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Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks Stanislav Sima CESNET

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1 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks Stanislav Sima CESNET

2 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 2 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Author participates on Global Lambda Integrated Facility (GLIF) activity, Optical networks activity of CESNET research program, Cross Border Fibre committee of GN2, Porta Optica Study project and Phosphorus project. Presented ideas do not necessarily reflect an official opinion of the GLIF, GN2, CESNET or any other institution or project.

3 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 3 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Why open lighting for Research and Education Networks? l Freedom in REN design (fibres are not sufficient) l Use full advantage of advanced products of photonic industry by programmable devices l Very cost effective, comparing to legacy approach l Availability of transmission parameters to monitoring and management (impairment detection etc.) l Fully open to improvements during network life cycle l Research, development and testing of new network principles is not limited to upper layers l High speed transmissions using multiple lambdas (for example 5x20 Gb/s)

4 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 4 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Open lighting is feasible l Photonic components are commercially available (transmitters, receivers, amplifiers, TFBGs, semiconductor switches...) l Interconnection of components and packaging into industry PC chassis and kits are simple l FPGA kits and designs are available for demanding applications l Concept was proved by deployment in CESNET2 network, devices are very reliable l Development of UNIX-based management of photonic components has good results (using experience with open software development in universities and RENs) l Possibilities of shaping the future (and further development of open lighting concept)

5 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 5 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Example of programmable photonic device CzechLight optical Amplifier Prototype, Dual Inline version (CLA DI01)

6 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 6 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Costs of open photonic bidirectional lighting on G.652 single fibre (kEUR) – Apr 07 fibre km80120160200 1 x GE11.213.7 2 x GE3.5417.723.8 4 x GE6.57.328.8 1 x 10GE7.526.627.336.3 2 x 10GE20.23743.146.7 4 x 10GE51.256.962.373.7 8 x 10GE89.9104.9 112.4

7 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 7 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Costs of open photonic bidirectional lighting on G.652 fiber pair (kEUR) – Apr 07 pair km80120160200 1 x GE0.91.11.4 4 x GE5.45.728.3 8 x GE11.513.242.1 1 x 10GE726.126.835.8 4 x 10GE38.955.761.873.8 8 x 10GE89.3104.3 111.8 16 x 10GE170.8183.3 190.8

8 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 8 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop CLAs running in CESNET2 network

9 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 9 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Planned deployment of open photonic devices: CLA, TFBG, SOS

10 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 10 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop IP traffic statistics are available on-line l All lines (actual, weeks, months) l March 2007 (last month) _month.20070300.html

11 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 11 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Legacy research networks l Past approach to research networks design and deployment: –lease SDH/SONET from telco operator –buy or lease equipment from one of dominant vendors l Main disadvantage: dependency on telco operator and equipment vendor during network life cycle, resulting mostly in slow innovation and high costs (in contradiction with research networking mission). Nevertheless, work for profit is not mistake of telco operators or equipment vendors. l This means our requirements concerning research networks design, deployment, operation and innovation should be improved

12 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 12 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop DWDM NIL 8 x 10 Gb/s over 224 km l All devices have been installed only at the end points of the line in Brno (CZ) and Wien (AT) and no in-line elements have been deployed. l Nothing In Line (NIL) approach has been used and according to our knowledge, 8 times 10 Gb/s over 224 km of dark fibre is the longest NIL distance that has been reported for any research or ISP network. l The main advantage of NIL solution is represented by lower capital and operational costs and increased reliability.

13 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 13 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Enabled by advanced photonic technology l The fibre pair from Brno to Vienna has been equipped with CLA PB02 optical amplifiers, developed as a part of optical research activities of CESNET. l Chromatic dispersion of G.652 optical fibre has been compensated by new compensating elements – Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG). l Terminal routers are equipped with Xenpak DWDM pluggable optical transceivers. l First two companies have started CLA manufacturing. First ISP has started usage of CLA.

14 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 14 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Open photonic devices used for lighting of CBF line Brno – Vienna

15 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 15 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop You should use NIL

16 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 16 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Last part but important: we prepare meetings CESNET will host 7th Annual GLIF Meeting S eptember 17 – 18, 2007 Charles University in Prague Carolinum Czech Republic

17 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 17 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Universitas Carolina, founded in 1348

18 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 18 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Invitation to 4th Customer Empowered Fibre Network Workshop September 19 – 20, 2007 Czech Technical University in Prague Masaryk College Czech Republic

19 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 19 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Czech Technical University - founded in 1707 Masaryk College

20 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 20 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop CEF Networks workshops l One of the most important opportunities to exchange ideas about Customer Empowered Fibre Networks world-wide research and development are workshops in Prague. You can see – presentations of CEF 2004 » –presentations of CEF 2005 » –presentations of CEF 2006 » l Main topics supposed for CEF Network workshop 2007 –Fibres acquired or prepared for RENs and cross-border connections –Advanced photonic devices applied for high-end networking –Contributions to Open lighting vision

21 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 21 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop See you in Prague in September 2007!

22 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 22 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Long term collaboration with Prague is important! Charles bridge built in 1348

23 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 23 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Acknowledgement l All partners from CEF Networks and GLIF community, especially Jan Gruntorád and colleagues Lada Altmannová, Miroslav Karásek, Martin Míchal, Václav Novák, Jan Radil, Karel Slavíček, and Josef Vojtěch from CESNET Above colleagues are not responsible for any my mistake. Slides for off-line reading follow...........

