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Notifications. List of Available Notifications -1.

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Presentation on theme: "Notifications. List of Available Notifications -1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notifications

2 List of Available Notifications -1

3 List of Available Notifications -2

4 List of Available Notifications -3

5 Total of 75 Notification Selections

6 Notification Menu

7 Notification Management Menu SYS Enable/Disable Notification System This menu handles all the notifications. SYS turns on the notification system for the facility. –Until then NO notifications can be sent. Once turned on, all clinicians will receive any mandatory or enabled notifications, even if they are not using the EHR.

8 Notification Management Menu DET Determine Recipients Allows the user to create a simulated notification recipient list, without sending the alert. The user can see who should be getting the notification. Used for troubleshooting

9 Notification Management Menu DET Determine Recipients (continued) Each user on the potential recipient list is evaluated. The parameters entity values are processed in a specific order to determine if that particular user should receive the notification/alert or not. If a user on the recipient list has the notification “ON”, he/she will receive the alert.

10 Notification Management Menu DIS Display Notifications a User Can Receive Debugging tool to help determine why (or why not) notifications are being received by a particular individual.

11 Notification Management Menu DIS Display Notifications a User Can Receive

12 Notification Management Menu ERA Erase Notifications

13 Notification Management Menu FLG Flag Orderable Items to Send Notifications This option has two sub-options to flag specific orderable items to send notifications when they are ordered, resulted, or expiring

14 Notification Management Menu FWD Forward Notifications... This option lets the user set the number of days to hold a notification before forwarding it to the recipient’s supervisor, surrogate, or a backup reviewer. Maximum 30 days. If not set, the notification will not be forwarded. Service/Section must be properly configured and maintained.

15 Notification Management Menu PAR Notification Parameters... ALL Set Show All Notifications BUL Send Flagged Orders Bulletin DEL Set Deletion Parameters EMC Providers that Require an E&M Code PRG Set Purging Interval PRI Priority Threshold for Popup Alerts PRV Set Provider Recipients RCD Set Default Recipient Devices RCP Set Default Recipients SRT Notification Sort Column

16 Notification Parameters ALL Set Show All Notifications Do the providers want to see alerts across patients or just for the patient on their screen? The default is to see all alerts.

17 Notification Parameters BUL Send Flagged Orders Bulletin Indicates whether to send a bulletin when an order is flagged for clarification. Not frequently used as this sends message in MailMan.

18 Notification Parameters DEL Set Deletion Parameters Allows the user to set parameters to determine deletion conditions. It uses a set of codes to determine how a notification will be deleted at a site. The codes include: –Individual Recipient –All Recipients

19 Notification Parameters DEL Set Deletion Parameters (continued) Individual-deletes the notification for an individual recipient when: –That individual completes the follow-up action –That individual reviews notifications that do not have follow-up action All recipients-deletes the notification for all recipients when: –Any recipient completes the follow-up action on notifications –Any recipient reviews notifications that do not have follow-up action

20 Notification Parameters DEL Set Deletion Parameters

21 Notification Parameters EMC Providers that Require an E&M Code Which user classes need to do E&M coding?

22 Notification Parameters PRG Set Purging Interval Enter the number of days to archive a notification before deletion in the Alert Tracking file.

23 Notification Parameters PRI Priority Threshold for Popup Alerts An instant message pop- up will appear by setting this parameter Priority is low, moderate or high If the notification meets the priority set, the pop- up will be generated Package value is High

24 Notification Parameters PRV Set Provider Recipients Determine who is going to get the notification

25 Notification Parameters PRV Set Provider Recipients P= Primary Provider-Inpatient A= Attending Physician-Inpatient T= Patient Care Team O= Ordering Provider E= Entering User D= IHS Primary Care provider I= IHS Primary Care Team G= IHS Designated Providers

26 Notification Parameters PRV Set Provider Recipients

27 Notification Parameters RCD Set Default Recipient Devices Can set a printer to receive notifications. The printer will receive the notifications whether the notification is enabled or disabled. (Not usually used or recommended.)

