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Berachah Bible Institute Hebrew Grammar I Chapter 10: Hebrew Construct Chain.

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1 Berachah Bible Institute Hebrew Grammar I Chapter 10: Hebrew Construct Chain

2 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain A whole lesson on the word “of” In English, there is a word: E.g., “Son of God” Section 10.1 – Introduction In Spanish, there is as well: E.g., “Hijo de Dios” In Greek, there is not. You have to change the form of the word after “of:” E.g., ui`o.j qeou/ ( qeo,j = “God”) In Hebrew, there is not. You have to change the form of the word before “of:” E.g., ~yhil{a/ !B, ( !Be = “Son”)

3 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain The ambiguity of the word “of” o Possessive: Jesus’ revelation Section 10.1 – Introduction (continued) o Objective: Revelation about Jesus o Subjective: Revelation Jesus gives Colossians 1:15 – The firstborn of all creation Revelation 1:1 – The Revelation of Jesus Christ o Partitive: Firstborn is a part of creation o Objective: Firstborn over creation o Possessive: Creation’s firstborn o Place: Firstborn in the realm of creation o Comparison: Firstborn when compared to creation

4 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain “Chain” is a good description Section 10.2 – Basic Grammar It is a “linking” together of nouns with “of”s hr"_ATh; rp,seä yrEÞb.DI 2 Kings 22:11 Last noun (i.e., leftmost) is the absolute noun, said to be in the absolute state. All others are construct nouns, said to be in the construct state. In translation, “of” is inserted between each element of the chain. NOTHING CAN BREAK THE CHAIN

5 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Section 10.2 – Basic Grammar (continued) hr"_ATh; rp,seä yrEÞb.DI 2 Kings 22:11 “The words of the book of the law” – Why three the’s? Only the absolute noun can have the definite article. The construct nouns will never have the definite article. The construct nouns are definite if the absolute noun is definite. Otherwise, they are indefinite. The absolute noun can be definite in three ways: o It has the definite article o It is a proper noun o It has a pronominal suffix

6 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Section 10.3 – Chains with Adjectives Attributive Adjectives (including demonstrative pronouns) come after the chain and modify one of the elements. bwOJh; hK'l.M;h; rb;D. As always, they must match the noun they modify in gender, number, and definiteness. The good word of the queen hb'wOJh; hK'l.M;h; rb;D. The word of the good queen bwOJh; %l,M, ñ h; rb;D. The good word of the king - OR - The word of the good king Who is the king? CONTEXT!!!

7 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Section 10.4 – Chains with Prepositions Remember: You cannot break the chain! However, as we saw, you can put attributive adjectives after the end of the chain. hw")hy > ~AyðB. Ezekiel 13:5 Likewise, you can put prepositions before the beginning of the chain “On the day of Yahweh” Do you know why it is THE day?

8 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Section 10.5 – Spelling of Construct nouns There are many different kinds of changes that can take place when placing a noun into the construct state (cf. pp. 102-5) For now, we can become reasonably proficient with the construct state by learning the following table: SingularPlural MasculineNo change ~y i  y e Feminine h '  t ; No change Also remember: When two nouns are placed side by side: Construct Noun Clause Apposition you should carefully read pages 102-105, though

9 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Know all slides past introduction Section 10.6 – Summary

10 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain !b,a,ñ – Ebenezer = Stone (eben) of help (nezer) Section 10.7- Vocabulary hm'd'a] – Adam was taken out of the ground lWbG> – “Give all” your territory to us! lyIh;ñ – Hah! You’ll come against me with that army?

11 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Reminder Vocabulary and Grammar Quiz this week. Don’t forget to be doing journal (turn in @ end) After chapter 9, you know 61% of all OT words After chapter 10, you will know 63.5% of all OT words

12 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain ‘laer"f.yI-%l,m,( ydEÛb.[;me dx'úa, ![;Y:w:û jp'êv'-!B, [v'äylia/ hPo… rm,aYOëw: 2 Kings 3:11 and he answered and said,“HereElisha Example #1 one `WhY")liae ydEîy>-l[; ~yIm:ß qc;y"ï-rv,a] whopouredwater the king of of the servants of Israel son of Shapat on the feet of Elijah

13 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Am+v. dAbåK. hw"ßhyl; 1 Chronicles 16:29 to Yahwehthe glory of Example #2 His name Ascribe…

14 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain yYEïx;-ynE)v. yme²y> hL,aeªw> yx'_-rv,a] ~h'Þr"b.a; Genesis 25:7 And thesethe days of Abrahamwhichhe lived Example #3 the years of the life of

15 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Wnt'óao hl,’[]M;h; aWh Wnyheêl{a/ hw"åhy> yKi… ~ydI_b'[] tyBeämi ~yIr:ßc.mi #r Yahwehour God and )(our fathers from the land of Egypt Example #4 He Continued next page… For [is the one] who brought up )( us from the house of servants hL,aeêh' ‘tAldoG>h; tAtÜaoh'-ta, WnynE©y[el. hf'ä[' rv<ôa]w: and who didfor our eyes)(the signsthe thesethe great

16 BBI Hebrew Grammar I Construct Chain Hb'ê Wnk.l;äh' rv<åa] ‘%r<D<’h;-lk'B. WnrEªm.v.YIw:) `~B'(r>qiB. Wnr>b:ß[' rv<ïa] ~yMiê[;h'( ‘lkob.W on all of the and among all the peopleswhowe passed Example #4 (continued) the way Joshua 24:17 And he guarded us whichwe went in their midst on it

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