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Part VIII:Medical Exposures in Radiotherapy
IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course on Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources Part VIII:Medical Exposures in Radiotherapy Module 4 – Quality Assurance Lecture 9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Objective To understand the international measurements system To learn the IAEA calibration protocol To appreciate the IAEA / WHO calibration network – Traceability to Standard To familiarise with the method of calibration of a 60Co teletherapy unit. To understand the calibration procedures for Brachytherapy sources Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
The Problem.. Radiation is used to treat cancer. But how do hospitals ensure that this beam of radiation exactly gives the right treatment dose? The lecturer may use this slide to start the lecture with a question. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration of Telecobalt unit
The output measurement i.e.the dose rate at the SSD or SAD for a reference field size (10 x 10 Cm2). To be carried out by a qualified person Necessary to follow a protocol – to attain with other radiotherapy centres Several protocols are available for dose measurement with Teletherapy units. IAEA protocol is followed by many conutries Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Traceability of Calibration factor
Measurement Traceability refers to the chain of calibrations between an instrument used to make a reading in terms of some physical unit and the basic realization of that unit. On a national scale, the physical realization of a unit is known as a national measurement standard One of the major requirements of absorbed dose measurement is that the dosimeter should have been calibrated and the factor should be traceable Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Tractability of calibration to Primary standard
Primary standard laboratories (PSDL) - 15 affiliated PSDLs Secondary standard laboratories (SSDL) - 62 SSDLs The traceablility of calibration factor could be explained with the above slide Hospital Reference dosimeter - SSD meter calibrated against the SSDL standard (End user) Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
The international Traceability of measurement calibration
PSDL BIPM PSDL SSDL IAEA SSDL The above is taken from the Technical Report series 398 on ‘Absorbed dose determination in External Beam Therapy’ published by IAEA. The international measurement system (IMS) for radiation metrology, where the Traceability of user reference instruments to primary standards is achieved either by direct calibration in a Primary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (PSDL) or m ore commonly in a Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) with direct link to the BIPM a PSDL or to the IAEA/WHO network of SSDLs. Most SSDLs from countries not members of the Metre Convention achieve the traceablity of their standards through the IE|AEA. The dashed lines indicate inter-comparisons of primary and secondary standards. SSDLs USERS USERS USERS USERS USERS Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Aim: The dose at reference conditions should be the same all over the world 1Gy This picture could be used to explain the need for calibration which aims to achieve same dose measurement over all parts of the world. Ref. T.Korn Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What is a primary standard?
An instrument of the highest metrological quality that permits determination of the unit of a quantity from its definition, the accuracy of which has been verified by comparison with the comparable standards of other institution at the same level Ref: IAEA Technical Report series 398 page 16 Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What are other classifications of calibration instruments?
Reference instrument: An instrument of the highest metrological quality available at a given location, from which measurements at that location are derived Field Instrument : A measuring instrument used for routine measurements whose calibration is related to the reference instrument Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What are the standard dosimetry laboratories?
Primary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (PSDL) A national standardizing laboratory designated by the government for the purpose of developing, maintaining and improving primary standards in radiation dosimetry Secondary Standard Dosimetry laboratory (SSDL) A dosimetry laboratory designated by the competent authorities to provide calibration services, and which is equipped with at least one secondary standard that has been calibrated against a primary standard The lecturer may use this slide to explain the Primary standard and the secondary standard laboratories Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
When is the right time for calibration?
Before the first medical use of the unit; Following replacement of the source or following reinstallation of the teletherapy unit in a new location; This is an important point. The lecturer may impress the need for calibration immediately after the source change and reinstallation etc. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
When is the right time for calibration?
Following any repair of the teletherapy unit that includes removal of the source or major repair of the components associated with the source exposure assembly; and At regular intervals as per the policy of the department (not exceeding 6 months preferable to have monthly) It must be mentioned that following any repair related to the source or source head, the unit should be calibrated Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Tools required for absorbed dose measurement
Ion chamber with electrometer calibrated for Cobalt beam 0.6cc Capintec ion chamber Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Tools for calibration Calibrated electrometer Electrometer may be calibrated separately or with the ion chamber The lecturer may explain the necessary tools for calibration. The important thing is the dosimeter with an ion chamber. The calibration of both the ion chamber and the electrometer should be traceable to primary standard Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Tools for calibration Water phantom - Perspex water tank with facility to place ion chamber at the reference depth Water proof sleeve for ion chamber Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What Phantoms to use? Water only Annual calibration (reference dosimetry) Plastic (unit density or with density correction applied to depth) monthly compare with water at annual calibration Plastic phantom with parallel plate chamber Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Why water as a phantom? Phantom should be of a material that will absorb and scatter photons in the same way as tissue. Water and wet tissue absorb photons in almost the same way and hence water is used as phantom material Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
How to protect chamber from damping?
