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THIS IS…. Background on VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are “organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal.

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Presentation on theme: "THIS IS…. Background on VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are “organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal."— Presentation transcript:



3 Background on VOCs Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are “organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure and easily form vapors at normal temperature and pressure” VOCs can be carcinogenic, toxic, and flammable They can originate from clothing, building materials, cars, trees (

4 Household VOCs Formaldehyde – Can be found in adhesives for carpets, facial tissues and other hygienic products, and insulation – Carcinogenic Benzene – Can be found in tobacco smoke, fuel, paint supplies, and car exhaust – Carcinogenic Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) – Found in spray paints, adhesive removers, and some aerosols – Converted into carbon monoxide in the body

5 Our Solution A fan to detect the levels of VOC’s in common living space Fans circulate air around the rooms where we spend our time – Our fan will alert you to what is actually in the air you are circulating – Color changing led's alert the consumer to changing levels of VOC’s – High levels of VOC’s are signaled by an auditory cough

6 Prototype Design Synkera 707 VOC sensor is added into bottom vent of the fan – VOC’s are heavier than air LEDs along the back edge of the fan glow in color in accordance to VOC concentration – Range of color is from blue (no VOCs detected) through green, yellow, orange, and red (high concentration of VOCs)

7 Prototype Design cont’d The fan will make an audible “cough” when the red LED indicates a high concentration of VOCs The VOC sensor, LEDs, and speaker for the “cough” will be powered by rechargeable batteries Batteries are charged by docking them on a solar cell charger Codename: “FANtastic”

8 Air enters through fans Air exits through vent Synkera 707 VOC Sensor in air column LEDs on back panel Speaker for “cough” Rechargeable batteries from solar cell charger

9 Materials Used and Cost Material UsedEstimated Cost LASKO 40 Inch Fan$60.00 Synkera 707 VOC Sensor$50.00 Assorted LEDs$20.00 Solar Cell Charger and Rechargeable Batteries$100.00 Color Controller for LEDs$170.00 Recordable Hallmark Card (for “cough”)$5.00 Misc. Expenses$100.00 ESTIMATED TOTAL COST:$505.00


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