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Parents and Children Mornings  bring your bag inside  Do all your jobs (lunch box in tray- message bag and drink bottles in containers)  Then take your.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents and Children Mornings  bring your bag inside  Do all your jobs (lunch box in tray- message bag and drink bottles in containers)  Then take your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents and Children Mornings  bring your bag inside  Do all your jobs (lunch box in tray- message bag and drink bottles in containers)  Then take your bag outside Reminders for this term  Week 3 – Friday 9 th Aug. – Assembly (all welcome)  Week 4 – Friday 16 th Aug. – Student Free Day  Week 5 – All week – responsibility week (our class) info to come  Week 5 – Book Week – Friday 23 rd – Book Week assembly  Week 6 – Tues. 27 th Aug. - Grandparents Day (special person)  Week 6 – Friday 30 Aug. – Disco  Week 8 – Wed. 11 th Sept. – Show Day -School Closure  Week 10 – Friday 27 th Sept. – End of Term Assembly – early closure

2 Good Morning 1 st song Have a happy day

3 Jobs for Tuesday 6 th August 2013 Star of the day Finlay Grace Shanika Finlay Hayden Montanah Ruby-Rose Elisha Alice Reuben Noah Casey Jack N Leaders Roll monitors Giving out sheets Cleaners Tail Lunch Monitors Anna Ella Jorja A Holly Zack Audio Jack B Seth Emily Aiden Ruby Angus Jorja s Milo Chair Monitors Tray Monitors Paper Monitors Library Monitors Crayon Monitors Cushion people Pencil Monitors

4 Today is Yesterday was Tomorrow will be DAYS OF THE WEEK Tuesday Monday Wednesday Todays Date 6/8/2013

5 Jolly Phonics sound song Monkey dance Bears dance Counting to 20 Monkey steps Hamster dance exercise http:// Head and shoulders knees and toes The ion sleeps tonight Robot song Jolly Phonics song 2 Jolly Phonics vowels song


7 MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Finlay Noah Milo Aiden Elisha Grace Holly Zack Ruby-Rose Jack B Casey Jack Alice Anna Montanah Emily Jorja A Ruby P Seth Shanika Hayden Reuben Ella Audio Jorja S Angus

8 TurtlesElephantsTigersPenguinsBears Casey Alice Jack N Audio Reuben Ella Noah Aiden Anna Hayden Milo Finlay Jack B Montanah Angus Grace Elisha Jorja A Holly Zack Ruby-Rose Seth Emily Ruby P Shanika Jorja S

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