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2 Standard Contract Forum 31 January 2005 14.00 Customer Suite, BT Centre, London

3 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 Keith Mitchinson 31 January 05

4 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 AGENDA 1 Introduction and Notes of Previous Meeting 2 Review of New and Amended Schedules 3 Consult 21 4 NCD Billing 5 056 LIECS Calls 6 RBS Update 7 Review Updates 8 Any Other Business

5 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 REVISED SCHEDULES: Schedule 141 – Indirect Access Schedule 143 – Carrier Pre-Section

6 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 NEW SCHEDULES: Schedule 241 – BT 056 LIECS Calls Schedule 441 – Operator 056 LIECS Calls

7 Consult 21 Update - Agenda Andy Rudman 31 st January 05

8 Recent and Imminent Activity (1) First Steering Board held on 12 th January More detailed and advance programme being produced Endeavouring to provide better notice of meetings, agendas, scope, objectives etc Obligatory product transition plans out today

9 Recent & Imminent Activity (2) Working Group TitleDate BB/LLU18 Jan 05 Private Circuits and PPC21 Jan 05 Legacy Interconnect & NGN i/x28 Jan 05 Systems4 Feb 05 Network Hooks and Common Capabilities9 Feb 05 Wholesale Access? Industry Steering Board Pathfinder MSAN 7 Feb 05 11 Feb 05

10 MSAN Interconnect Scope To explore the platform implications of ‘MSAN interconnect’ so as to inform product working group discussions Reach a shared understanding of: possible architectures, platform implications & indicative cost impact on products Key Events driving Consultation Timeline Ofcom NGN Interconnect consultation timescales 21CN Design must finish end March, incorporating MSAN requirements Will need product requirements from Interconnect & Numbering WG Method of Closure Architectural discussion with industry reaching consensus on requirements (SOR) DecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOct Key Ofcom Milestone/Event Con. Doc. Concept 10 Jan - WG Proposal Committed Proposal Closure (& Method) Agreed SOR

11 Next Generation Interconnect Key Events driving Consultation Timeline Progress with Standards fora and NICC timelines Customer need for early trial Method of Closure Engagement to determine potential pre-standard solutions and current practices Dialogue on standards in TSG Industry consultation on evolving product definition and commercial wrap New Interconnect Agreement for NGN Interconnect DecJanFebMarApr Ma yJunJulAugSepOctApr 06 Key Ofcom Milestone/Event Con. Doc. Concept Proposal Prod. Defn. Committed Proposal Final Proposal for Apr 06 Closure (& Method) Trial ContractTrialLaunch

12 Systems Scope To explore the system requirements and implications so as to inform product working group discussions Reach a shared understanding of: possible architectures and platform implications Focus on Operational Support Systems in the Service Management area Key Events driving Consultation Timeline 21CN Systems Scope for Pathfinder and rollout need to be agreed by March 2005 Will need product requirements Method of Closure Architectural discussion with industry reaching consensus on requirements Systems implementation will be agreed product by product via the product projects DecJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOct Key Ofcom Milestone/Event Con. Doc. Concept 10 Jan - WG Proposal Committed Proposal Closure (& Method) Agreed SOR

13 Thank You

14 NTS: withdrawal of NCD methodology and change to INCA/CLI Colin Rochester Later this year, as a result of an OfCom direction (October 2004), CPs will need to use EBC data to bill BT for NTS traffic they terminate. This change effects all CPs and this presentation gives an overview of these changes and the reason for them.

15 NTS: current interconnect charging CPs charge BT for termination of NTS traffic using: 1. “network charge differential” (NCD) method NCD methodology based on nos. of POC that your company has with BT NCDs were introduced as an expedient in 2001 2.INCA/CLI to determine the BT retention Currently INCA/CLI method uses the CLI to determine the EBC chargeband OfCom stated that the ‘NCD method must be withdrawn, and the CLI method changed to one acceptable to all CPs’October2004)

16 NCDs

17 INCA/CLI - current

18 Issues with existing INCA/CLI Network-selected POC used by EBC, rather than that requested by CPs IA, CPS and GNP export, in reality transit traffic, look like a BT-originated call BT line – CPS operator – BT transit – NTS operator The NTS operator sees the CLI in BT range so charges the call as BT originated TCPs cannot verify the TWIX on invoice for transit calls they receive (09A report) A TCP does not want to have to wait up to four months to get the benefit of an additional POC in EBC charging data

19 New INCA/CLI – billing regime (1)EBC created monthly to address timeliness issue (2)BT to supply two new EBC data files to identify retention as that appropriate to POC agreed in routeing plans (3)BT to supply new monthly “transit statistics” file provided to CPs to both allow TWIX verification and also to “adjust” apparent CLI-based BT- originated volumes to transit (4)New OCP retention charge band (single tandem) (5)TCPs provide a monthly adjustment (6)Impact to CPL (7)One methodology not two


21 Summary Billing Changes for CP (1)Derive retention (BT-originated or OCP) from EBC data and bill BT for the month (2)Use the transit data to “convert” relevant BT-originated retention and re- calculate the bill, applying the difference as an adjustment (positive or negative) to the subsequent bill

22 Headline Summary OfCom direction October 2004 to switch off NCDs and introduce mandatory new INCA/CLI BT to provide new data files (EBC and transit statistics) to TCPs to support new methodology Key Customer Benefits Monthly EBC Ability to check Transit/BT originated charges EBC Based on customer data One methodology not two

23 Customer Actions TCPs need to load new data files to bill BT – this is not just a case of using EBC for bill verification BT to provide data for use in CP testing Summer 2005 BT has invited CPs to technical workshop 7 th February 2005, register and find out more Questions?

