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Interactive Notebooks

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1 Interactive Notebooks
Haley Amerson- East Ridge Middle School Suzanne Russo-Lake Minneola High School

2 Objectives and Scale Educators will be able to integrate the Interactive Notebook into their classrooms. Educators will be able to create lessons that utilize both the left and right sides of the brain. Educators will be able to make creative lessons that keep students engaged. Educators will be able to easily differentiate lessons for all students. Educators will be able to apply the strategies associated with the Interactive Notebook towards their evaluation.

3 Warm up Why is organization an important part in student achievement?

4 The science behind the Interactive Notebook
Takes the Idea that you utilize different hemispheres of your brain to process information and learn. Left side of the brain controls words, logic, numbers, analysis, lists, linearity and sequence. Right side of the brain controls rhythm, spatial awareness, color, imagination, daydreaming, holistic awareness and dimension. Enables students to access both sides of their brain in every lesson.




8 We are going to learn by doing!

9 What do your students need?
You still have choices; Notebook- Either a spiral, composition, or 3 prong folder with paper. Adhesive- Tape, glue sticks, liquid glue, staples Something to add color- Crayons, colored pencils, gel pens, markers Scissors

10 Cover Give students a theme to decorate their notebooks
Can be related to curriculum or something just for fun. Take a few minutes and decorate your notebook with the theme listed on your notebook. Ideas for students What did you do over the summer All about you Favorite president Favorite poem Favorite element on the periodic table

11 Table of contents Helps keep the student’s work organized.
Students will know if they have missing work based on missing pages in their notebook Every page gets used- front and back Make sure pages are numbered and dated Have either a teacher copy or poster sized display of the updated TOC in the classroom TOC could also include a WICOR section for students to identify which strategy was used in the activity.

12 Left side vs right side

13 Right side Each Lesson includes completing two sides of the notebook.
The right side is ALWAYS done first. This is the input. They will always be on odd numbered pages. Your brain processes this type of new information using the left hemisphere which controls the right side of your body (i.e. the muscles that move your right eye). This is the side in which in “restricted” to the teacher as new information- the testable material. Later we will be looking at different types of activities that could go on the right side. But for now- think notes, new vocabulary, steps on solving a math equation, etc.

14 Left side The left side is always done after the right side is completed. They will always be on even numbered pages. This side is the output. Helps the students to creatively express their understanding of the new material. Students will use the right hemisphere of their brain to complete these activities. They always contain color- something as simple as highlighting key terms or as in depth as a full colored and labeled illustration. Research has shown that color improves memory. For these types of activities think drawings, poems, comic strips, lab write ups, practice math problems. Let’s look at some simple examples to see how the progression of a lesson would occur in Science, Math, History, and Language Arts.

15 Decomposer Producer Consumer
WARMUP #1 Fill in the missing word. Decomposer Producer Consumer Plants are ____. Lions, tigers, and bears are ____. Worms and mushrooms are____




19 Putting it all Together: Understanding the Research behind interactive notebooks. -Caroline C. Wist
Essential Question: Based on the article, describe the value of using the interactive notebook. Read the excerpt Take notes in the right side of the Cornell Note paper.

20 Ineracting with COrnell Notes
Chunk notes by topic Highlight keywords and phrases Highlight with a purpose

21 Create a higher order question to go with each chunk
Trace- List events or steps in order. Analyze- Look at it closely, break apart. Infer- Read between the lines. Evaluate- To examine, to judge. Formulate- Put it together, create. Describe- Tell all about. Support- Back up with details and facts. Explain- Tell how. Summarize- Put in your own words. Compare- How are they alike? Contrast- How are they different? Predict- What will happen next?

22 Next.. ? Next to things you still don’t understand
* Next to possible test questions.

23 Switch! Switch your INB with your partner. Find something in their notes that they had that you didn’t and add it to your notes. I.e.- fact, comparison, picture.

24 Complete your summary by answering the essential question.

25 Left side For the left side choose between the following activities:
Venn Diagram Comparing: Left/Right side or Interactive Notebooks/Traditional classroom notebooks Illustration depicting the learning processes for the right and left sides of the brain Advertisement to convince a colleague to use interactive notebooks in their class. Share your left side output

26 How to grade the INB You have choices: Notebook check Notebook quiz
Daily Check, weekly, per unit Notebook quiz Grade papers first and then put into notebook. INB Check record and rubric

27 How the INB can be differentiated for all students.
Right side input can be provided by the teacher in various formats. Left side activities can be modified to benefit individual students. Students can finish left side activities for homework if not completed in class. Different grading rubrics can be used.

28 INB Can be used for all grade levels

29 INBs can be used for all grade levels.

30 INB can be used for all grade levels.

31 Create a complete lesson
On the next two blank pages in your notebook, create a lesson that you could use in your class. Be sure to create both a right and left side.

32 AHA Thesis and AHA connection pages
How to integrate the use of a scale in the INB AHA Thesis and AHA connection pages


34 Interactive notebooks and teacher evaluations
Marzano Model Domain I & II Chunking Information into “Digestible Bites” Helping Students Process New Content Helping Students Record and Represent Knowledge Needs of Students Receiving Special Education Putting the teacher driven information on the right and then allowing for student processing on the left makes chunking easy. Left side/even pages are used to manipulate new information. Students record new content on the right side and then represent their understanding on the left side using strategies of their choice that are unique to each student’s needs.

35 Questions?

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