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Western New York Public Health Alliance Rural Advanced Practice Center.

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2 Western New York Public Health Alliance Rural Advanced Practice Center

3 Western New York Public Health Alliance Only current APC to focus on rural preparedness. Working with the eight counties of western New York and contiguous Pennsylvania and Canadian provincial agencies, the WNYPHA APC develops tools and resources to assist emergency planners with urban to rural evacuation and cross- jurisdictional planning.

4 WNYPHA APC - Focus Evacuation/migration of populations from urban to rural areas and prediction of post-event population surge Cross border issues including legal, jurisdictional, mutual aid, constraints to collaboration, and ongoing activities Training needs of public health/emergency planners relevant to evacuation, rural issues Partnering and collaboration with new and diverse partners

5 Urban to Rural Evacuation Modeling Map-based tool to predict community population surge following potential urban disasters. Planning tool for preparedness planners, and as an educational tool to inform policy makers about the issue of population surge resulting from urban evacuation. Includes information on the number of likely evacuees, evacuee demographic information (such as presence of children, disability status, etc.), and local planning information (number of hospital beds, hotel rooms, etc.) National expansion completed, includes the 100 largest urban centers in the U.S. and all state capitals Current modeling includes surrounding counties within a 150-mile radius.

6 Urban to Rural Evacuation Modeling Scenario Specific Variables: Based on the nature of the precipitating event – how much push does it have, and how many urban citizens are likely to evacuate as a result? Current scenarios: dirty bomb, pandemic flu, industrial/chemical Demographics Variables: Based on the demographics of the urban area, who is more or less likely to evacuate? For example, people with children are more likely to evacuate; people with disabilities are less likely to evacuate, etc. Pull Variables: Based on known information about counties surrounding the urban area, which will be more or less attractive to evacuees? Features that make a county more attractive include things such as road networks into the county, number of hotel rooms attractive include things second homes, family networks, etc.

7 Urban to Rural Evacuation: Planning Guide Based on findings from expert panel convened in February 2008 Tool currently released and available in hard-copy or for download Includes recommendations for pre- event planning, event response, and post-event recovery

8 Urban to Rural Evacuation: 2008 – 2009 Objectives Enhancement of Evacuation Modeling Tool Features –Custom analysis (selection of radius, block areas) –Ability to save/print reports Usability Testing and User Feedback Refinement of Evacuee Demographic Predictions of Evacuation Modeling Tool and Data Updates –(age, household composition, special medical needs, language, disability, etc.) Production of User Guides and Promotional Materials; Stakeholder Outreach

9 Guide to Multi-jurisdictional Collaborations Based on survey assessment of issues related to international, inter-state, intra-state cooperation Focus on legal, mutual aid, cross border activities, form and function of public health systems, and communication Online version is 61 pages, Appendix with 75+ files 2008 – 2009 Objectives –Expanded content –Format revisions –Addition of hot-links and search capability –Ability to track usage

10 Regional Collaboration Regional and State Mass Fatality Workgroups –Guidelines for convening partners and facilitation of discussion-based workshop (WNY) –Survey of cemeteries to assist in surge planning –Pandemic Flu Mass Fatality Planning Guidance Document (NYSDOH) NYSDOH Plan Development Workgroup –WNYPHA APC lead for development of Empire County Health Emergency Preparedness Plan –Based on Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) Criteria –Linked to PPHR and APC tools, and NYSDOH BT Grant Deliverables and guidance documents

11 Hepatitis A POD Lessons Learned from the Erie County Hepatitis A POD event (February 2008) –Mass vaccination/prophylaxis campaign for 10,000+ –Required collaborative effort from all 8 WNY counties, NYSDOH, Erie County Medical Reserve Corps, and many other partners –Link to webcast available at: edPracticeCenter/Tools edPracticeCenter/Tools

12 Hepatitis A Follow-up POD September 2008 Mass vaccination/prophylaxis campaign designed for 5,000+ Extensive pre-planning and training Utilized Drive-Through format Evaluation –Qualitative: surveys of attendees and staff/volunteers –Guidance for AAR

13 Tools & Products for 2008- 2009 Expansion, revision, and marketing of previous products Satellite Broadcast New Products –Elected Official Toolkit –Migrant Worker Planning Guide –Hep A POD documents

14 Elected Official Toolkit Topics include: Public Health Emergency Preparedness, role of the LHD in emergency response, capacity of the LHD, and critical gaps in public health infrastructure that exist. Contents will include: templates for a letter of invitation, list of suggested invitees, agenda, sign-in sheet, complete Power Point presentation, talking points, and list of items to include in packet, and additional resources

15 Migrant Worker Planning Guide Purpose –Unknown population surge –Unique populations with cultural, language barriers, etc. Extensive literature review Development of discussion guide Convene expert panel –Emergency planners, representation from migrant communities, social service agencies Develop planning guidelines

16 Tracy Fricano Chalmers Program Manager, WNYPHA Rural APC (716) 961-6865


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