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30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén1 Summary of DCS Workshop 28/29 May 01 u Aim of workshop u Program u Summary of presentations u Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén1 Summary of DCS Workshop 28/29 May 01 u Aim of workshop u Program u Summary of presentations u Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén1 Summary of DCS Workshop 28/29 May 01 u Aim of workshop u Program u Summary of presentations u Conclusion

2 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén2 Aim of Workshop (1) u ALICE DCS project u is running since several years u been pending ~ one year u now being re-launched u Take a step backwards… … and review the basic issues u project definition and organization u status of Joint Controls Project (JCOP) u status of Detector Controls

3 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén3 Aim of Workshop (2) u But also to u re-establish contacts across ALICE controls community u re-launch discussions and exchange of information u learn to know each other and start a fruitful collaboration...

4 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén4

5 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén5 Proposed DCS project organization: GOALS u Ultimate goal “A working DCS ready for exploitation end 2005 allowing to control and operate the experiment during all modes of operation and according to defined requirements”. u Final assembly and commissioning “Individual DCS’s ready to be used during final assembly and commissioning end 2004”. u Intermediate goals u Milestones to be established in ALICE Controls Board.

6 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén6 ALICE Controls Coord. team (ACC) Joint Controls Project (JCOP) ALICE Controls Board (ACB) ALICE Techn. Coord. Techn. Board DAQ Trigger Offline LHC M. Detectors Ext. Services IT-CO group EP Management ATLAS Controls Coord. CMS Controls Coord. LHCb Controls Coord.

7 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén7 GLOBAL LAYOUT ITS hv lv p TT pixeldriftstrip TPCMUON safety access DAQ Trigger Offline LHC ECS DCS electricity magnet gas cooling Detectors Services

8 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén8 Project organization (1) u Responsibilities u ACC: co-ordinate the project execution u Detector groups Groups: design & implement their DCS u ACB: steering group, some executive power u Service groups: similar to detector groups u DAQ,Trigger, Offline, LHC machine: to be defined in common projects u IT Controls group: co-ordinate JCOP, support common tools u JCOP: provide common framework of tools and components

9 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén9 Project organization (2) u Deliverables u Prototype development u various ‘standard’ solutions, end-to-end slices u test cases with some detector groups u Manpower u ACC: 2.5 today 5-6 end 2001? u Initial steps

10 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén10 JCOP Presentation: Sub-Projects - I u SCADA Acquisition u Development of Supervisory Framework u Communications with CERN infrastructure services u Applications to Interface to CERN Infrastructure u Control of Gas Systems u Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) u Front-End Communications

11 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén11 Sub-Projects - II u Rack Control u Crate Control u Sub-detector Cooling and Ventilation u Control of High and Low Voltage u Vertical Slice u TTC (?)

12 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén12 Controls Technologies (LHC Era )

13 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén13 Detector presentations u points asked to be covered u Brief description of detectors u Review of control needs, systems, devices, etc. u Status today u Next steps u What do you expect from ACC team

14 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén14 Summary of answers (1) u Description of detector u Many detectors, different in size and complexity u Detector R&D not finished yet in several cases… u Review of control needs u inventory done in the past u global overview was presented - many ‘similar’ needs u systematic registration now to be done

15 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén15 Status today Status today

16 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén16 Next steps u Start evaluation of devices u LV and HV supplies, etc u Start prototyping u use of PVSS u Controls people to be found u Finish Detector R&D

17 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén17 What do you expect from ACC team (1) u Some comments: u To harmonize and make various detectors parts work together u To organize common ways to: u collect and record DCS data u what data; environmental data records, etc u Look at implications due to limited access to equipment, redundancy needs u Cover security issues, handling of alarms

18 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén18 What do you expect from ACC team (2) u Test-lab; when and what available u PVSS support, software drivers u Connections with external services u what to be handled via DAQ and via DCS u Beam-test systems u etc. u Proposed DCS organization generally accepted

19 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén19 Workshop Conclusion (1) u Proposed Project organization u Basic project outline accepted u Controls Coordination and Controls Board mandate has been defined - members nominated – after ok from TB ready to start working u JCOP u progressing according to program plan u PVSS II selection - major achievement u framework tools advancing well - 1st release May 2001 u feedback from the experiments important

20 30.5 2001Summary DCS Workshop - L.Jirdén20 Conclusion (2) u Detector groups u very good response ~ 35 participants u widespread progress u only a few have started evaluation and prototype work u devices in general not yet fixed but becoming urgent u general wish to use common ‘standards’ u welcomed the re-activation of ALICE controls u Aim of workshop u contacts established, discussions re-launched and we have learnt to know each other. u 1st milestone has been achieved

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