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Simple dressings HLTAIN301B: Assist nursing team in an acute care environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Simple dressings HLTAIN301B: Assist nursing team in an acute care environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simple dressings HLTAIN301B: Assist nursing team in an acute care environment.

2 What is a wound? Any break in the skin or mucous membrane which may be the result of a surgical incision, an injury, infection or a disease process that leads to skin breakdown Activity: In groups discuss what your role is in providing wound management. Glossary of Terminology

3 Purpose of wound care Promote healing Prevents infection Involves the cleaning of the wound with an appropriate solution & covering with an appropriate dressing product A wound dressing should protect the wound, improve healing & reduce pain What solutions and what technique?

4 Principles of wound care Your involvement in wound care will depend entirely on the facility policies & procedures Acute versus Chronic

5 Stages of wound healing Inflammation Proliferation Maturation

6 Factors influencing wound healing Infection Foreign bodies Age Nutritional status Location of wound Drugs General health

7 Types of dressings Film membranes Foams Hydrogels Hydrocolloids Aglinate Miscellaneous e.g. combine Show products.

8 Points to consider Assess the wound regularly Observe size, shape, colour of the wound Keep the wound area clean View the wound chart Encourage a healthy diet Remain professional, particularly if the wound has an unpleasant odour or look

9 Documentation Wound care charts Example

10 Clinical skills:- Hand washing Aseptic technique Dressing technique

11 Aseptic technique Wound care

12 How can pathogens introduce infection to the patient? Through contact with: Environment Personnel Equipment

13 How can this be prevented? Environment Personnel Equipment With these types of measures in place, the chain of infection is broken = limiting the risk

14 Aseptic technique A dressing change at the bedside, though in a much less controlled environment than the operating room, will still involve: Thorough hand washing Use of PPE Creation of a sterile field Opening and introducing packages and fluids in such a way as to avoid contamination Constant avoidance of contact with nonsterile items.

15 Aseptic technique – Basic guidelines

16 Aseptic technique – basic guidelines When carrying out aseptic technique you need to do What?

17 Aseptic technique – basic guidelines Prepare dressing trolley (clean it!) Open sterile packs carefully to prevent contamination of contents

18 Aseptic technique – basic guidelines Wash your hands

19 Aseptic technique – basic guidelines Use only sterile items to contact the site. Ensure that sterile items do not come into contact with non-sterile items during the actual procedure being performed

20 Aseptic technique – basic guidelines Discard any waste contaminated with blood or other body fluids into clinical waste bags or sharps containers. Discard protective clothing. Wash your hands after the procedure.

21 Basic Dressing Technique / Procedure

22 Equipment Dressing pack Additional supplies e.g. extra gauzes, scissors etc Cleaning solution. (N/Saline) A waterproof bag for disposal of rubbish Tape Blue sheets

23 Dressing technique - Intervention Prepare the patient. How? Explain procedure/intentions Provide privacy Assist the patient to get into a comfortable position With non-sterile gloves, remove / loosen the outer soiled dressing.

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