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M ORELAND R ABBIT R ESCUE P ROJECT. A GENDA History Problems and Planned Solution District/PAWS Agreement Rescue Program/Process Frequently Asked Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "M ORELAND R ABBIT R ESCUE P ROJECT. A GENDA History Problems and Planned Solution District/PAWS Agreement Rescue Program/Process Frequently Asked Questions."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GENDA History Problems and Planned Solution District/PAWS Agreement Rescue Program/Process Frequently Asked Questions How you can Help Your Questions?

3 H ISTORY OF M ORELAND R ABBITS Pet rabbits were dumped into Moreland Woods over 8 years ago. They have bred and moved out into the school campus and surrounding neighborhoods Estimates range up to 100+ rabbits and growing There continues to be some pet rabbits abandoned into the area

4 P ROBLEMS Too many rabbits. Unnatural to ecosystem Inhumane conditions for pet rabbits, since they are not adapted to live in the wild Shelter, Food, Water, Predators Expanding range: potential to damage fields, home gardens Attracting bad attention, inviting human abuse, creating safety problems for people and rabbits

5 M ORELAND S CHOOL D ISTRICT /PAWS A GREEMENT PAWS (Pet Awareness and Welfare Society) the non-profit group working with the San Jose Animal Care and Services and MSD. One Year Pilot Program Permission to be on property – Badges. Marked Traps. Trap and re-home rabbits

6 P LANNED S OLUTION Rabbit Alliance: MRCAR (Moreland Rabbit Care and Re-homing) Project. Partners: SaveABunny, The Rabbit Haven, Harvest Home, Animal Place, Team FUR, Northstar, Pet Food Express, Others Humanely capture the rabbits, by experiences rabbit volunteers operating under an agreement with the school district With continuing neighborhood support

7 R ESCUE P ROCESS Humane trapping Medical Attention including: Health and Behavioral Assessments, Flea/Mite Treatment, Spay/neuter, and other medical attention as needed Foster/Socialization Adoption Other: Animal Sanctuary

8 H OW YOU CAN H ELP Be informed/inform others Avoid direct interaction with rabbits during visits to the school. No chasing! If you have Moreland rabbits in your yard, contact us Be aware – report crime to Police (911) Donations Foster a rabbit in your home Adopt a rabbit – great companion pets

9 F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS Are the rabbits “wild”? These are domestic, pet breed rabbits. They are a completely different species than wild rabbits. They cannot even interbreed. They are not adapted to live in the wild in California. Are rabbits rodents, like a rat? No. They are lagomorphs. Think Pets (like a cat or dog), not pest. What do we do if we see people trying to harm the rabbits: Call the police, 911. Crimes against people or domestic animals is a crime. Allowing a dog to kill a domestic animal is also a crime. Who are the people out there feeding the rabbits? MRCAR has organized a feeding team to be certain that the rabbit have adequate food and water while they await rescue. We have a rabbit from Moreland in our yard - what do we do? Contact us so we can assist you. Please do not put rabbits back into the wooded area!

10 F REQUENTLY A SKED Q UESTIONS When will the rabbit be safely rescued? Now. Rescue teams are in place. Over 50 rabbits have already been rescued. Do we have to pay for this rescue? No. The rescue and care of the Moreland rabbits are being provided to the neighborhood and school at no charge. (but donations are highly appreciated) What do we do if we see a person abandon a rabbit at the Moreland woods area? Please do your part to prevent future rabbit colonies from forming at Moreland. If you observe dumping of rabbits at the park or school, please report this to the police and animal control in San Jose. Abandoning an animal is a crime. Signs are clearly posted in the fenced area. What is the WISH fund? Over $2000 that will be awarded to anyone providing information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons whose abusive actions towards the rabbits. (The shooting in particular) PETA has a an additional $1000 reward.

11 CONTACT Rescue Alliance Group Contact Information:  PAWS:  SaveABunny: -See great web coverage of this  The Rabbit Haven: Thank you for your support of our rescue efforts and for watching over your community and the rabbits.


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