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World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 1 WEC Presentation April 14 th 2005 New technology for solvent-free adhesive tape production Dr. Wolfgang.

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Presentation on theme: "World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 1 WEC Presentation April 14 th 2005 New technology for solvent-free adhesive tape production Dr. Wolfgang."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 1 WEC Presentation April 14 th 2005 New technology for solvent-free adhesive tape production Dr. Wolfgang Schacht, tesa AG Corporate Quality Management, Environmental Protection, Occupational Safety

2 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 2 Outline 1. Short Company Presentation 2. Integrated Management System tesa 3. Environmental Protection at tesa 4. The new tesa coating technology - less solvents, less energy

3 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 3 1. Company Presentation

4 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 4 A global leading Brand in Adhesive Tape Trust built on consistent Quality and Innovation

5 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 5 Today tesa AG is one of the leading globally active providers of adhesive more than 100 countries...over 800 different kinds of adhesive tapes tesa develops, manufactures and sells...

6 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 6 Core competences We possess the know-how to develop specialty adhesives and have experience in employing specialized coating processes.... convenient and creative applications for private consumers.... innovative industrial solutions reducing costs and enhancing process efficiency. These form the basis for…

7 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 7 Applications for Industry & Trade Double-sided tapes for fastening and connecting Masking tapes and films for protection of surfaces Easy-to-use and secure systems for interior and exterior packaging

8 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 8 tesa products are sold in well over 100 countries by 50 affiliates and via exports Region North America Region Latin America Region Nordic Region Central Europe Region Asia / Pacific Our business commitment supports global customer relationships Region East Europe Region South West Europe

9 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 9 tesa plants are located in: Our manufacturing presence supports our international clients Sparta Harrislee Hamburg Offenburg Concagno Bombay Shanghai Kuala Lumpur Singapur Sydney Cali

10 3 Applications for Industry & Trade 4 Applications for Consumers Fastening and Connecting Masking and Packaging tesa for home use tesa for office and workplace Designing and Renovating 2 The company 1 The brand 5 InnovationsInnovations Facts and Figures tesa worldwide Quality and Environment Production Technologies Applications World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 10 Corporate Turnover... in fiscal year 2003: 696 Mio. € 70 % industrial applications, 30 % consumer applications International sales represent 69 % of turnover, 31 % are domestic sales in Germany Mio € 628 670 672 693 696

11 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 11 2. Integrated Management System tesa

12 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 12 tesa AG is a young company: founding of the tesa AG within the BDF Group in 2001 In this context decision to install an Integrated Management System consisting of: – Quality Management – Environmental Protection – Occupational Safety tesa – a “young company“

13 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 13 I M S Optimum use of Synergies Quality Environment Occupational Safety

14 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 14 The tesa business model The tesa business model is also the basis for the Environmental Management System

15 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 15 Communication worldwide Every employee worldwide got the new IMS-Brochure

16 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 16 Environmental Part of IMS Brochure Examples from all production sites Environmental Targets Communication of progress Memberships in important environmental institutions

17 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 17 3. Environmental Protection at tesa Group

18 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 18 Environmental Webpages – Start Page

19 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 19 Environmental Goals 2002 - 2007

20 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 20 4. The new tesa coating technology - less solvents, less energy

21 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 21 Classic coating of rubber-based adhesives based on solvent technology: Disadvantages: despite all precautions solvent handling and transportation is an environmental risk whole process needs much energy: – evaporation of solvents / drying of coated material – recovering and cleaning of solvents The classic coating process

22 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 22 An old renewable raw material for tape production has become fit for the future by the tesa NRE technology (Natural Rubber Extrusion) From raw materials to adhesive tape without use of solvents This development was sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Environment The new tesa coating technology

23 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 23 Three years after introducing the new technology, the use of solvent at German production sites has been reduced by 36 % ! = Target Significant Reduction of Solvent Input

24 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 24 Energy consumption reduced in German production sites by 19 % (with reduced use of solvents) ! = Target Significant Reduction of Energy Input

25 World Environment Center 9100-WS 14. Apr. 2005 25 Conclusion Important part of tesa production was switched to a very environmentally friendly process – without cost increases products continue to be very successful in the marketplace the second production site in Germany is on the way to becoming solvent free

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