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Acids, Bases and pH. Properties of Acids and Bases.

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1 Acids, Bases and pH

2 Properties of Acids and Bases

3 Previous Theories of Acids and Bases The Arrhenius Theory of Acids and Bases (1887) Acids and bases are defined in terms of their structure and the ions produced when they dissolve in water. An acid is a substance that dissociates in water to form H+(aq). A base is a substance that dissociates in water to form OH−(aq).

4 Arrhenius Theory of Acids and Bases The Arrhenius theory explains acid-base reactions as a combination of H+(aq) and OH−(aq).

5 Arrhenius Theory of Acids and Bases HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O() ΔH = −56 kJ The total ionic equation for this reaction is H+ (aq) + Cl− (aq) + Na+(aq) + OH−(aq) → Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq) + H2O(l) ΔH = −56 kJ Subtracting spectator ions from both sides, the net ionic equation is H+(aq) + OH−(aq) → H2O(l) ΔH = −56 kJ Measurements always show the release of 56 kJ of energy per mole of water formed

6 Arrhenius Theory of Acids and Bases The net ionic equation is the same regardless of the specific neutralization reaction that occurs.

7 Limitations H+(aq), a bare proton, does not exist in water It’s attracted to the region of negative charge on the lone pair of electrons on a water molecule’s oxygen atom. The combination is a hydrated proton called a hydronium ion, H 3 O+(aq). H+(aq) + H 2 O(l) → H 3 O+(aq)

8 Hydronium Ion

9 Limitations Bases like ammonia NH 3 is a base but does not form a hydroxide ion OH+ Many aqueous solutions of salts with no hydroxide ions are basic, too Some acid/base reactions occur as gases NH 3 (g) + HCl(g) → NH 4 Cl(s)

10 The Brønsted-Lowry Theory Proposed independently, in 1923, by Johannes Brønsted, a Danish chemist, and Thomas Lowry, an English chemist. It recognizes an acid-base reaction as a chemical equilibrium, having both a forward reaction and a reverse reaction that involves the transfer of a proton.

11 Definition Brønsted-Lowry theory defines acids and bases as follows: An acid is a substance from which a proton can be removed. (Some chemists describe Brønsted-Lowry acids as “proton-donors.”) A base is a substance that can accept a proton. (Some chemists describe Brønsted- Lowry bases as “proton acceptors.”)

12 Proton refers to H+, not the proton of another atom…i.e. Oxygen or sulfur If this were the case, the identity of the atom would change. i.e. Oxygen would become nitrogen. We know this does not happen.

13 Comparing the two theories

14 Review of Lewis Dot Structures Draw the Lewis structure of Water

15 Draw the Lewis Structure of the Nitrite Ion, NO 2 -.

16 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Draw the dissociation reaction of acetic acid, CH 3 COOH, in water. (It is an equilibrium reaction because it proceeds in both directions. Acetic acid is weak, so only a few ions dissociate. The position of equilibrium lies to the left, and the reverse reaction is favoured. )

17 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Draw the dissociation reaction of acetic acid, CH 3 COOH, in water. (It is an equilibrium reaction because it proceeds in both directions. Acetic acid is weak, so only a few ions dissociate. The position of equilibrium lies to the left, and the reverse reaction is favoured. )

18 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs In the reverse reaction, the hydronium ion gives up a proton to the acetate ion. Thus, these ions are an acid and a base, respectively, as shown in Figure 8.3. The acid on the left (CH3COOH) and the base on the right (CH3COO−) differ by one proton. They are called a conjugate acid-base pair. Similarly, H 2 O and H 3 O+ are a conjugate acid-base pair.

19 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Unlike the Arrhenius theory, the Brønsted-Lowry theory of acids and bases can explain the basic properties of ammonia when it dissolves in water.

20 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Aqueous ammonia is a weak base, so relatively few hydroxide ions form. The position of equilibrium lies to the left. In the forward reaction, the water molecule gives up a proton and acts as an acid. A substance that can act as a proton donor (an acid) in one reaction and a proton acceptor (a base) in another reaction is said to be amphoteric. (Water acts as an acid in the presence of a stronger base, and as a base in the presence of a stronger acid).

21 Identifying Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs Page 381:

22 Practice Problems: Pg. 383 # 1-4 (Use appendix E, pages 596-597 to help name the molecules)

23 Molecular Structure and the Strength of Acids and Bases When a strong acid or base dissolves in water, almost every acid or base molecule dissociates. While there are many acids and bases, most are weak. Thus, the number of strong acids and strong bases is fairly small.

