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Decision Point 1 - Host Nation identifies HADR capability gaps in its capacity to deal with the crisis References: ARF HA/DR SOPs (Draft) ARF DEDR Exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Point 1 - Host Nation identifies HADR capability gaps in its capacity to deal with the crisis References: ARF HA/DR SOPs (Draft) ARF DEDR Exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Point 1 - Host Nation identifies HADR capability gaps in its capacity to deal with the crisis References: ARF HA/DR SOPs (Draft) ARF DEDR Exercise Instruction

2 How will the HN coordinate the assessment of the event causing the crisis for both its own domestic response capability and those of the SN, NGOs and IOs? –The Host Nation should make assessments from a Whole of Government perspective. The main body to provide this assessment should be its internal emergency management authority/NDMA/CCC –The key is that the Host Nation should be the primary coordinating authority for conducting assessments –The analysis needs to critically determine what is needed instead of what is available. –All stakeholders need to ensure that they develop lines of communication with the Host Nation at the first opportunity and strive to maintain goodwill support of the Host Nation. –SN/ UN assessment teams should be arrived ASAP

3 From a supporting organisation perspective, how will the HN coordinate the assessment of the event causing the crisis? –The Host Nation should make assessments from a Whole of Government perspective enacting its NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Generic description of national organization) CC centre CC committee –Terminology- align with all ARF document –The Supporting Nations/ UN/ NGO/ IO should develop potential contributions based upon the situation and capacity to support and the identified needs of the Host Nation. –All stakeholders need to ensure that they develop lines of communication with the Host Nation at the first opportunity and strive to maintain goodwill support of the Host Nation Initial assessment -HN initiative Local community Local based NGO Local NDMO structures –Rapid joint needs assessment team (whole Government and whole agencies) Includes specialists –Deliberate assessment Operationalise NDM plan

4 How does the Host Nation intend to provide the information to the Supporting Nation, NGOs and IOs? –Embassy Links – Bilateral Relationships –HN NDMO (CCC) must be the focal point Use the AHA Centre as an information hub for the ASEAN Nation The UN has a website dedicated to HA/DR activities? Information can be posted on the UN Virtual On-Site Operations Coordination Centre The UNDAC teams could assist in coordination of the assessment by the Host Nation by establishing an On-Site Operations Coordination Centre The UN, in consultation with the Host nation may consider establishing a Humanitarian Information Centre (HIC) and a Humanitarian Operations Center (HOC) to collect and disseminate assessments and coordinate response activities ARF Nations, with OCHA can work together to assist the Host Nation –Coordination and Information Exchange International Humanitarian Agencies – Relief Web AHA Centre (ASEAN)


6 If in the worse case the HN is unable to complete the assessment, whom does it turn to for support in collecting and assimilating this data? What do the SN, NGOs and IOs do in the absence of Situational Awareness (SA)? –In the first instance it is up to the HN to request for assistance –Could make use of the UN to take the lead –SN under bilateral arrangements can offer assessment support critical that the information gathered is disseminated to all who wish to help –IFRC, government aid agencies will establish face to face communications prior to the deployment of the rapid assessment teams

7 If the HN or designated support develops a Common Operating Picture of the situation and the assessment, how is this distributed to the SN, NGOs and IOs? Is it supplied jut to the SN? –Flash/Consolidated Appeals Process –Relief Web –ARFNET –ARF Coord Centre – Webpage specific to the incident –Page –Media –Diplomatic Channels

8 What activities are SN, NGO and IOs doing outside of the HN in anticipation of providing support to the HN? –Capability Gap Analysis Situational Address Situational Understanding –SN/NGO/IO Operational Planning Process based on HN Priorities –ARF Coord Process Request for Asst Activate Standby Arrangements Activate Operational Capability –Activate Logistics Pipeline –Based on HN priorities

9 SOPs Need to better articulate the means for dissemination of Situational Awareness and a priority of means –Relief Web –AHA Centre –HN specific disaster website Articulate and describe relationships for information flow during the assessments Look to providing a general précis which describes the key information requirement Clarification of the VTFDR

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