Ionization chambers show troublesome leakage effects when damp Chamber protection is necessary 1mm thick acrylic protection sleeve to be used or use water proof chambers Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration set-up source Collimator Water level Beam central axis Reference depth Zref The lecturer may explain the calibration set-up with this slide. The refernce depth should be 5 or 10cm for cobalt 60 Water Tank Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
SSD and SAD set-up for calibration
SAD/SCD The claibraion could be done either with SSD set-up or with SAD set-up Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration with lateral beam
Cobalt unit Ion chamber at 5g/Cm2 depth IAEA web site Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What are other classifications of calibration instruments
Secondary standard : An instrument calibrated by comparison with a primary standard National Standard :A standard recognized by an official national decision as the basis for fixing the value in a country of all other standards of the given quantity Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Reference Conditions for determination of absorbed dose for 60Co
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Reference Conditions for determination of absorbed dose for 60Co
The above are taken from the IAEA Technical report series 398 on absorbed dose calibration of extern beam radiotherapy units *SCD - Source to Chamber distance (SAD set-up) Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Cylindrical ion chamber (Thimble type)
Picture of cylindrical ion chamber Buildup caps The type of chambers to be used for calibration. Usually a farmer type with 0.6 cc is used. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
137Cs check source The dosimeter stability and reproducibility should be checked periodically and before calibration. For this purpose a Sr-90 or Cs 137 check source is provided. The idea of using these isotopes for checking is their long half life and hence the output is uniform over a small period. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Reference chamber calibration
Reference chamber should have been calibrated at a standard calibration laboratory The calibration should be for a reference beam quality (in this case Cobalt 60) The calibration lab should have calibration traceable to international standard Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
How to determine the absorbed dose to water?
The basic equation for dose to water for beam quality Q Dw,Q = MQND,w’ KQ Where MQ is the Corrected meter reading ND,w’ is the calibration factor for reference beam quality (60Co beam) kQ is the chamber specific factor which corrects for the difference between reference beam quality and the actual beam quality (hence for 60Co KQ is 1) Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What are the corrections to be applied to the meter reading M?
The Meter Reading M needs to be corrected for Pressure, temperature & Humidity Electrometer Calibration kelec Polarity correction kpol Recombination correction ks Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Why should the pressure & temperature correction be applied?
Most ion chambers are open to the ambient air, the mass of air in the cavity volume is subject to atmospheric variations. The correction factor to convert the cavity air mass to the reference condition should be applied The lecturer may emphasise the need to measure the pressure accurately. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
How to correct for Pressure & Temperature?
kTP = (273.2+T) Po / (273.2+To)P Where T & P are the Temperature & Pressure during measurement To & Po are the Temperature & Pressure at reference condition (usually 101.3kPa and 20oC) Remember the correction factor due to pressure could be as high 15% at high altitudes Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What is electrometer calibration?
If the electrometer and the ion chamber are calibrated separately a correction factor kelec for the electro meter should be applied It is a practice in some calibration centres to provide factors for ion chamber and the electrometer separately. In such cases, both the factors should be used in absorbed dose determination Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What is Polarity effect on meter reading?
The effect on a chamber reading of using polarizing potentials of opposite polarity must always be corrected for kpol = |M+| + |M-| Where M+ & M- are the meter reading with +ve & -ve polarities and M is the meter reading with polarity used routinely 2M + & -ve bias voltage Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What is Ion recombination correction?
The incomplete collection of charge in an ionization chamber cavity owing the recombination of ions requires the use of a correction factor ks ks = (V1/V2)2 - 1 (V1/V2)2 – (M1/M2) V1 & V2 are the lower and higher bias voltages, M1&M2 are the reading taken with these voltages Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
And finally the absorbed dose is
Dw,Q = MQND,w’ kQ Where MQ= M kp,T kpol,kelec ks Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Have you corrected for timer error?
It is also referred to as shutter error Timer error = MAtA –MBtB/ (nMA-MB) Where MA is the reading in a time tA MB is the reading in ‘n’ short exposures of time tB Ml = MA /(tA+) IT is important to measure the timer error particularly in the case of cobalt units. There is a time lag for the source to come ON and this could affect the output measured. Hence a correction should be applied for the timer error Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration of High energy X ray beams
Points to remember First the energy index Q(TPR20,10) will have to be determined kQ has to be obtained from the table for the energy index Measurement depth for Q>.7 is 10 g/cm2 Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What is the purpose of IAEA & WHO network?
