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Danish Better Regulation Special Advisor Katrine Brems Olsen

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Presentation on theme: "Danish Better Regulation Special Advisor Katrine Brems Olsen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Danish Better Regulation Special Advisor Katrine Brems Olsen

2 Better regulation Simplifying existing regulation Burden hunters Behaviou- ral insigths Business Forum for Simpler Rules Preventing burdens from new regulation Consulta- tion SCM measure- ments EU legislation

3  Communication  Digital solutions  Processing time Simplifying existing regulation

4 Example: Cross country commuters  Danes living in Sweden  Working in Denmark and Sweden  Applying for social security

5 Simplifying existing regulation Burden hunters Behaviou- ral insigths Business Forum for Simpler Rules

6 Method Mindset

7 How to approach it Broad Narrow

8 How to apply it

9 The project method Scope/ project design Learning about users Analysis Idea/ concept development Test concepts Implement

10 Example: The NACE Code Project

11 Our problem 20 – 35% errors Bad data quality 10.000 phone calls a year

12 Their problem I think it was that industry code, because it was under building and construction activities, which requieres specialisation. But there was also a code called ‘other building completion’. If I mark that industry code, then I’m not sure if it’s right or not. It was pretty much a guess. Carpenter

13 End-user I: the company

14 End-user II: the case worker

15 New innovative, digital solution Based on results Better communication

16 Example: Administration of structural funds

17 Development Work shop with end-users Co-creation of concepts Dare to involve

18 Staying in power Some things I find really annoying. I have agreed to participate in this project and to meet with you today because it is the first time I´ve ever experienced that anyone is interested in what goes on out here on the prairie. Small business, Transport

19 Simplifying existing regulation Burden hunters Behaviou- ral insigths Business Forum for Simpler Rules

20 Fly in urinal

21 The simple fact is that we’re not super- rational, selfish optimising machines. Conventional economics has traditionally proceeded as if we are, but experiments to test predictions of economic theory have regularly disputed these cornerstones of long- accepted wisdom. Chris Starmer, The Conversation, 28 July 2014

22 You know that apples are better for you than pizza

23 The Intervention Ladder. Adapted from Public Health: The Intervention Ladder. Ethical Issues Nuffield Council on Bioethics, (2007) Cambridge Publishers Ltd., p. 42.



26 Does it work

27 Reducing costs by enhancing data quality in the Danish Business Register

28 Presenting data in a pop-up Missing

29 Positive results

30 Cost effectiveness Update your information in the business register

31 Nudging is not politics We do not:  Limit choices  Change the cost of alternatives  Regulate

32 Nudging is nudging

33 Simplifying existing regulation Burden hunters Behaviou- ral insigths Business Forum for Simpler Rules


35 End user-focus Co-creation Enhancing the quality of regulation

36 Next step

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