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Published byEustacia Patterson Modified over 9 years ago
356 Barrows Hall Jon Stiles, Social Sciences Data Laboratory (D-Lab)
D-Lab: New (~18 months old) lab supporting social science researchers Workshops: Tools (e.g. Stata, R, Python, nVivo) Methods (e.g.GIS, HLM, survey sampling) Data (e.g. Census, ICPSR, Roper, Health) Consulting:10-12 consultants, web-based scheduling Infrastructure:Workstations, Meeting/Teaching Space, Cold room Community:Working Groups Resources for Berkeley Researchers
Today: Brief Overview of Census Data and Resources Huge data collection budget ($5-12 Billion annually) Even more money allocated on basis of data collection (~ $400 Billion annually) Most widely used social science data – High quality sample frames – Large samples sizes, small geographies – Consistency Why is the Census Bureau important?
Broad Data Collections Population & Housing Census - every 10 years Population & Housing Census Economic Census - every 5 years Economic Census Census of Governments - every 5 years Census of Governments American Community Survey – annually American Community Survey Many additional surveys -- both Demographic & Economic surveys Economic Indicators - each indicator is released on a specific schedule Economic Indicators
Broad Data Collections Population & Housing Census – Every 10 years – Full enumeration – Mixed mode (mail-in, CATI, in-person) – Long form/short-form (2000 and earlier) – Multiple data releases
Census 2010: Content 10 Questions Name Name Sex Sex Age Age Relationship (to Household Head) Relationship (to Household Head) Hispanic Origin Hispanic Origin Race Race Owner/Renter Status Owner/Renter Status Plus Plus Whether each member sometimes lives/stays elsewhere Whether each member sometimes lives/stays elsewhere Total number living in residence Probe for unreported persons Telephone contact
Census 2010: Product Detail P.L. 94-171 (Redistricting Data) State and sub-state counts down to the block level are shown for the total population and the population 18 years and over for 63 race groups; and not Hispanic or Latino origin by 63 race groups. Also shown are housing unit counts by occupancy status (occupied units, vacant units).
Census 2010: Product Detail Summary File 1 (SF1) About 300 tables Counts and cross tabulations Counts for detailed race, Hispanic or Latino groups, and American Indian/Alaska Native tribes (to the tract) Tables repeat for major race groups alone, two or more races, Hispanic or Latino, White not Hispanic or Latino Geography: block, census tract
Census 2010: Product Detail Summary File 2 Detailed tables on age, sex, households, families, relationship to householder, housing units, and group quarters. Tables are repeated by 141 race groups, 98 American Indian and Alaska Native tribes/tribal groupings, and 39 Hispanic or Latino origin groups.
Where’s all the interesting stuff? In 2000 (and earlier) censuses, the census used more than one form: A “short” form, which asked basic demographic data, just like the 2010 census form (AKA – 100% data) A “long” form, which collected both the items on the short form and a broader set of items about income, education, ancestry, language, disability, employment, etc.. (AKA – sample data) Now, decennial census focuses solely on basic demographic data, and social and economic data are collected in the American Community Survey (ACS)
Broad Data Collections American Community Survey Continuous Replacement for the “long form” of the decennial census. HH sample fully implemented in January 2005, annual sample of around 3 million. Multi-mode: mail, CATI, CAPI Multiple Data releases – 1 year, 3 year, 5 year, PUMS
ACS Content - Basic
ACS: Design of the Sample Annual Sample Size of 3 million addresses Series of Monthly Samples of 250,000 addresses HU sample in each of the 3,141 Counties Areas with smaller populations sampled at higher rates than those with larger populations HU Address sampling rate set by Block Final sampling rate varies between 1.6% and 10% No HU address can be sampled more than once in 5 years
Distribution Formats Like former decennial census data, released in both aggregate and microdata formats Because of change to continuous sampling, however, aggregate data released at different geographic levels with differing collection frames
Demographic (Household) Surveys Survey of Income and Program Participation Survey of Program Dynamics American Housing Survey Current Population Survey Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) And more…..
CCRDC California Census Research Data Center The CCRDC is a joint project of the U.S. Census Bureau, UC Berkeley and Stanford to enable qualified researchers with approved projects to access non-public Census Bureau data. CES on the web: CCRDC on the web: Stanford RDC:
I’d love to talk about your data needs Jon Stiles (510) 664-4157 350F Barrows Hall
Supplementary slides
Behind the scenes: Sampling Frames (Household Surveys) Master Address File (MAF) – Official inventory of known living quarters – Linked to TIGER Housing Units – Based on Census 2000 MAF and updates from the USPS’ Delivery Sequence File Group Quarters – updates from the administrative records and the FSCPE
Behind the scenes: Sampling Frames (Business Surveys) Business Register – Census Bureau’s master business list – Industry classification - NAICS – Geographic classification – states, counties, etc. – Legal form & tax status Establishments – Places of Business Enterprises – Firms
Behind the scenes: Sampling Frames (Geography/Other) Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (TIGER) Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) – Annual; legally defined geographies Population Estimates – Based on Vital statistics data, IRS migration, Medicare enrollment data
ACS: Sample Design GQ facilities sample for each state Two stratum – Small (15 or fewer residents) – Large ( more than 15 residents) Small – Data collected on all residents – Facility eligible once in 5 years Large – Groups of ten residents sub-sampled – Number of groups determined by size of facility – Facility eligible every year
Supplementary Resources Population Projections and Estimates Population P Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates Small Area Health Insurance Estimates Geographic shapefiles & resources
ACS Content Tests 2006 Health Insurance Marital History Veteran's Service-connected Disability 2007 Field of Degree (BA) 2010 Computer Ownership-Internet Access Parental Place of Birth 2011-2013 Testing of Internet Response mode
Survey of Income and Program Participation The Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) program, initiated in 1983, is a longitudinal, multi-panel survey primarily of adults in households in the United States. Sampled households are interviewed at least nine times at four-month intervals and followed over the life of the panel. New samples (panels) are drawn periodically, ranging in size from around 13,000 HHs to around 40,000 HH’s. (annually 1984-1993; 1996, 2001, 2004, 2008) The SIPP attempts to interview all members age 15 and older in the household during the first wave of interviewing. Subsequent interviews may be in-person or by phone, with the same interviewer speaking to the same respondents. New members who join the household are interviewed after they join; departing members are interviewed at their new address.
