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Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 Welcome Jeanette Hamilton Head of Governor Support Governing Body Strategic Briefing.

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Presentation on theme: "Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 Welcome Jeanette Hamilton Head of Governor Support Governing Body Strategic Briefing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 1 Welcome Jeanette Hamilton Head of Governor Support Governing Body Strategic Briefing

2 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 2 Introduction Mike Longden Cabinet Member for Education

3 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 3 Improving outcomes for our most vulnerable pupils Ian Thomas Strategic Director Children and Younger Adults

4 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Children in Care Of all 0-24 year olds children in care make up 0.4% of the population [0.3% 16-21]  What % of the prison population were CiC?  1/8 young people are NEET. For CiC the figure is 1/?  59% of young people achieve 5 good GCSEs. The % for CiC is?  38% of young people go to university. The % of CiC that go is? 4

5 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Children in Care In addition Care Leavers are more likely to be:-  Unemployed  Teenage Parents  In receipt of Mental Health Services  Become parents to children eventually brought into care 5

6 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Children in Care Our legal obligation and shared moral purpose is to ensure CiC have the best life chances. Our response is multi-faceted:  Corporate Parenting  Uni-Fi Creative Council’s Project  Virtual School… 6

7 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Virtual School A network of teachers, social care staff and other key stakeholders that track the educational progress of CiC. Key Features:  Virtual School Head  Highly skilled Designated Teachers  A Governing Body consisting of key stakeholders  Access to DCS, School Governors and Elected Members 7

8 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Children in Care What we’d like you to consider  Appointing a governor to be the designated person for CiC achievement [other vulnerable groups?]  Closely monitor the use of your pupil premium  Escalate any unresolved concerns with the DCS rapidly 8

9 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 9 Getting to Good Holding the school to account The role of the governing body

10 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Common weaknesses with governance in grade 3 schools noted in inspection reports Issues identified in inspection reports included: not ambitious about expectations lack of a critical friend approach over-reliance on information from the headteacher lack of systematic visits to school lack of engagement with school development planning limited role in monitoring, and none of it ‘independent’ limited understanding of data and school quality limited understanding of the use of data in Ofsted inspections 10

11 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department Common features of effective governance noted in schools that became good (see handout) Focus; sharp focus; raise achievement; improve teaching, robustly focused; proactive; raised expectations; determined; active. Positive impact; drive; strive; ambitious vision; more strategic; provide clear direction; rigorously drives improvement; steer through change; increasingly effective. Strong team; work together; communicates; corporate; supports; unity of purpose; partnership with senior leaders; effective critical friends; shared purpose. Effective challenge; pursue further improvements; monitoring; evaluating; better informed; constantly review performance; clear systems; monitor closely; collect own information on performance; regular visitors. Skilled; knowledgeable; understanding of strengths and weaknesses; financial management; planning. 11

12 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 12 Getting to Good Ofsted Report September 2012  holding school leaders to account  effectively monitoring the work of the school  at the helm of strategic development, working alongside the headteacher  actively took part in monitoring and evaluating activities Clarity on expectations = full commitment Structured training programmes (inc induction) Partnership with other GBs

13 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 13 How do we hold the school to account? The scrutiny questions – see hand out

14 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 14 Recording the challenge The minutes of the governing body meeting – see hand out

15 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 15 Key documents for the governing body  Raise on line – “blue to white to green”  LA data book – school and bench mark  School data analysis  Ofsted School Data Dashboard  LA School Improvement Review Record (SIRR)  School Self Evaluation Summary  School Improvement Plan  School Review and Evaluation – Impact Reports

16 16  Maggie please insert the RAISE sheet here on plain background

17 Maggie please insert the DATA Book table here on plain background 17

18 Maggie please insert the 2 dash board sheets here on plain background 18

19 Maggie please insert the 2 dash board sheets here on plain background 19

20 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 20 Ofsted questions Using a planned programme of regular, focussed and concise briefings and meetings including the careful use of the scrutiny questions, and the active engagement in monitoring and evaluation processes.. governors should ensure they are in a position to confidently and robustly describe key performance areas included in the exemplar questions from inspectors See hand out

21 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 21 A review of your GB effectiveness Ofsted have alerted every Governing Body to the importance of their own structured training and development programme. As part of that programme a formal review of your effectiveness is a helpful starting point. The effectiveness questions listed on the hand out will help you in that process

22 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 22 Briefing items  Ofsted update  Safeguarding  Anti-bullying  The governor website, newsletter and other CPD opportunities

23 Derbyshire County Council Children and Younger Adults Department 23 Thank you and close Mike Longden Cabinet Member for Education

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