24 Standard Contract Review Briefing on: Operator 056 LIECS (Location Independent Electronic Communications Service) Calls BT 056 LIECS Calls 31 st January 2005 Mick Sharpe BT Wholesale Product Management

25 Contents 1.Product overview Operator 056 LIECS 2.Product overview BT 056LIECS 3.Ofcom Description summary 4.Applicable Schedules 5.Pre-requisites 6.Summary ordering process

26 Schematic Diagram of Operator 056 Call Termination Diagram below shows a typical application Customer Originates a Call to Operator 056 number. BT TDM Network TDM Interconnect Operator PSTN (TDM to IP conversion) IP ‘Cloud Delivery of IP 056 call Transit

27 Schematic Diagram of BT 056 Call Termination Diagram below shows a typical application CP Customer Originates a Call to BT 056 number. CP TDM Network TDM Interconnect BT PSTN (TDM to IP conversion) IP ‘Cloud’ Delivery of IP 056 call

28 Ofcom Description - Extract from Ofcom statement of the 6/9/04 “Numbering Arrangements for New Voice Services” Location Independent Electronic Communications Services (LIECS) Calls. The Ofcom description of the characteristic of a Location Independent Electronic Communications Services as defined in their statement of the 6/9/04 “Numbering Arrangements for New Voice Services” can be summarised as follows:- The numbering plan of the Communications Provider offering the service has no geographic significance. The location of the customers apparatus identified by a given telephone number at the time of use is not permanently associated with a particular network termination point. No revenue sharing with end users is allowed. Number translation to a geographic number is not involved and the service is not a mobile service.

29 Schedules The schedules applicable are:  Interconnect Calls Schedule 441 Operator 056 LIECS Calls – New operator termination schedule.  Transit calls Schedule 102 – will automatically provide for calls passed to BT by an originating operator to be handed on to terminating operators with whom BT has a Schedule 441 agreement.  Interconnect calls Schedule 241 BT 056 LIECS Calls – New BT termination schedule.

30 Pre-requisites for initial Operator number range build Copy of the allocation certificate for the number range Inclusion in the Interconnection Agreement of the relevant schedule (s) for national and / or international call origination Agreed routing plan reference number (as given on the Routeing Plan Database) Statement of capacity of routes to handle this traffic Agreed traffic forecast

31 Summary of Ordering Process for Operator 056 - Standard Process  Customer requests 056 number from Ofcom  Ofcom issue number and allocation certificate  CP sends DMA and Ofcom Allocation Certificate to CM– use updated DMA Template  CM arranges contract for service provision and sends to customer for authorising  CM receives signed contract from customer & inputs info onto NCRS 2000 - 30 working day process is invoked 


33 Radio Base Station Backhaul Service Key points : 1.Stems from LLMR. 2.Available to MNO’s only. 3.Notification of Service was provided on 13 th December. Added to Reference Offer website on that date. 4.Service launch (available for Orders) from 10 th January 2005. 5.Consultation begun in December 04. Continues in January 05.

34 Radio Base Station Backhaul Service What is RBS ? Backhaul call site traffic to their (MNO) switching centre. No third party involvement - all activity confined to the MNO network. Available in the UK at 128Kbit/s – 920Kbit/s & 2Mbit/s 1024Kbit/s is available for Migration only. Product has many synergies with PPC’s.

35 Radio Base Station Backhaul Service What is RBS (cont’d) ? Migration principles : Qualifying Retail Circuits may be migrated to RBS contract. Qualifying Circuits are those installed before 30/11/04 and submitted for migration by 11/04/05 will have an effective date of 30/11/04. Migration from existing discount schemes will be free from termination charges for 60 days from launch of the product, ie, ccts not held to Retail terms and conditions. After the 60 day window migration can still occur but Retail terms and conditions with regard to termination charges will be applied by BT.

36 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 Keith Mitchinson 31 January 05

37 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 2004 GENERAL CONTRACT REVIEW 1 Workstreams Finance/Billing Products Contracts Networks Pricing

38 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 2004 GENERAL CONTRACT REVIEW 2 Special sessions System Alterations CPS/IA and Operator Assistance FRIACO

39 Standard Contract Forum MONDAY 31 JANUARY 2005 AT 14.00 AIT – UPDATE Discussion Draft Annex E text to industry group 12 November Meeting held 26 November Lawyer meeting held 17 January Industry group meeting 7 February – to include discussion of impact of Ofcom PRS Regulation report Feedback from lawyer meeting

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