Enters Martin Luther

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