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MAPS DATA 20122013201420152016 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 20122013201420152016.

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2 MAPS DATA 20122013201420152016



5 SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT 20122013201420152016

6 Required Actions Spring 2011 ●Develop multiple methods to increase accountability for effectively engaging students. ●Implement the school improvement components (READING) with fidelity in each classroom.

7 ●NeSA & MAPs results presented to staff; Literacy Goal remains in place ●Back-to-school presentation on Reading Strategies & Student Engagement Strategies ○Teachers choose 2 for professional goals ●Staff updates Mission/Vision/Belief Statements & created new climate surveys ●Professional Goals Share-Out 2012 2013201420152016

8 ●Read through new AdvancED standards ●Technology ○Technology Plan shared with staff ○Google Docs (ESU presentation) ●Anti-bullying Environments discussion ●Staff, Student, Parent Climate Surveys taken ●Ron Clark presentation - Atkinson, NE ●Shared Climate Survey results (May) 2011-12, continued

9 ●NeSA & MAPs results presented to staff ●AdvancED Concept Maps/Self Assessment ○Staff committees take AdvancED Self- Assessment (found on Self Assessment document) ■ review standards & indicators statements ■ circle performance level ■ select sources of evidence that exist ■ determine overall rating for indicators by consensus 2012 2013 201420152016

10 ●Concept Map/Self-Assessment Results o Steering committee discuss the indicators that committees found as emerging/not evident with their comments/justification (found on Self Assessment document) o Staff then discuss steering committee’s feedback on same information 2012-13, continued

11 Technology Discussion ●What I have ●What I want ●What does it cost ●Can technology boost the quality of school education? (from staff survey) 2012-13, continued

12 Technology Discussion ●Small group discussion o Why are you using technology? o How does this technology enhance teaching? o How does it enhance student’s learning? o Will technology steer class so it’s still student- centered? o Does it help students achieve learning goals/outcomes? 2012-13, continued

13 o What responsibility goes with more technology? o Is there innovative thinking behind a school’s adoption of technology in the classroom? o We shouldn’t ask what devices are available, but how devices are being used to enhance learning. 2012-13, continued

14 ●The Journey to Differentiation of Instruction using MAPs (ESU presentation) o Assignment: fill out lesson plan on data to instruction framework identifying student groups, skills from selected learning statements, student activities/instructional strategies, assessment 2012-13, continued

15 ●NeSA & MAPs results presented to staff ●Committee work & assignment based on results of concept maps/self-assessment & comments from 2012-13 (found on Action Plan document) o identify a goal o construct measurable objectives o identify strategies o defining activities 20122013 2014 20152016

16 ●Technology o Chromebooks deployed to secondary staff in August o Google apps instruction o Chromebooks deployed to seniors in November 2013-14, continued

17 ●AdvancED committees (Purpose & Direction & Using Results for Continuous Improvement report out to staff; Governance & Leadership address professional growth policy; Teaching & Assessment address mentor program in place; Resources & Support System report out on added technology 2013-14, continued

18 ●Staff discussion o school calendar o crisis team update o drug policy o alternative school ●Staff, Students, Parent Climate survey - NEW 2013-14, continued

19 ●Differentiated Instruction & Assessment presentation ●Preparing Our Students to be College & Career Ready presentation ●Teachers share out how they use differentiated instruction on following inservice day 2013-14, continued

20 ●Technology o SOC training for new website 2013-14, continued

21 ●NeSA Results presented to staff ●Reading & Engagement Strategies Reviewed ● TODAY : Self Assessment review & Progress Notes on Action Plan 201220132014 2015 2016

22 ASSIGNMENT: (1) Read Self Assessment responses for indicators regarding your standard in pairs. Then read ALL reflections at end of each standard (all 5 standards) BREAK 2014-15, continued


24 ASSIGNMENT: (2) Read entire action plan silently in pairs (3) Edit, sharing your corrections/deletions/additions with chair(s) (4) Discuss with entire committee the progress of YOUR INDIVIDUAL GOAL and THE LITERACY GOAL -Goal 6 - using back page for notes (5) Chair will record editing and progress notes in the table on google doc titled “Action Plan Progress Notes” (6) Turn all marked up packets in to Ms. RH 2014-15, continued

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