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WHEAT MARKET SITUATION IN KOREA Won Bang Koh, Ph.D. Country Director U.S. Wheat Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "WHEAT MARKET SITUATION IN KOREA Won Bang Koh, Ph.D. Country Director U.S. Wheat Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHEAT MARKET SITUATION IN KOREA Won Bang Koh, Ph.D. Country Director U.S. Wheat Associates


3 3

4 4 WHEAT IMPORT OF KOREA BY ORIGIN DURING CY2007 OriginClassQnty(MT)MS (%)Uses USASW584,91728.3Cakes, All-purpose WC--Cakes SRW5,0630.2Biscuits (confectionery) HRW242,22411.7Noodles, All-purpose HW--Noodles, Steam-buns HRS (DNS)343,34216.6Bread & rolls Subtotal1,175,54656.8

5 5 OriginClassQnty(MT)MS(%)Uses AustraliaAS2,1310.1Puffing snacks ASW717,26334.7Noodles AH79,1873.8Noodles, Bread Subtotal799,18738.6 CanadaCWRS94,9084.6Bread & rolls Grand Total2,069,641


7 7  Wheat Pricing –USW: Free marketing system Tighter specification required with premium –AWB: Monopoly marketing system Price negotiation ( Undercutting geared with US wheat price; US$2 to 5/MT- ASW vs HRW, US$10 to 24/MT- AH vs HRS ) Cheaper ocean freight rate ($2/MT) No quality specification needed CURRENT CONSTRAINTS

8 8  Wheat Quality –Quality Consistency: Dough stability Kernel vitreousness –Functional Quality: Noodle properties (ash, color and starch)

9 9  Wheat Safety –Pesticide MRLs (ppm): CODEX USA KOREA Wheat Flour Wheat Flour Wheat Flour Malathion 0.5 0.2 8.0 - 8.0 1.0 Chlorpyrifos Methyl (Reldan) 10.0 2.0 6.0 - 6.0 2.0 Chlorpyrifos 0.5 0.1 0.5 - 0.1 0.02 Fenitrothion - 2.0 - - 6.0 1.0 * A total 20 wheat shipments showed higher than CODEX recommendation 0.5 ppm MRL in malathion residue during 2001 - 2007. –Vomitoxin: –GM wheat:

10 10 ACTIVITES TO ENHANCE OR HOLD USW MARKET SHARE  US Wheat Quality Improvement Symposium –Quality discussion between US wheat breeders and Korean millers as well as researchers of wheat-based food industries

11 11 Overseas Varietal Analysis (OVA) Program –Summaries of varietal quality evaluation data from overseas users and attendant ARS laboratories for wheat breeders, ARS and state wheat quality laboratories, wheat producers, the grain trade and overseas cooperators.

12 12  HW Functional Quality Improvement –APC (Asian Products Collaborative) Program: Noodles and steam buns flour development team to U.S. Laboratory test at Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, OR HW sample laboratory evaluation tests at KBS and WFRL in Korea HW samples evaluated as suitable varieties for Korean noodles during past years; Platte-Colorado ID377S-Idaho Trego-Kansas Blanca Grande-Washington & California Intrada-Oklahoma Alturas (SW)-Idaho Commercial milling and noodle production tests in Korea

13 13 Short Course Training in the US –Millers & Noodle Researchers: WMC, NCI, IGP –Bakers: AIB –Wheat Import Managers: NCI, IGP –Contracting for Wheat Value Workshop: WMC –Durum Milling Short Course: NCI –Pasta Raw Material & Processing Course: NCI –Wheat Laboratory Internship: WMC

14 14 Seminar and Technical Consultation –Crop Quality Seminar –Wheat & flour short course for flour users –Wheat Foods Research Seminar –Special lectures for university and graduate school students –In-plant consultations for milling and wheat- based foods industries –Baking seminars in cooperation with KBA and KBS –AIB/Korea Alumni Assn. Biennial Seminar

15 15 Trade Teams to the US –Presidents, Import directors, Plant managers and R&D managers of milling industry –Delegations of noodle and baking industries –Governmental organization teams –HW & Selenium Wheat Crop Survey Team –PNW HW End-users Delegation

16 16 Thank You

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