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Charts and Graphs in Excel SCLS BrainSnack April 25, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Charts and Graphs in Excel SCLS BrainSnack April 25, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charts and Graphs in Excel SCLS BrainSnack April 25, 2008

2 Why Statistics? Statistics are powerful tools to: –Report to your board –Support budget requests –Assist with building/space planning –Document library’s importance in community –Review staffing patterns –Compare yourself to other libraries ( –Other?

3 Info Desk—Daily Statistics—Week of Sept. 14-20 Day: _____________ Date: _____________ Type of Ques.9am-11am11am-1pm1pm-3pm3pm-6pm6pm-9pm Reference Directional Online Catalog Equipment Assistance Instruction


5 Some Type of Charts & Graphs Column Bar Line Pie

6 Column and Bar Present data about 2 variables Rank size or importance of something over time A single data element over time Examples: –Circulation and year –Program attendance and year


8 Line Series of points, connected by a line Best suited for showing trends in multiple data elements over time Example: –Circulation by type of media over time


10 Pie Shows percentage values of one group of data as slices of pie. Examples: –Circulation to different types of patrons –Sources of funding



13 What chart when? There are many other types of charts! For more info see: –Wikipedia article ( article –“Chart types” (from IBM) ( types –Strategic Planning for Results

14 Good Example of a Bad Chart Source:

15 Let’s Create a Chart Create a spreadsheet (or open an existing one) Formatting is key! –Especially with dates Be flexible

16 Step by Step Select numbers and labels Click on Insert and choose Chart

17 Step by Step Chart Wizard will guide you through the process Make sure Standard Types tab is selected Click the type of chart or graph – feel free to explore the various types To see a sample of your chart, click on the “Press and Hold to View Sample” button

18 Step by Step

19 Once you’ve chosen a type of chart, click on Next Data Range should appear with your data source in the box Make sure the button in front of columns is marked – if needed for your chart Click on Next

20 Step by Step

21 Create a title for your chart and explore other chart options –Axes: change the appearance of the X and Y axis –Gridlines: increase or decrease the appearance of gridlines –Legend: choose the location or remove the legend –Data Labels: add more labels –Data table: adds the data for the chart

22 Step by Step

23 Click on Next Select “As New Sheet” for your chart Give your chart a name Click on Finish Your graph or chart will appear on a separate worksheet within your spreadsheet

24 Step by Step



27 Want to know more? Ed2Go Courses – WebJunction Courses – Excel Help – right in the program Books on Excel –Some available through NetLibrary Microsoft Online Help –

28 Questions? Jean Anderson Cheryl Becker Thank you!

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