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Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms David Chaum CACM Vol. 24 No. 2 February 1981 Presented by: Adam Lee 1/24/2006 David.

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Presentation on theme: "Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms David Chaum CACM Vol. 24 No. 2 February 1981 Presented by: Adam Lee 1/24/2006 David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Untraceable Electronic Mail, Return Addresses, and Digital Pseudonyms David Chaum CACM Vol. 24 No. 2 February 1981 Presented by: Adam Lee 1/24/2006 David Chaum CACM Vol. 24 No. 2 February 1981 Presented by: Adam Lee 1/24/2006

2 Motivation  Many uses for anonymous communication channels  Elections  Anonymous crime tips  Whistle-blowing  Etc.  Standard mail offers some guarantees of anonymity; why not email too?  Many uses for anonymous communication channels  Elections  Anonymous crime tips  Whistle-blowing  Etc.  Standard mail offers some guarantees of anonymity; why not email too?

3 Contributions  Cryptographic protocols to support an anonymous email system  Keep sender anonymous w.r.t. both the receiver and other parties in the network  Allow receiver to reply to sender without revealing sender’s identity  Protocol can also be used to form anonymous and verifiable rosters  E.g., for an electronic election  Cryptographic protocols to support an anonymous email system  Keep sender anonymous w.r.t. both the receiver and other parties in the network  Allow receiver to reply to sender without revealing sender’s identity  Protocol can also be used to form anonymous and verifiable rosters  E.g., for an electronic election

4 Historical Perspective, 1979  Cryptography had been around for millennia  Usually required the use of shared secrets  Paradigm shift: late 1970s  Diffie & Hellman, “New Directions in Cryptography” (1976)  RSA cryptosystem (1977)  Rapid advancements allow for the sharing of keys (secrets) between strangers  Cryptography had been around for millennia  Usually required the use of shared secrets  Paradigm shift: late 1970s  Diffie & Hellman, “New Directions in Cryptography” (1976)  RSA cryptosystem (1977)  Rapid advancements allow for the sharing of keys (secrets) between strangers

5 Notation  Keys in public-key cryptosystem  Public key: K  Private key: K -1  Encryption of x with K denoted by K(x)  Keys are inverses  i.e., K -1 (K(x)) = K(K -1 (x)) = x  Keys in public-key cryptosystem  Public key: K  Private key: K -1  Encryption of x with K denoted by K(x)  Keys are inverses  i.e., K -1 (K(x)) = K(K -1 (x)) = x

6 Operations  To prevent certain attacks, Chaum advocates random padding before encryption  i.e., use K(R, x) where R is a random string rather than K(x) to encrypt x  When signing, first pad with some known constant  i.e., K -1 (C, y) where C is a known constant  To prevent certain attacks, Chaum advocates random padding before encryption  i.e., use K(R, x) where R is a random string rather than K(x) to encrypt x  When signing, first pad with some known constant  i.e., K -1 (C, y) where C is a known constant

7 Chaum’s Assumptions  Can’t break the cryptosystem  Anyone can observe all links in the system  The so-called “global passive adversary”  Anyone can inject, replay, remove, or modify messages  Dolev-Yao active attacker model (which they didn’t publish about until 1983)  Can’t break the cryptosystem  Anyone can observe all links in the system  The so-called “global passive adversary”  Anyone can inject, replay, remove, or modify messages  Dolev-Yao active attacker model (which they didn’t publish about until 1983)

8 Sending Anonymous Mail  Rather than sending mail directly to the recipient, send mail to a mix  Principle: Try to reduce correspondence between input- and output-sets  Fool global passive adversaries  What about keeping the message private?  Rather than sending mail directly to the recipient, send mail to a mix  Principle: Try to reduce correspondence between input- and output-sets  Fool global passive adversaries  What about keeping the message private?

9 The Crypto!  Players (and their public keys)  Mixes (K n )  Recipient, A (K a )  One mix protocol  Sender -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A)  Mix -> A: K a (R 0, M)  Use of public key crypto hides message from mix and nosy parties on the Internet  Players (and their public keys)  Mixes (K n )  Recipient, A (K a )  One mix protocol  Sender -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A)  Mix -> A: K a (R 0, M)  Use of public key crypto hides message from mix and nosy parties on the Internet

10 Cascade Mix Example  Protocol  Sender -> Mix n: K n (R n, K n-1 (R n-1, …, K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A) … A n-2 )A n-1 )  Mix n -> Mix n-1: K n-1 (R n-1, …, K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A) … A n-2 )  …  Mix 2 -> Mix 1: K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A)  Mix 1 -> A: K a (R 0, M)  As long as (n-1) mixes remain uncompromised, the anonymity properties of the message are preserved!  Protocol  Sender -> Mix n: K n (R n, K n-1 (R n-1, …, K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A) … A n-2 )A n-1 )  Mix n -> Mix n-1: K n-1 (R n-1, …, K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A) … A n-2 ) ……  Mix 2 -> Mix 1: K 1 (R 1, K a (R 0, M), A)  Mix 1 -> A: K a (R 0, M)  As long as (n-1) mixes remain uncompromised, the anonymity properties of the message are preserved!

