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Local Democracy, Social Cohesion & Security 2007-2008 Co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Europe for Citizens" 2007 – 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Democracy, Social Cohesion & Security 2007-2008 Co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Europe for Citizens" 2007 – 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Democracy, Social Cohesion & Security 2007-2008 Co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Europe for Citizens" 2007 – 2013

2 Local Democracy, Social Cohesion & Security 2007-2008 Project rationale

3 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local level: a place of action and active citizenship Initial objectives and premises 50 years of the EU: Evolution of the European Citizenship Challenges and citizen concerns in European cities Importance of local approach Local elected officials and citizens Local elected officials: A bridge between citizens and European Institutions Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments Local Democracy, Social Cohesion & Security CHANGE LANGUAGE

4 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Initial objectives and premises 50 years of the EU: Evolution of the European Citizenship Challenges and citizen concerns in European cities Local elected official and local level Solidarity; a constant goal in the European Construction To be achieved through: - free movement of persons - free movement of goods - free movement of services - free movement of capitals CHANGE LANGUAGE

5 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Initial objectives and premises 50 years of the EU: Evolution of the European Citizenship Challenges and citizen concerns in European cities Local elected official and local level CHANGE LANGUAGE Evolution of European citizens rights -Direct vote for the EU parliament -Right to vote and run for local elections -Right to benefit from diplomatic and consular protection in a third country -Right to use one’s mother tongue in the correspondence with the European institutions - Right to petition to the Parliament and to the Ombudsman - Right to make a law proposition

6 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Initial objectives and premises 50 years of the EU: Evolution of the European Citizenship Challenges and citizen concerns in European cities Local elected official and local level Challenges -Economic and social catch-up - social cohesion -Unemployment - training -Migration and minorities – intercultural dialogue -Youth – education -Drugs – prevention and health policies -Trafficking in human beings – East –West relations -Public disorder - Urban planning and development -Violence in sports – local partnerships CHANGE LANGUAGE

7 Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Solutions CHANGE LANGUAGE The role of the mayor: A bridge between citizens and European institutions There to -meet the challenges and -find solutions to inhabitants’ problems

8 Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Solutions CHANGE LANGUAGE Local tools Partnerships Safety audits Consultation, meetings, surveys

9 Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Solutions CHANGE LANGUAGE Cooperation - at local level, through national associations of local authorities such as ALAL, AOR - at international level: through pan-European associations, such as EFUS

10 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments CHANGE LANGUAGE EU instruments -managed directly by the European Commission -accessible to local authorities

11 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments CHANGE LANGUAGE EU instruments -Europe for Citizens programme -Justice, Freedom and Security Programmes -Youth in action programme -Lifelong learning programme -Public health programme -Culture Programme

12 Solutions Acquis and challenges for European citizen and cities Local elected official and local level Local tools From the local level to international cooperation EU instruments CHANGE LANGUAGE EU instruments - Examples of projects -Re-offending -DCD -Violence in stadiums

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