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System Design. ISA UK – MIRA ITS  Assess system needs for ISA trial vehicles  Define a system design and prove functionality  Prototype (1 Vehicle)

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Presentation on theme: "System Design. ISA UK – MIRA ITS  Assess system needs for ISA trial vehicles  Define a system design and prove functionality  Prototype (1 Vehicle)"— Presentation transcript:

1 System Design

2 ISA UK – MIRA ITS  Assess system needs for ISA trial vehicles  Define a system design and prove functionality  Prototype (1 Vehicle)  Production Run (21 vehicles)  Subsequent GV and M/C demonstrators  Parallel technology watch and legal review  Industry Liaison

3 ISA – System Definition  To consider what the project needs  To describe the system architecture that is a likely ISA future  To assess the system safety issues  To review the technical aspect of the ISA passenger car conversions  To consider future vehicle conversion plans

4 ISA - User needs  A process to capture the users’ expectation of the system from the viewpoint of the users  User needs are unambiguous and testable »Statements of the form “The system shall …”  Mapped to the needs of particular stakeholders  A Living document updated during project  A way of directing thought

5 Example User Needs  The system shall be able to demonstrate ISA on a fleet of private cars »Top-level project objective  The host vehicle shall have an electronic throttle »Technical objective — ease of vehicle modification  The system shall limit the speed of the vehicle automatically to a given, but variable, maximum whenever it is active »Specific objective of the control system  There are currently 184 User Needs

6 ISA Design & Safety Analysis  Goal:  to produce “ISA function” from existing technology and retrofit it to vehicles  Safe:  vehicles must not cause harm or injury to vehicle occupants or to other road users  Reliable:  vehicles must be capable of fulfilling the project objectives  And technically feasible!

7 ISA – System Design  Formal Process  Define ISA Sub-functions  Develop hardware/software  Develop installation methods  Prototype & Prove  Sign-off

8 ISA System  The additional ISA system  A three part function  Control: Monitors vehicle and driver demand and “limits” speed when required  Data: Collects Data on system (and driver) behaviour for later download/analysis  Supported by a digital map and GPS that tells the Control where the vehicle is and what the speed limit is  C-DAS = Control & Data Acquisition


10 Software Development  Functional Specification  A process to capture the technical system requirements  From the viewpoint of the developer  Define hierarchy of functions which meet the user needs  Data flows and data stores  Lowest level functions can then be translated into software

11 F2 Vehicle Control Unit F1 Speed Limit Unit F3 Datalogger Unit Modem and Phone W-Lan, GSM Driver ID Trial Phase ID Real time Clock Ignition key position Courtesy Light Door switch Screen User buttons Wheel speed sensor Engine Speed Sensor Brakes system Throttle pedal sensors Engine ECU 10Hz Hardware clock SpeedMapLoggingInfo Required SpeedLimit Door open status Ignition key Pos Modem_DataModem_Status Adrian Carlin Emergency Override Button_Input_Value HMI_information Vehicle_Speed Engine_Speed Brake_Output Brake_ip_Status ThrottlePedal_UserPos ThrottlePedal_ISAPos ControllerDataLoggingInfo E_Stop PhaseID DriverID Brake Light Dead reckoning Front and Rear Headway sensors Headway

12 The selected car: Skoda Fabia 100 HP Estate

13 ISA Host Car  Surprisingly agile performance  Standard electronic throttle  Good quality ABS  Position within I/P for display  Estate version gives range of packaging possibilities  Smooth driving at low speed in 5 th gear  Brand new design (based on the Polo 2002 floor pan)

14 User Interface ISA Resume ISA Opt-out Emergency Override

15 Visual Display - Location RPM x100 MPH EPC ! ! MPG

16 ISA Display States  Number of Text & Symbol Displays  Ability to count-down to speed restriction.  Easily accommodates British and European applications.  Ability to build display graphic ‘on the fly’.

17 ISA Installation  Standard Vehicle  Stripped Down  Modify  Install Wiring  Install Control Boxes  Power Supplies

18 Data Logging GSMGSM

19 Other ISA Vehicles  Goods Vehicle 2003/4  Demo & Trial  Motorcycle 2004/5  Demo  Each having specific issues  Industry Liaison

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