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Woburn Memorial High School Two-Year Principal’s Report Woburn School Committee October 26, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Woburn Memorial High School Two-Year Principal’s Report Woburn School Committee October 26, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Woburn Memorial High School Two-Year Principal’s Report Woburn School Committee October 26, 2011

2 Goals Reflect values and beliefs of City of Woburn and Goals of Woburn Public Schools Build upon capacity for success Ensure high quality curriculum and instruction Develop opportunities for personal connection to school Create structures where students plan and build for their future in the 21 st Century Ensure safe and secure school environment focused on learning

3 Structures to Support Learning Goals Student Support Team (SST) Curriculum Accommodation Plan Freshmen Mentor Program New staff Food, drink, cell phone, iPods Attendance online NEASC Three Year Follow-Up Report Anti-Bullying Policy

4 Assistant Principals Attendance/tardy Teacher/student interventions School/home communication Connecting with students Teacher observation and evaluation

5 Guidance Naviance – Electronic submission for college application process Ensure WMHS graduation requirements align with college entrance requirements GPA based on the state colleges 4.0 scale Awarding credit: semester vs. year

6 Role of Department Heads in School Improvement Leadership in content area Middle school/ high school coordination Role in developing/revising course outlines Curriculum mapping Learning outcomes Implementation of new course offerings Content based budget responsibilities

7 Program Changes History and Social Studies Exploring American Government would become half-year Possibility of electives such as Irish History, Ethics, and Philosophy Math 8 th & 9th grade teachers have met to discuss transition from middle school to high school Senior Math revised to meet student needs Strengthen, improve consistency, and better prepare students for AP Calculus

8 Program Changes Science Added MCAS Review in Physical Science/ Advanced CAD elective Common assessments developed for Physical Science and Biology Added MCAS review in Biology Added MCAS option in Technology Fine Arts and Music History of Popular Music Jazz Performance Improvisation New Introduction to Piano course Art Experience offered to all grade levels

9 Program Changes Health and Wellness Depression awareness professional development R.E.A.C.H. curriculum focused on dating violence Dating Violence Task Team/Healthy Relationship Curriculum “The Plate”-exploring how culture/heredity affect the food plate Whole Foods Market Chef taught knife skills and cooking techniques Shift class focus to whole, nutrient dense foods "Body Pump“ cardio and strength training as cross curricular with Anatomy and Physiology

10 Issues Ahead Electronic Presence – web, email, twitter Academic Schedule School culture Curriculum Offerings PD on instructional strategies Promoting WMHS academics, students, activities and athletics in the community

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