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First birds’ flyInstituteCity, Country Namedistance [Km]Accelerator Yingbing9329SSRFShanghai, China Om6227 Igor6227NSLS-2Brookhaven, USA Yuke6227 Frank.

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Presentation on theme: "First birds’ flyInstituteCity, Country Namedistance [Km]Accelerator Yingbing9329SSRFShanghai, China Om6227 Igor6227NSLS-2Brookhaven, USA Yuke6227 Frank."— Presentation transcript:

1 First birds’ flyInstituteCity, Country Namedistance [Km]Accelerator Yingbing9329SSRFShanghai, China Om6227 Igor6227NSLS-2Brookhaven, USA Yuke6227 Frank 980 Gero 980PETRA-3Hamburg, Germany Igor 980 Michael 893DLSDidcot, UK Peter 718DELTADortmund, Germany Stefano 630ELETTRATrieste, Italy Andrej 620InstrumentationSolkan, Slovenia Peter 620Technologies Angel 508ALBABarcelona, Spain Nicolas 484SOLEILParis, France ____ + 35525 Km !!

2 Libera Users’ meetings (~1.5 days) : SOLEIL, Paris, July 2007 ALBA, Barcelona, April 2008 ESRF, Grenoble, June 2009 Libera Workshops (2-3 days) organized by I-Tech in Slovenia : Autumn 2006 Autumn 2007 Autumn 2008 Autumn 2009 practical sessions, presentations of products, user’ presentations, some discussions

3 The meeting's main purpose is to : exchange relevant information, experience and knowledge of mutual interest on the practical use of the Liberas for Orbit measurement and Orbit stabilization in a large accelerator complex. a BPM system serves basically 3 goals : -1- providing position data of low latency & high rate (10KHz), in a very reliable manner, to a system for global orbit stabilization purposes, thereby stabilizing the User's photon beams -2- providing detailed info on the electron beam characteristics that can be extracted from a BPM station, thereby satisfying the requirements for detailed beam dynamics studies -3- providing a reliable Interlock on excessive beam displacements

4 for probably the first time in the history of accelerators, a major component, i.e. the BPM system, in these different accelerators is now being realized by an identical system : the Libera So : the various users of this Libera system should continue to exchange their experiences and continue to think of possible improvements

5 But are our BPM systems really identical, or even similar ?? Libera Control Feedback or Orbit- Stabilizer firmware release device server fast links Electron Brilliance 1.4, 1.6 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, … Epics Tango Tina different versions C.C. F-Eth. TbT ‘gentle’ (CW) ‘nasty’ fillings protection for peak voltages

6 ALBADLSELETTRAESRF PETRA- 3 SOLEILDELTA release presently used1.82 1.46 + 1.82- FPGA1.822.031.8 1.82 + mod. FPGA1.46 the Libera Users are a ‘diverging’ community.... What about future versions... ? small questionnaire on firmware versions :

7 15:45Coffee 16:00 Discussions on specific subjects : Interfacing to control & computer system 16:25 Possible detailed beam studies with the Liberas 16:50 Issues surrounding feedback & stabilization systems 17:15 Further improvements, upgrading to new releases 17:40 Reliability & fail-proof issues 18:00End of first day of talks 19:30Dinner at 'Le Moderne' restaurant, Grenoble

8 tomorrow’s program (9-12am) of using our Storage Ring and the 224 Liberas for measuring & demonstrating certain features, beam behaviour, etc. We can : fill the machine with 2 extremely different fill patterns : e.g. pure single bunch & uniform fill (all 992 bunches filled) look at ADC, DD and SA data, at both Sum and Position values, while switching on-off our present fast feedback system while decaying, and/or ramping-up, while kicking the beam, shaking the beam, while changing Libera setting & parameters (DSC, gain, offset-tune, switching-delay, trigger-delays, time-phase, etc.) We can even intervene on the hardware if requested …. Please give your input

9 We can : Fill (filling pattern 7/8 ?) Look at SA data all BPMs : - fast feedback is ON : change gaps - fast feedback is OFF : change gaps  the effect of our feedback, also its limitation (due to limited N steerers) Look at SA data all BPMs : - then fix all Liberas to an attenuator setting - change that attenuator setting (drastically)  See the effect on position measurement (look at some good & bad ones) Do shot-by-shot filling : Look at DD data, sum & position Fill 16 bunch : - change the switching delay parameter Look at DD data : Spike amplitudes Look at SA data : position measurement variations

10 09:00 Pascal Elleaume [ESRF] Welcome 09:05Kees Scheidt [ESRF]Short introduction to the Libera Users’ meeting 09:15Gero Kube [DESY] Experience of Liberas during PETRA-3 commissioning 09:40Kees Scheidt [ESRF] Commissioning experience of full new BPM system for SR 10:05Francis Epaud [ESRF] Tango based control system for the SR Libera BPMs 10:20Further questions & discussions........ 10:45Coffee

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