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Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]

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Presentation on theme: "Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Health Accreditation [Insert your name and title] [Insert LHD]

2 Objectives Understand the definition of accreditation and its importance in public health Define and understand the purpose of the Public Health Accreditation Board Discuss the return on investment for accreditation Next steps for [INSERT LHD NAME]

3 Overview of Accreditation Accreditation provides public notification that an institution, agency, or program meets standards of quality set forth by an accrediting agency Status Process The Joint Commission CFAI NCA

4 Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) Improve and protect the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of all health departments in the country.

5 2011-2012 Fee Schedule for Accreditation 2011/2012 PUBLIC HEALTH ACCREDITATION FEE SCHEDULE Health DepartmentsPopulationYear 1 FeeYear 2 FeeYear 3 FeeYear 4 FeeYear 5 Fee Category 1Less than 50,000 $ 3,180 $ 2,385 Category 250,001 to 100,000 $ 5,168 $ 3,876 Category 3100,001 to 200,000 $ 6,758 $ 5,068 Category 4200,001 to 999,999 $ 7,950 $ 5,963 Category 51 million + 2,999,999 $ 11,925 $ 8,944 Category 63 million- 4,999,999 $ 15,900 $ 11,925 Category 75,000,000 to 14,999,999 $ 19,875 $ 14,906 Category 815 million + $ 23,850 $ 17,888

6 Return on Investment Leverage for funding Streamlining federal grant application process Accountability and credibility Awareness of agency strengths and weaknesses Visibility Davis MV, Cannon MM, Stone DO, Wood BW, Reed J, Baker EL. (2011). Informing the national public health accreditation movement: lessons from North Carolinas accredited local health departments. Am J Public Health. Retrieved from:

7 Accreditation & Quality Improvement: Increasing efficiency and effectiveness 30% increase in community engagement 40% reduction in time it takes to complete a septic and well inspection 13% reduction in client wait time in Family Planning clinic 45% decrease in no-show rates in HIV clinic 49% increase in # of department policies and procedures reviewed and updated in last 3 years 100% of rabies reports completed within 3 days

8 Building the Evidence Base Accreditation and Public Health Preparedness in North Carolina The preparedness and response capabilities of communities served by accredited Local Health Departments (LHDs) exceed those of non-accredited LHDs. Accreditation improves the infrastructure of the health department, which has a positive impact on emergency preparedness activities. Accreditation and Public Health Preparedness in North Carolina, by John Wayne PhD, MBA, November 6, 2009 - APHA Annual Meeting

9 Accreditation in [INSERT LHD] [LIST specific examples of how your LHD has started preparing for accreditation and some next steps]

10 Local Governing Entitys Roles in Accreditation Sign a letter of support Place public health programs and services high on your priority list Support your LHD in its efforts to become or remain accredited Participate in your LHDs on-site review visit Read the on-site review report describing the results of the accreditation process Celebrate the success of your LHDs accomplishment when it receives accreditation

11 Lets Get on Board!! PHAB aims to have 60% of the U.S. population served by an accredited agency by the year 2015.

12 Additional Resources Your Local Health Officer [Insert Health Officer Contact Information] National Association for Local Boards of Health (NALBOH) Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO)

13 THANK YOU!! [Insert your contact information on this slide.]

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