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MAPP as a Tool for Social Justice Erica Salem, MPH Chicago Department of Public Health.

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Presentation on theme: "MAPP as a Tool for Social Justice Erica Salem, MPH Chicago Department of Public Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAPP as a Tool for Social Justice Erica Salem, MPH Chicago Department of Public Health

2 Outline Overview of MAPP Implementation in Chicago communities Changes to public health practice in Chicago

3 Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships Community wide strategic planning tool for improving public health Means for communities to prioritize public health issues, identify resources for addressing them, and take action

4 Why MAPP? Moves public health from program planning to strategic planning Moves strategic planning from a single organization to a community

5 MAPP Overview

6 Phases of MAPP 1.Organize for Success/Partnership Developmt. - Identify participants - Readiness assessment 2.Vision Development -Community at its best

7 Phases of MAPP 3.Four Assessments -Community Health Status -Community Themes and Strengths -Forces of Change -Local Public Health System

8 Phases of MAPP 4.Identify Strategic Issues -predominant, cross-cutting findings 5.Formulate Goals & Strategies 6.Action Cycle -plan, implement, evaluate

9 MAPP and Social Justice?

10 MAPP is a tool for system change!

11 MAPP considers community opportunities not just deficits. It changes the way we look at people. It changes who does the looking.

12 How were trained to see people YES NO -Inadequate housing__ __ -Limited job skills __ __ -Lacks job seeking skills __ __ -Poor work history __ __ -Fired from jobs or quit __ __ -No recent work history __ __ -Lack high school diploma/GED__ __ -Lack training for career goal __ __ -Age__ __ -Unrealistic goals__ __ -Single parent __ __

13 How MAPP Looks at People MAPP engages communities as active partners or co-producers of good health.


15 Chicago Center for Community Partnerships Organizational division of CDPH Support coalitions in development and implementation of community health improvement plans.


17 Key elements of approach Community led process within structured framework (MAPP) Community-driven data collection Technical assistance provided by LPHA Identification of appropriate citywide/community roles

18 Role of Community Coalition Coordinator -From the community -Collaboration engineer -Does day-to-day work of coalition Coalition members -Data collection and analysis -Develop content of plan -Drive implementation

19 Role of Health Department Technical planning support Centralized administration Opportunities for –Training –Fundraising

20 How is Power Distributed? Power difference between people who help and people who are helped.

21 The Old Health Department Review existing data -Leading causes of death, CVD - Hospital discharge data -Focus groups Develop interventions



24 The Health Department Today Department provide training & stipends to community residents Community conducts block-by-block assessments Community develops interventions Department support community interventions


26 Community-driven Intervention Chamber of Commerce leads subgroup Donation of produce to smaller stores to create market Monthly tastings at larger grocery stores

27 Does it Make a Difference? Old Results Possible ü in knowledge Behavior change unlikely given community barriers Community Results ü access to produce ü sales of - Cucumbers +38% - Cactus +44% - Kiwi+71% ü produce consumption

28 What the Health Department Gives Up Control Unilateral Decision-making Money

29 What the Health Department Gains More and better information about Chicago communities Partners in community health improvement Constituency for public health

30 What Communities Gain Greater capacity to understand and address public health and related needs Greater credibility with decision makers Influence on the allocation of public health resources Improved health

31 Beyond MAPP Integrate principles into operations Maximize new opportunities

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