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Hope Banuelos, Rafael Moreno, Cristian Diaz, Angel Valencia.

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Presentation on theme: "Hope Banuelos, Rafael Moreno, Cristian Diaz, Angel Valencia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hope Banuelos, Rafael Moreno, Cristian Diaz, Angel Valencia

2 What is the California water project?  The California State Water Project is a water storage and delivery system of reservoirs, aqueducts, power plants and pumping plants.

3 This is a picture a of one of Southern California’s aqueduct.

4 Where does southern California gets its water supply  water recycling and ground water storage programs.  Orange County is where we get water from.  Colorado River southern

5 Aqueducts  The Colorado River Aqueduct supplies San Diego and the southern portion of Metropolitan Water District’s service area, while State Water Project generally serves the northern portion of MWD’s service area.

6 Aqueducts

7 California Aqueduct  California Aqueduct is a system of canals, tunnels, and pipelines that conveys water collected from the Sierra Nevada Mountains and valleys of Northern- and Central California to Southern California Sierra Nevada MountainsNorthern-Central California Southern California

8 US look for water in Mexico  Western states have long relied on the drought-prone Colorado River for water to fill drinking glasses, flush toilets and sprinkle lawns. But now it's looking at Mexico to fill up on water

9 Information on Mono Lake  Mono Lake-large, shallow saline lake in Mono County, California, formed 760,000 years agosaline lake Mono CountyCalifornia  The city of Los Angeles diverted water from the lake, it lowered the lake level, which imperiled the migratory birds Los Angelesmigratory  Made from underwater springs and now left exposed because the lake level has fallen in recent times

10 Mono Lake

11 Water wars and International Conflict  For centuries war and conflict has been tied to the protection of water resources  shortages around the world becoming more and more of an issue  Water has very rarely been the main ingredient in international conflicts

12 Reference  “Colorado river.” Wikipedia. er. 24 Oct 2011 er  “Mono Lake.” Wikipedia. 24 Oct 2011. 24 Oct 2011

13 Reference  Ofori-Amoah, Abigail. “Water Wars and International Conflicts.” University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire /OFORIAA/. 24 Oct 2011 /OFORIAA/

14 Reference  “ The Southern California Water Villain.” UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences. uthern+california+water+villain/ uthern+california+water+villain/. 24 Oct 2011.

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