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ACCESS EMIS Coordinator Meeting December 19, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ACCESS EMIS Coordinator Meeting December 19, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACCESS EMIS Coordinator Meeting December 19, 2012

2 13K Reporting Schedule Dates to Remember –December 21, 2012 Casino Count –Data submitted to ODE by 5 p.m. –December 26, 2012 January 1 st Foundation Payment –Data submitted to ODE by 5 p.m. –January 25, 2013 December Child Count –February 22, 2013 Final Processing of October 13K

3 Casino Student Count County of Residence –All students district educating on October 5th Grades KG-12 and Preschool Disabled ESC’s not included in this count –Preschool disability count from DOR Students at multiple districts, –All districts report same County of Residence Students at DYS – record skipped. Students not included in the count Students at Ohio School for the Blind and Ohio School for the Deaf – not included in home district count

4 Casino Student Count County of Residence (con’t) –Community Schools – enter EMIS and SOES –Reported from FS Standing record –Adds a new record type to Data Collector > Preview/Review Casino Distribution – CD –Subset of FS and FD records

5 October Additional Reports General Missing Data –Released this week Includes GN and FS only Additional areas added sometime in January Casino Conflict Report –Multiple districts educating student on Oct 5 General Issues –May see before Christmas break Missing PS and KRAL Reports –Coming Soon!

6 Additional Reporting Periods To be released in the following order –March 12D –Graduate 12G –12N Non-LRC Supplemental reporting period Still no release date!

7 Review EMIS Records GI – Student Demographics FS – Student Standing FD – Student Attributes FN – Student Attributes – No Date GQ – Program Codes

8 December Child Count Work with district special education staff Review December Child Count Reports EMIS/Special Education – Work Session –Mid January Final Reporting – January 25 th, 2013 December Child Count questions?

9 Additional Items Court placed student reporting Gifted/LEP Work Sessions New Acceleration EMIS Data Collection Form Data Collector Help Desk Questions?

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