Survey of Income and Program Participation SIPP information falls into two categories: the core information, and other questions (found in "topical modules") that produce in-depth information on specific subjects and are asked at only one or two interviews. SIPP core content covers demographic characteristics, work experience, earnings, program participation, transfer income, and asset income.
Current Population Survey The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey of about 50,000 to 65,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey has been conducted for more than 50 years. The CPS is the primary source of information on the labor force characteristics of the U.S. population. The sample is scientifically selected to represent the civilian noninstitutional population. Households are in the survey eight times: four consecutive months, eight months off, and then a final four months. Estimates obtained from the CPS include employment, unemployment, earnings, hours of work, and other indicators. They are available by a variety of demographic characteristics including age, sex, race, marital status, and educational attainment. They are also available by occupation, industry, and class of worker. Supplemental questions to produce estimates on a variety of topics including school enrollment, income, previous work experience, health, employee benefits, and work schedules are also often added to the regular CPS questionnaire.
Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement (ASEC) – (formerly called the Annual Demographic Survey or March Supplement) Voting and Registration (November) School Enrollment (October) Food Security; every year since 1995 Computer Ownership Fertility and Marital History Fertility and Birth Expectations Contingent Workers and Alternative Employment Displaced Workers Job Tenure and Occupational Mobility Race and Ethnicity Tobacco Use Work Experience Work Schedules
American Housing Survey Provides information on the size and composition of the housing inventory in the United State, neighborhood characteristics, characteristics of occupants. household characteristics, income, housing and neighborhood quality, housing costs, equipment and fuels, size of housing unit, and recent movers. The AHS returns to the same housing units year after year to gather data; therefore, this survey is ideal for analyzing the flow of households through housing. Sample of ~ 65,000 Collected for HUD Separate national (fixed sample for ~50,000, followed since 1985) and metropolitan samples (~3,200 – 4,800 per area, every 6 years, 12-14 areas/year) More detailed data, less geographic detail, than census
Consumer Expenditure Survey The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) provides information on the buying habits of American consumers and also furnishes data to support periodic revisions of the Consumer Price Index. A new sample is drawn annually, and includes about 60,000 households. The survey consists of two separate components: (1) a quarterly Interview Survey in which each consumer unit in the sample is interviewed every three months over a fifteen-month period, and (2) a Diary Survey completed by the sample consumer units for two consecutive one-week periods. The quarterly interview gathers retrospective data on purchases, and focuses on regular and large expenses. The Diary Survey contains consumer information on small, frequently-purchased items such as food, beverages, food consumed away from home, gasoline, housekeeping supplies, nonprescription drugs and medical supplies, and personal care products and services. Participants are asked to maintain expense records, or diaries, of all purchases made each day for two consecutive one-week periods.
Selected Other Data National Crime Victimization Survey – 48,000 addresses in 809 PSU’s in US – Operating since 1972 – 7 interviews over 3 ½ year period National Corrections Reporting Program – Prison Admission and discharges. Variables include incarceration history, current offenses, and total time served. Background information on individuals includes year of birth, sex, age, race, Hispanic origin, and educational attainment. A variety of surveys for NCHS, e.g. – National Health Interview Survey – National Hospital Discharge Survey – National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery National Survey of College Graduates – Baseline Survey based on Census 1993 from 1990 census, 2003 from 2000 census Follow-up surveys every 2 years (4 total per decade)
Geographic grain and Margin of Error
SF2 - Detailed Asian Categories AsianJapanese Asian IndianKorean BangladeshiLaotian BhutaneseMalaysian BurmeseNepalese CambodianPakistani Chinese Sri Lankan Chinese, except Taiwanese Thai Taiwanese Vietnamese Filipino Other Asian Hmong Indonesian
SF2 - Detailed Hispanic/Latino Categories Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Mexican Puerto Rican Cuban Other Hispanic or Latino Dominican Central American Costa Rican Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan Panamanian Salvadoran South American Argentinean Bolivian Chilean Colombian Ecuadorian Paraguayan Peruvian Uruguayan Venezuelan Spaniard All other Hispanic or Latino
SF 2 - 42 American Indian Categories American Indian ApacheHoumaSouth American Indian ArapahoIroquoisSpanish American Indian BlackfeetKiowaTohono O'Odham Canadian and French American IndianLumbeeUte Central American IndianMenomineeYakama CherokeeMexican American IndianYaqui CheyenneNavajoYuman ChickasawOsageAmerican Indian tribes, Other ChippewaOttawa ChoctawPaiute Alaska Native ColvillePimaAlaskan Athabascan ComanchePotawatomiAleut CreePuebloInupiat CreekPuget Sound SalishTlingit-Haida CrowSeminoleTsimshian DelawareShoshoneYup'ik HopiSioux
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