28 Notification Parameters RCP Set Default Recipients Enter “Yes” if the recipient should always receive this notification. Recipients (users, teams) will receive the notification on a regular basis, despite settings in the option Enable/Disable Notifications. Example: Chaplain gets notification for all admissions even if he has turned off the notification

29 Notification Parameters RCP Set Default Recipients

30 Notification Parameters SRT Notification Sort Column Sorting is by –Patient –Type –Urgency

31 Notification Management Menu PRC Enable/Disable Notifications Turns specific notifications on or off –E (Enabled): notification enabled for entity unless entity of higher precedence has notification disabled (ex. Enabled at System level and Disabled at User level=user will not receive notification –D (Disabled): notification disabled for entity unless entity of higher precedence has notification enabled –M (Mandatory): Notification is mandatory and cannot be disabled

32 Notification Management Menu REC Display Patient Alerts and Alert Recipients Used as a troubleshooting tool. This shows users that receive a particular Alert.

33 Produces a list of all OE/RR alerts for a specified patient for the dates you enter Produces detailed listing on specific alerts attached to the patient record Used mainly for troubleshooting purposes Notification Management Menu REC Display Patient Alerts and Alert Recipients

34 Notification Management Menu UNV Set Delays for Unverified Orders... Provides access to options that set up parameters for delaying unverified orders alert triggers –Set Delay for All Unverified Orders –Set Delay for Unverified Medication Orders Primarily used for Inpatient

35 Notification Management Menu UNV Set Delays for Unverified Orders...

36 Notification Management Menu URG Set Urgency for Notifications Allows the user to set the Urgency for a notification. Used mainly for sorting in GUI displays. The Urgencies include: –Low –Medium –High –Info only All notifications come with a package value already set.

37 Notification Management Menu URG Set Urgency for Notifications

38 GUI Personal Preferences From the Tools menu and “Options”, a user may: –Enable/disable notifications –Set a surrogate –Set the GUI display sorting: urgency, type, patient –Request Mailman bulletin be sent for flagged orders

39 GUI Personal Preferences

40 Display on Notifications Tab By selecting the “Show All” box, notifications may be viewed across patients Notifications may be sorted by clicking on the column headings Notifications may be processed, either by processing all or by highlighting and selecting “process selected”, or “info only”


42 Processing Notifications Process All-use Next and Stop buttons in lower right corner of EHR to move to next notification. Process Selected-select notifications to address. Process Information only notifications. Use the forward button to send the notification to another user.

43 Processing Notifications Process Info Only Alerts

44 How do I receive and create notifications?

45 Click on the notification tab, then right click inside the notification panel and click the schedule button.

46 This dialog box will open, click on the add button

47 This dialog box will appear. If you don’t want this notification associated with this patient, unclick the “associate with” box. Then click on the “deliver on”.

48 To have this notification delivered today, click the “Now” button. Otherwise, this notification will not get delivered until 24hrs after it was created.

49 Next, select the priority, subject and fill as appropriate. If you want to send this notification to someone other then yourself, click on the button on the right corner of the recipient box.

50 Find and highlight the user or users you want this notification to go to. Then send this user to the recipient box.

51 If you do not want to send a notification to yourself, highlight yourself and use the arrow keys to send your name back to the users group. Then hit OK.

52 Notice now that the only person that will receive this notification will be the user you selected. You will not get the notification.

53 Now you are ready to finish the message, then hit OK

54 The system will process your notification. At this point you can “close” the application.

55 Your notification will appear in the Notifications area of your recipient’s EHR.

56 To process a notification, you simply highlight the notification and you either double click on it or hit the select button.

57 Your notification message will appear and the user can either Delete, Skip or Cancel the notification once he/she has processed it.

58 There are two kind of notifications users can get. A system generated notification and a user generated notification. You can only turn off system notification once you have done what the system wants you to do. For users notifications, they can easily be deleted. We can distinguish between system and user generated notifications by a red check mark before patient’s name.

59 Questions and Discussion

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