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Calculating Simple interest and compound interest

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1 Calculating Simple interest and compound interest

2 Module Objectives An introduction to the concept of interest on money.
Calculating interest- Different types of interest: simple and compound Exercise your newfound knowledge!

3 Interest Raju needs money Bank and Raju write down : How much ?=Rs.100
Time being borrwed for ?=2 year Bank calculates the amount Raju has to return after 2 years For this service that bank gave to raju, it charges a fee. This fee is nothing but interest

4 Types of interest Simple compound

5 Simple Interest After 2 years After 1 year 0 years

6 Simple Interest Recap the previous example. Raju borrowed: -Rs 100 -For 2 years -At a rate of 10% Thus, at the end of 2 years, for borrowing Rs 100, Raju will owe the bank Rs. 120 TIME Amount borrowed Interest to be paid Total that raju has to pay After 1 year 100 10 10 After 2 years 100 10 10+10=20

7 The math of it An easier way to do this -> use formula
Principle = Rs. 100 Time = 2 years Rate of interest = 10 % per year Total interest = (interest for year 1) + (interest for year 2) = (100x0.1) + (100x0.1) = = Rs. 20 An easier way to do this -> use formula Simple interest (SI)= (PTR)/100 Ex. SI = (100x2x10)/100

8 Let’s change the numbers a bit
Amount borrowed: 100 Time: 3 years Interest rate: 15% Thus, at the end of 3 years, Raju will have to return Rs 145 for having borrowed Rs. 100 TIME Amount borrowed Interest to be paid Total interest that Raju has to pay After 1 year 100 15 15 After 2 years 100 15 15+15 = 30 Lets say Raju had borrowed 100 Rs. But interest rate was 15% and this time, he borrowed it for 3 years. What would be the amount raju has to pay the bank at the end of 3 years ? After 3 years 100 15 = 45

9 Exercise: Simple Interest
Principle= 2000, Rate of interest= 12% annual, Time= 1 years. What is SI and final amount to be paid ? Principle=2000, Rate of interest=12% annual, Time= 1.5 year. What is SI and final amount to be paid ?

10 Compund Interest In simple interest, the base or principle stays the same every year, and interest is just calculated on this same principle In Compound interest, the base amount changes every year. The base amount for next year will be (principle + this year’s interest)

11 What I just said means… Raju: Principle=Rs. 100
Rate of interest = 10% (compounded annually) Time = 3 years TIME Amount borrowed Interest to be paid for that year Total interest so far After 1 year 100 10 10 After 2 years 110 11 11+10=21 After 3 years 121 12.1 =33.1 TOTAL:133.1

12 Formula for Compound Interest
P(1 + r)t Recollect previous example: P= Rs. 100 R= 10% = 0.1 t=3 years Thus, Total amount at end of 3 years= 100(1+0.1)3 = 100(1.331) = 133.1

13 Exercise: Compound Interest
Principle= 2000, Rate of interest= 12% annual, Time= 2 years. What is final amount to be paid after 2 years ?

14 Summary There are two ways of calculating interest
In everyday life, compund interest is the way banks calculate interest. Simple interest is slow growth-good for you Compund interest: beware.

15 Exercises Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus et magna. Fusce sed sem sed magna suscipit egestas.

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