Facilitate uniformity of radiation dosimetry measurements around the world Maintain the consistency and accuracy of therapeutic doses by exercising a national and international inter-comparison programme as well as providing calibration services to the end users, mainly radiotherapy departments in hospitals. The IAEA/WHO has a postal dose inter-comaprison programme. The lecturer may explain the need and the usefulness of such a programme. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
IAEA / WHO inter-comparison programme
Postal dose inter-comparison with TLD TLD capsules sent to different centers Exposed to 2Gy The stand and the TLD capsules used for postal dose inter-comparison. Usually IAEA/WHO sends 4 TLD capsules and a stand. The Stand is placed in water phantom and the TLD is inserted in the stand as shown. This ensures a depth of 5cm if the water level is up to the top of the stand. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
WHO/IAEA photon Dose Quality Audit
TLD capsules The slide shows the TLD capsules distributed by the IAEA and the holder which allows to place the TLD capsules at 5cm depth in a water phantom. The most simple water phantom is shown in the right lower corner. Level 1 Dose Quality Audit: Dose in Reference Conditions FS 10x10, d5cm Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration of brachytherapy sources
Gamma and sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
BSS appendix II.19 Calibration: “Registrants and licensees shall ensure that: (c) sealed sources used for brachytherapy be calibrated in terms of activity, reference air kerma rate in air or absorbed dose rate in a specified medium, at a specified distance, for a specified reference date; ... (e) the calibrations be carried out at the time of commissioning a unit, after any maintenance procedure that may have an effect on the dosimetry and at intervals approved by the Regulatory Authority. “ The sealed sources received by the hospital should always be checked for activity and the BSS requirement for calibration is given above Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Specifications of activity
The recommended quantity for the specification of the gamma sources is the reference air kerma rate to air, in air, at a reference distance of one meter corrected for attenuation and scatter Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Specification for sources
Recommended quantity for specification of beta ray sources in the reference absorbed dose rate in water at a reference distance from the source Reference distance varies with type of source Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration at SSDL & Hospital level
Traceability in calibrations at SSDLs Detector: Well type chamber calibrated against the PSDL or at an ADCL or the IAEA dosimetry laboratory The above is a Kethly electrometer with a well chamber for calibration of HDR sources and iodine seeds used in brachytherapy Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration at the hospital level
Recommended that photon and intravascular brachytherapy sources be calibrated with an appropriately calibrated well type chamber Intravascular applicator Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
What are the maintenance standards for photon sources and intravasuclar sources Well type chambers should be calibrated regularly (at recommended interval) Calibration at 137Cs reference The calibration point of well type chamber is the point at which the centre of source is positioned during calibration This point may vary depending on source strength In the above picture a Capintec isotope calibrator with a well type chamber is shown. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Isotope calibrator A means of verifying the source strength of radioactive sources. This could be a set-up for the direct determination of air-KERMA in HDR sources or just a well counter for radioactive wire, seeds or needles. They require a calibration factor that can be traced to a national standard facility. It should also be noted that different calibration factors may be required for different sources. Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Calibration of HDR Source
To be calibrated every time a source is changed in the unit The set up for HDR source calibration is shown above Electromenter Well type chamber Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Summary All dose measuring instruments should be calibrated with their calibration traceable to the primary standard IAEA protocol Tech Report Series 398 provides method of determining absorbed dose in External Beam Radiotherapy All Radiotherapy centers should have a field instrument with its calibration traceable to primary standard Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Summary For reference dosimetry water is the only phantom to be used with cylindrical ion chamber (or Parallel Plate) chamber at 5cm (or 10 cm) for cobalt beam IAEA /WHO network provides uniformity of dose over different centers in the world Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Questions What is primary standard? What is a secondary standard lab? What is a secondary standard dosimeter? What is the aim of IAEA/WHO postal dose inter-comparison ? State the correction factors used in absorbed dose determination in cobalt beam Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
Where to find more information?
Absorbed dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy Technical Reports Series No 398 IAEA publication Technical Reports Series No 277 IAEA publication Basic Safety Standards Safety series No 115 IAEA publication Design and implementation of a radiotherapy programme: clinical, medical physics, radiation protection and safety aspects - IAEA Tec Doc 1040 Part III.4.9 : Calibration of Teletherapy units & sources
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