24 Strong Acids There are two major types of strong acids: –Binary Acids –Oxoacids

25 Binary Acids Have the general formula HX (aq) X = Cl, Br, and I (not F)

26 Binary Acid Trends The binary acids of non-metals exhibit periodic trends in their acid strength. Two factors are responsible for this trend: (1) the electronegativity of the atom that is bonded to hydrogen (2) the strength of the bond

27 Binary Acid Trends

28 Oxacids SURPRISE! They contain oxygen! increase in strength with increasing numbers of O atoms. O is more electronegative than H, so oxygen atoms draw electrons away from hydrogen atoms. The more oxygen atoms there are in a molecule, the greater is the polarity of the bond between each hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom it is attached to, and the more easily H+ is lost to water.


30 Monoprotic and Polyprotic Acids Acids such as HCl, CH 3 COOH, and HF are monoprotic acids. They have only a single hydrogen atom that dissociates in water. Some acids have more than one hydrogen atom that dissociates. These acids are called polyprotic acids. For example, sulfuric acid has two hydrogen atoms that can dissociate. H 2 SO 4 (aq) + H 2 O(l)  H 3 O+(aq) + HSO 4 − (aq) HSO 4 − (aq) + H 2 O(l)  H 3 O+ (aq) + SO 4 2− (aq) Sulfuric acid is a far stronger acid than the hydrogen sulfate ion, because much more energy is required to remove a proton from a negatively charged ion. The strength of a polyprotic acid decreases as the number of hydrogen atoms that have dissociated increases.

31 Strong Bases Strong bases are confined to the oxides and hydroxides from Groups 1 (IA) and 2 (IIA).

32 Strong Bases The strong basic oxides have metal atoms with low electronegativity (they don’t attract electrons well). Thus, the bond to oxygen is ionic and is relatively easily broken by the attraction of polar water molecules. The oxide ion always reacts with water molecules to produce hydroxide ions. O 2 − (aq) + H 2 O(l) → 2OH − (aq)

33 Calculations that Involve Strong Acids and Bases When a strong acid dissociates completely into ions in water, the concentration of H3O+(aq) is equal to the concentration of the strong acid. When a strong base dissociates completely in water, the concentration of OH-(aq) is equal to the concentration of the strong base.

34 STRONG ACIDS HI HBr HClO4 HCl STRONG ACIDS HBrHydrobromic AcidHClO 3 Chloric Acid HClO 4 Perchloric AcidH2SO 4 Sulfuric Acid HClHydrochloric AcidHNO 3 Nitric Acid HIHydroiodic Acid STRONG ACIDS/BASES LIST STRONG BASES NaOHSodium hydroxideCsOHCesium hydroxide KOHPotassium hydroxideCa(OH) 2 Calcium hydroxide LiOHLithium hydroxideBa(OH) 2 Barium hydroxide RbOHRubidium hydroxideSr(OH) 2 Strontium hydroxide Take a few moments to look at the periodic table to identify these strong acids and bases!

35 Example Problem, Pg. 385

36 What should we do? Determine the ion in excess and its concentration. (This will tell us if the resulting solution is acidic or basic)

37 List:


39 Step 1: Balancing the chemical reaction. Nitric Acid: HNO3 Sodium Hydroxide: NaOH HNO3(aq) + NaOH(aq)  NaNO3(aq) + H2O

40 Step 2 Use the Formula: n = molar concentration X volume Find the AMOUNT of each reactant.

41 Step 3 –Determine the limiting reactant.

42 Step 3 –Determine the limiting reactant. –The reactants combine in a 1:1 ratio. The amount of NaOH is less, so it must be the limiting reactant.

43 Step 4 Since NaOH is the limiting reactant, the excess reactant will be HNO3(aq). We need to find the amount of excess HNO3.

44 Step 5: find the concentration of the excess ion.

45 We should get 0.12 mol/L.


47 Questions... Um... Why are we finding the concentration of H3O+?! It’s not even in the balanced equation.

48 Questions... Um... Why are we finding the concentration of H3O+?! It’s not even in the balanced equation. The excess acid (that has not been neutralized) reacts with the water in the solution to form hydronium... Remember!!!?

49 ICW PPs, page 386, #5-8 Section review, pg. 387 #1-5`

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