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The Colombian Exchange

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1 The Colombian Exchange
Standard: SS6H1b. Explain the impact of the Colombian Exchange on Latin America and Europe in terms of the decline of the indigenous population, agricultural change, and the introduction of the horse.

2 Warm-Up Define the term consequences. Define the term indigenous.
What was the Colombian Exchange? 4. In what ways did the Colombian Exchange impact Europe and Latin America?

3 Essential Question: What impact did European contact have on the civilizations of Latin America?
Key Question: In what ways did the Colombian Exchange impact Europe and Latin America?

4 Consequences of Spanish conflict with the Aztec and Inca civilizations.
Main consequence was the formation of a new Spanish empire. It stretched from near the California-Mexico border south to the tip of South America. Their influence is still present through Spanish names of places, religion, and customs. Another consequence was the Colombian Exchange.

5 Colombian Exchange What does exchange mean?
It was the exchange of crops, goods, animals, and diseases between Europe and its colonies in the Americas after Columbus’ voyage in 1492. It is named after Christopher Columbus.

6 Decline of Indigenous Population Introduction of the horse
*Introduction of diseases by Europeans (smallpox, measles, whooping cough, and influenza) *Natives were not immune & died *Est. 80% of natives died from Agricultural Change *New foods brought to Europe and Latin America. *Europe (from SA)- corn, tomatoes, peppers, pumpkins, squash, cacao beans *Americas (from Europe)- wheat, barley, sugarcane, and livestock *Farming changed in New World – large plantations + slave labor. Introduction of the horse *Horse changed life forever for the Americas! *Used for transportation and labor. *Changed lives of Native Americans on plains – allowed them to hunt buffalo. (Battles + Hunting) Tribes spread territory and trade with other tribes. *Transportation source until early 20th century. “terms of horsepower”

7 Colombian Exchange What else could be sent to the New World? New World
Old World


9 Closure 1. Which animal helped native people hunt and trade over a larger area? goat c. pig horse d. sheep 2. What was the Colombian Exchange? Sending food and people from the Old World to the New World Sending animals and plants from the Old World to the New World. The moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases from Central and South America to North America. The moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases from the Old World to the New World and from the New World to the Old. 3. Which foods came to Europe from Central and South America? peaches, coffee, corn, wheat Coffee, peaches, sugar, wheat Coffee, sugar, cocoa, peaches Corn, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes

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