24 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 24 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Remember l The Internet had its origins in the world of research and universities and research networks are still the most advanced part of the Internet l Close collaboration of universities and research institutions is success factor for research networking (used mostly also for education, health care etc.) l Research networks –are an important source of Internet innovation –are largely funded from taxpayers’money –contribute to information technology innovation and deployment, and hence to economic prosperity l The research networking environment drives the development of the Internet –It develops new technologies and services –It produces university graduates who expect advanced information technology applications l Consortiums of universities and research institutions (country-wide, region- wide, project-wide, continent-wide etc.) are responsible for inception, design, management and maintenance of research networks

25 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 25 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Applied high end networking relevant research field Iterative steps from research to wide application: l research of networking (what principles and technologies fits to user needs) - by studies, experiments in lab, experiments in networking facilities (national, regional, world-wide), evaluation of testing by advanced users,... l building of high end production networks and services (for research and education) - NRENs, continent-wide (GEANT2, NLR, I2), world-wide (partial projects of US and EU now) l deployment of successful results in non-research networks (enterprise, municipality, commercial,...) - CEF Networks etc. l deployment of successful results in development of products for networking - influenced by user needs (procurement, market), design on demand, …

26 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 26 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop How to reach the high end 1. By collaboration with researchers able to use high end networks or services world-wide (high demanding, real time,....) 2. By functional improvement of networking services (software for control plane, AA, mobility, IPv6,...) - cyclic adaptation to new HW needed 3. By use fibres and full power of optronics and microelectronics devices (lighting, Tuneble FBG, semiconductor optical switching, optical processing, FEC, OEO conversion on chip, PIC, FPGA,....) - huge improvement of speed and/or other parameters 4. Go to affordable edge of high technology possibilities (reliable financial resources needed) We need all points above.

27 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 27 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Research networks vision l Research network life-cycle is from inception, design, management, maintenance and upgrades up to end of life (replacing by new research network) l Consortium is responsible for network life-cycle. Realization of above tasks can be fully or partially outsourced, if working capacity or special knowledge is missing in consortium (and funding is sufficient). l Consortium should maintain own ability to immediately use networking research results, results of fibre footprint development and new types of electronic and photonic products. l Important requests are: –Fibres (including last mile) dedicated to research network are crucial –Freedom of improvement and independency on vendors (mixed vendor approach) –Ability to quick return and correct design (including re-tendering etc.) –Interoperability of devices and Multisourcing (MSA) –Pre-procurrement with fibre providers and electronic and photonic industry (including collaboration on proposals of standards) l Customer Empowered Network (CEF) concept aims to support this vision

28 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 28 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Steps to vision l Acquiring first dark fibre (324 km) for CESNET in 2000, STM-16 transmission l Using new advanced photonic products for 189 km STM-16 transmission without any in-line devices since 2002 (i.e. mixed vendor network design) l Bratislava (SK) – Brno (CZ) GE since 2003, now DWDM NIL over 190km l Cieszyn (PL) – Ostrava (CZ) GE since 2004, now DWDM n x 10 Gb/s l Brno (CZ) – Wien (AT) since 2006, DWDM NIL 8 x 10 Gb/s over 224 km l Nothing-in-line (NIL) approach, where possible and practicable l Upgrade of dark fibre lease service to lit fibre lease service is prepared for 4 dark fibre lines of CESNET network now (experiment with partial outsourcing) –no return to SDH or lambda lease for research networks –fibre provider will deliver more service (for example lease, installation and maintenance of DWDM lighting devices designed and managed by research network l For offer of full outsourcing see new announcements: –Offerings include but are not limited to: network architecture and design, installation, staging and implementation services, order management and asset tracking, and 24 x 7 x 365 operations support.

29 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 29 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop CzechLight Amplifier (CLA) open photonics devices l An optical kit composed from commercially available elements l Cost effectivity & reliability l Possibilities of future development l Customer based OFA modules – EDFA for 1550 nm, PDFA for 1310 nm (10 GE line cards for PC ), Raman modules l High power boosters, low-noise preamps, in-line amps… l Up to 4 EDFAs (customer based) in one case l Only 1U height rack case l Dual PSUs (100-230VAC, 48VDC, …) l All important optical parameters are settable and under monitoring (control modes, gains, output powers, alarms,…) l Remote monitoring of all other important operational parameters (DC voltages, fan speeds, temperature) l Many OOB management interfaces available - (Ethernet, USB, GSM/GPRS/UMTS, Wi-Fi, BlueTooth,…) l Open system based on Linux = programmability, possibilities of improvement, easy extendibility

30 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 30 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop CzechLight amplifiers structure

31 Open Photonic Devices in CEF Networks 31 The Quilt's 2007 Spring Member Meeting and Workshop Collected objections and answers about photonics O: Task of NRENs is not to develop High end networking technology instead of vendors. A: Vendors are directed by standards, procurements and market. NRENs need to acquire and verify knowledge used for RFI and procurement (requests of new technology, influencing vendors). This is research and practical verification of principles and guaranty of independence on vendors rather then development of equipment. O: Low cost technology is not interesting for high end networking. A: Not in general. High end networking should be affordable. Advanced technology means improvement of some parameters, for example speed, costs, reliability, dimensions, power consumptions, etc. So it depends on the case. O: Low cost technology is not interesting for rich countries. A: In principle, the opposite is true: rich countries are rich, because do not waste resources so much. Low cost technology is not interesting only for some companies and some managers temporarily. O: High-end networking technology is not affordable for developing countries A: Not in general. Some advanced technology brings cost effectiveness (remember microelectronics story) O: We are not allowed to use of our funding and capacities for charitable support of high end networking technology deployment in less developed countries (with explicit exceptions). A: Deployment of high end networking technology is in some cases simpler in countries, where new networks are built. In such cases it is research collaboration on pilot deployments, not support.

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