11 Observations  At each step in the cascade, the current mix  Peels off one layer of encryption  Discovers a forwarding address  Passes message along  So, each mix only knows where a message came from and where its going  Note similarities between onion routing, Crowds, etc…  At each step in the cascade, the current mix  Peels off one layer of encryption  Discovers a forwarding address  Passes message along  So, each mix only knows where a message came from and where its going  Note similarities between onion routing, Crowds, etc…

12 Return to Sender  This is all fine and good for one way email (anonymous threats and the like), but how can we arrange responses?  Embed an untraceable return address!  Format: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  A X is X’s return address, K X is a temporary public key for X  This is all fine and good for one way email (anonymous threats and the like), but how can we arrange responses?  Embed an untraceable return address!  Format: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  A X is X’s return address, K X is a temporary public key for X

13 Example  Protocol:  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Mix -> Y: K Y (R 0, M 1 ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Y -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K x (R 2, M 2 )  Mix -> X: R 1 (K x (R 2, M 2 ))  Note 1: R 1 used to alter forwarded message to prevent I/O correspondence  Note 2: Return addresses can be cascaded just like messages.  Note 3: Responses clearly different from initial messages  Protocol:  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Mix -> Y: K Y (R 0, M 1 ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Y -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K x (R 2, M 2 )  Mix -> X: R 1 (K x (R 2, M 2 ))  Note 1: R 1 used to alter forwarded message to prevent I/O correspondence  Note 2: Return addresses can be cascaded just like messages.  Note 3: Responses clearly different from initial messages

14 Possible Attack (not in paper)  Note that K 1 (R 1, A X ) and K X aren’t bound  A malicious mix can read reply messages by carrying out a man in the middle attack  With email, lots of times, replies contain the original message!  Note that K 1 (R 1, A X ) and K X aren’t bound  A malicious mix can read reply messages by carrying out a man in the middle attack  With email, lots of times, replies contain the original message!

15 Attack Example  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Mix -> Y: K Y (R 0, M 1 ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X’  Note substituted ephemeral public key K X’  Y -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K x’ (R 2, M 2 )  Mix can unpack this message, read M 2, and reencrypt using K X  Mix -> X: R 1 (K x (R 2, M 2 ))  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  Mix -> Y: K Y (R 0, M 1 ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X’  Note substituted ephemeral public key K X’  Y -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, A X ), K x’ (R 2, M 2 )  Mix can unpack this message, read M 2, and reencrypt using K X  Mix -> X: R 1 (K x (R 2, M 2 ))

16 A Simple Solution  To prevent the previously mentioned attack, we need only change the first message of the protocol  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, K X, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  This allows Y to verify that the mix didn’t change K X, since the mix can’t alter anything encrypted with K Y  To prevent the previously mentioned attack, we need only change the first message of the protocol  X -> Mix: K 1 (R 1, K Y (R 0, K X, M 1 ), A Y ), K 1 (R 1, A X ), K X  This allows Y to verify that the mix didn’t change K X, since the mix can’t alter anything encrypted with K Y

17 Anonymous Elections  Form a roster of pseudonyms by sending anonymous emails through a mix-net  Output list in a public location  Only entities on the list can take actions in the system  Form a roster of pseudonyms by sending anonymous emails through a mix-net  Output list in a public location  Only entities on the list can take actions in the system

18 Recommendations for an Untraceable Mail System  To hide number of messages sent, each participant sends same number of messages per interval (some are dummies)  Cover traffic!  To hide number of messages received, must check all messages, not just known good messages  Messages should all be same size  Prevent I/O correlation  To hide number of messages sent, each participant sends same number of messages per interval (some are dummies)  Cover traffic!  To hide number of messages received, must check all messages, not just known good messages  Messages should all be same size  Prevent I/O correlation

19 Implementing an Advanced Mix  A mix with all of the following properties can be implemented using the techniques presented in this paper  Overview  Break message into fixed size blocks  Each mix “pops” the first block, adds a block of junk to the end  Decrypt removed block to yield a key R which is used to encrypt each block in the new message  A mix with all of the following properties can be implemented using the techniques presented in this paper  Overview  Break message into fixed size blocks  Each mix “pops” the first block, adds a block of junk to the end  Decrypt removed block to yield a key R which is used to encrypt each block in the new message

20 Discussion Questions  Why wasn’t Chaum’s mix network ever implemented?  How should we characterize advancements in anonymous email over the years? Technological? Responses to better understanding of threats?  Why wasn’t Chaum’s mix network ever implemented?  How should we characterize advancements in anonymous email over the years? Technological? Responses to better understanding of threats?

21 Discussion Questions (cont.)  This article explains how anonymous rosters can be used for electronic voting. Did Chaum oversimplify the problem, or do current systems ignore his work in this area?  What do people think of the notion of certified mail and receipts?  This article explains how anonymous rosters can be used for electronic voting. Did Chaum oversimplify the problem, or do current systems ignore his work in this area?  What do people think of the notion of certified mail and receipts?

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