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Bell Ringer – 10/6/14 *Pick up a map and atlas Think about this question! 1. Explain how religion can be used to help strengthen people and an empire?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer – 10/6/14 *Pick up a map and atlas Think about this question! 1. Explain how religion can be used to help strengthen people and an empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer – 10/6/14 *Pick up a map and atlas Think about this question! 1. Explain how religion can be used to help strengthen people and an empire? Class discussion in 2 minutes.

2 Bell Ringer – 10/20/14 Step 1: Refer to your notes on the Rise of Islam. Step 2: Answer the following questions using your notes. Q 1: What was the major disagreement in Islam after Muhammed’s death that lead to the split in the religion? Q 2: What are the 2 sects of Islam? Q 3: What is a caliph?

3 Islamic Cultural Diffusion and Islamic Empires What Led to the Spread of Islam?

4 Islamic Empires Vocabulary 1.Muhammed 2.Muslim 3.5 Pillars 4.Koran 5.Caliph 6.Sunni 7.Shi’ite 8.Osman Bey 9.Anatolia 10. Ottoman Empire 11. Istanbul 12. Hagia Sophia 13. Sultan 14. Suleiman 15. Social Classes 16. Golden Age Accomplishments 17. Safavid Empire 18. Mughal Empire



7 h?v=OnDBTskOZik The Spread of Islam. Prod. Fabian-Baber. Fabian-Baber, 2006. Discovery Education. Web. 25 March 2012

8 The RISE OF ISLAM  Muhammad unified the Arabic people both politically and through the religion of Islam  4 Reasons Islam Spread: 1.The Will of Allah – united Muslims 2.Divide and Conquer – Byzantine and Persian Empires were weakened from fighting one another 3.Fair Treatment – Muslim Rulers conquered fairly, non-Muslims paid a special tax but could practice freely 4.The Mighty Sword – Arabs were strong fighters


10 Why choose Islam? 1.Orthodox Christianity became identified with the Greek culture which was foreign to the life of Arabs 2.Zoroastrianism was associated with Persian culture 3.The Byzantine and Persian empires were considered oppressive and cruel 4.Allowed Arabs to have equal status despite wealth

11 Death of Muhammed in 623 Created confusion because he had no successor Discussions led to his father-in-law Abu Bakr becoming the first Caliph – “deputy” Caliphs – heads of state, chief judge, religious leader, and military commander Next 3 Caliphs: Umar, Uthman, and Ali All were close friends of Muhammed

12 Split within Islam 2 sects developed after Muhammed’s death SunnisShi’ites 90%10% Believed caliph(leader) should be chosen by Muslim leaders Believed caliph(leader) had to be a relative of Muhammed




16 Characteristics of Islamic society Strong commitment to monotheistic faith, Five Pillars Development of overland and maritime trade and communication routes Facilitated the spread of new crops, trade goods and ideas Adopted various cultural traditions of Persians, Indians, Christians, Judaism, and Greeks

17 Ottoman Empire Origins Name came from “Osman Bey”, a Turkish leader of a western Anatolian nomadic group who began expansionistic moves in the 14 th century. Gradually these nomads took over Anatolia and became the border between Islam and Byzantine Christian


19 The Ottoman Empire 1453-1918 I.The Ottomans 1.Nomadic group of Turkish people. 2.Originally from central Asia. 3.Emerged as rulers of the Islamic world. II.Ottoman Empire 1.The Fall of the Byzantine Empire A.Ottomans capture Constantinople under the leadership of Mehmed II (1453) B.6- week campaign of fighting 2.Controlled trade with Europe & Asia. A.Made it difficult for Europeans to pass. 3.Conquered Egypt & North Africa. 4.United Muslims under one rule.

20 The Fall of Constantinople:1453 Constantinople's location made it the natural "middleman" center for both land and sea trade between the eastern Mediterranean and central Asia, possession of which would ensure immense wealth. "

21 The Ottoman Capital – Constantinople now renamed Istanbul

22 Hagia Sophia – Church of “Holy Wisdom” – turned into a mosque

23 The Ottoman Bureaucracy SULTAN Divans Social / Military Divans Heads of Individual Religious Millets Local Administrators & Military Landowners / Tax Collectors MuslimsJews Christians

24 Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566 I.The Rule of Suleiman 1.Muslim ruler from 1520-1566. 2.Named the “Lawgiver” in the East because he revised the entire legal system of the empire.. 3.Established & enforced strict laws. A.Based on the Koran. B.Reconstructed the Ottoman system of rule. C.Personally instituted legislative changes relating to society, education, taxation, and criminal law

25 Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566 II.Created a grand court and empire A.Built palaces, mosques, schools, libraries, roads, bridges, hospitals B.Encouraged literacy, art, science C.Encouraged conversion to Islam D.Non-Muslims had to pay a special tax E.Had Coffee houses – drank coffee and discussed political and religious issues

26 Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566 III. Suleiman’s Social Class System 1.Citizens were organized into four districts. A.Men of the pen, sword, negotiation & the fields. –men of the pen” – lawyers, judges, teachers, scientist, poets, artisans –“men of the sword” – warriors, soldiers, bodyguards (Janissaries) –“men of negotiation” – merchants, tax collectors, traders and merchants –“men of fields” – farmers, pig herders 2. Higher citizens  special privileges. 3. Educated men held the highest rank.


28 The Golden Age of the Ottomans Important advancements made in science, architecture & literature.

29 Muslim Inventions 1.Hospitals/Surgery 2.Algebra 3.Bicycle 4.Toothbrush 5.Universities 6.Glasses 7.Coffee 8.Flying Machine


31 The Islamic Empires 1500-1800

32 Three Islamic Empires dominate from southern Europe to Northern India from 1500-1800 –Ottoman Empire (Southern Europe, Middle East, North Africa) –Safavid Empire (Persia) –Mughal Empire (Northern India)

33 The Islamic Empires 1500-1800 Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals –Based on military leadership of the ruler –Devotion to Islam –Based on nomadic traditions –Power struggles within families –Indirect influence of wives and concubines

34 The Islamic Empires 1500-1800 Culture –Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal rulers made their capitals centers of culture and trade Mosques and palaces all over Istanbul, Isfahan, and Delhi Capitals were a reflection of the rulers’ tastes Rulers hired architects and engineers and incorporated elements of culture



37 Taj Mahal “the jewel of Muslim art in India” http://www.yout ?v=ppAQDPb8 DYM


39 The Islamic Empires1500-1800 Decline in the 18 th century Though these were powerful empires why did they decline? 1.Due to lack of leadership – worked well when tolerant but all rulers not tolerant and many were corrupt 2.Religious tension between Islam and Christianity 3.Cultural conservatism - saw trade very differently from Europeans 4.One reason was they spent a lot of money fighting wars - Decline in military technology 5.Resisted new developments in western technology and science 6.Spent enormous sums on monumental architecture to display power 7.Power – Superficially external visible – Real power Hidden in inner quarters

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