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Creative Health and Safety Experiences

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1 Creative Health and Safety Experiences

2 Objectives Discuss the basic health practices in the ECE program
Discuss the appropriate way to work with young children in health and safety matters Discuss traffic safety, fire safety, and poison safety in the ECE curriculum

3 Health and Safety in the Early Years
Good health and safety practices need to be modeled by adults as much as they are included in actual lesson plans Your actions surely speak louder than words

4 Health Practices Simple Health Practices brushing teeth brushing hair
bathing regularly general interest in cleanliness getting enough sleep getting enough good food These tasks are first taught at home and are then reinforced in the classroom No way should learning personal hygiene be a cause for shame or negative comments

5 Positive Approach to Health and Hygiene
Emphasis must be on the positive view of self Large mirror at child’s level Sink easily operated by children Soap that children can easily use Bar of soap in an old knee high stocking tied to the faucet of the sink?????? Good/bad

6 Continued Daily routines serve as the basis for teaching children concept of body functions and parts Habits of caring for themselves Washing hands before/after using the toilet and before eating; brushing teeth after eating Routines like these should be established and followed at all age levels

7 Early Childhood Health Concerns
Teachers can do very little to prevent illnesses in school BUT teachers can do a great deal to prevent injuries at school Provide simple first aid and comfort, then notify the parent according to instructions Prevention concerning poisonous plants

8 Safety Education Accidents are the leading cause of death for children under age 14 Accidents occur most frequently to those who have had little opportunity to explore, to find out for themselves, or to experience minor scraps and bumps – children who feel no responsibility for their own safety Have no idea of the consequences and experience in making decisions or judging hazards

9 Safety Continued A safe environment is one that is free from hazards and contains the presence of a diligent, observing, and supervising adult Emergency plans should be written and posted Teach children how to use the phone to dial emergency numbers or operator Think ahead, practice, practice, practice Decide about the precautions required for special needs students

10 Safety Continued Keep a first aid kit ready and refreshed periodically
Assorted adhesive bandages Sterile gauze squares Roll of 1” wide adhesive tape Absorbent cotton Antibacterial spray Petroleum jelly Cloth or absorbent sanitary pads Cold packs in freezer At least one permanent staff person trained in CPR

11 Rules for Safety

12 Traffic Safety Real experiences are the best way to teach young children about traffic Most common cause of traffic accidents involving children is darting out in front of cars Goals include: Stop before entering any street Listen and look for traffic before crossing the street Walk across residential streets cautiously Be able to interpret traffic signs and signals correctly

13 Stop Before Entering Any Street
For children under age 5 First lesson should be on stopping before entering any street For children under age 2 First lesson begins by going outside and identifying the different surfaces of the school and play yard and stopping every time the surface changes

14 Listen and Look for Traffic
2nd lesson Children learn to look and listen for traffic before crossing the street With adult supervision, take a field trip to learn the precautions Practice observing traffic and identifying directions as well as speed at which cars are traveling

15 Crossing a Residential Street
Construct a pretend street with crosswalks and corners Role-playing pedestrians and drivers Reminded to stop at surfaces of yard changes and the street, begins to listen and look for oncoming traffic Tabletop with toy cars and people

16 More Safety Facts… Running to cross is another major cause of traffic deaths Children who are less coordinated than adults will trip and fall in front of oncoming traffic Teach children to walk with deliberate speed as they cross

17 Interpreting Traffic Signals and Signs Correctly
Children need to be taught the meaning of the lights and signals found at intersections Red is used to symbolize danger and means “stop” Use red on objects that may be hazardous Play “follow-the-leader” games

18 Daily check of your center

19 Fire Safety Goals of Fire Safety include
Teaching children to approach fire with caution and respect Involving children in practice fire drills Teaching young children to “drop and roll” should they be involved in a fire Teaching young children where the fire extinguisher is and how to use it, as well as how to call the fire department

20 More Fire Safety… Invite a firefighter to the classroom
Ask yourself the questions on handout Licensing requires this to be posted and practiced on a monthly basis for Child Care Centers.

21 Poison Safety Thousands of children each year are victims of accidental poisoning You are responsible to teach children to take medicines only from adult family members, parents, physicians, or health personnel You are responsible to teach children to understand that some things are to eat, while others are not Using food for art confuses children on this point

22 Poisons Plants

23 More Poison Safety… Children under age 5 must have careful supervision
You are responsible for observing the children, freeing the environment from poisonous substances, and removing nonfood objects that do find their way into the children’s mouths Check your room and outdoor play area for all poisonous substances, and remove the ones you find Cleaning supplies Food items are stored separately from nonfood items

24 Out door Safety

25 Zone Supervision

26 Suggested Activities Demonstrate how germs are spread by dipping a tissue into flour and pretend to “sneeze.” Flour goes everywhere, just like germs! Puppets Cold and germs with a spray bottle

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